Monday, April 22, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: War By Affirmative Action?

Send us news tips! Sponsored by My Private Journal


 • War By Affirmative Action? Victor Davis Hanson
 • ‘Truly afraid’: Antisemitism hits boiling point at Columbia U Emily Jacobs, Haley Cohen
 • Jewish student at Yale stabbed in eye with Palestinian flag JNS
 • The Left’s Long War on Using ‘Illegal Aliens’ Katrina Trinko
 • Columbia-Barnard rabbi tells Jewish students to stay home for safety JNS
 • Black Wars of Liberation Come to America Robert Weissberg
 • Lawyer up, Republicans Don Surber
 • How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mike Johnson? Brian C. Joondeph
 • Consequences? Ilhan Omar's Daughter Faces a Few David Strom


 • Two Years And $113 Billion Later, D.C.’s ‘America Last’ Crew Has No Plan For Ending The Russia-Ukraine War Shawn Fleetwood
 • Ukraine Gets Their Billions Despite CIA Director Reportedly Warning Zelenksy To Stop Stealing So Much Money ZH
 • A Saturday Massacre in Congress Matt Taibbi [$]

Scandal Central

 • New FBI FOIA Emails Provide Evidence of Intelligence Community Covid Origin Cover Up Hardfacts
 • Major Gaslighting – SSCI Chairman Mark Warner Lies About FISA-702 Fundamentals CTH
 • She Survived a Death Camp. Facing Biden DOJ Charges, She Is Prepared to Die in Prison Mary Margaret Olohan


 • Irony much? Hillary Clinton Says Trump Wants to do as Putin Does to Opponents Karen Townsend
 • Agenda and views of this site Vlad Tepes
 • IDF releases extremely graphic footage of October 7 Hamas massacre ynet


 • Entire IRGC command wing in Syria was eliminated in strike, Bloomberg reveals JPost
 • Anti-Israel NGO behind impending US sanctions on IDF battalion JNS
 • Israeli military intelligence chief resigns over failure to prevent October 7 attack EuroNews


 • SR-71 Feral Irishman
 • Sunday Strip: Reptilian Overloads Robert W Malone
 • Sunday Smiles Hot Air


Anonymous said...

I looked at the paycheck of $4103 , I be certain that my friend woz like actually taking home money in their spare time at their laptop. . there friend had bean doing this 4 weeks less than and bought a great Bugatti Veyron .

Open this web………. ๐–๐ฐ๐ฐ.SmartApp1.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

commoncents said...

'This Is Embarrassing': Turley Says He Is In 'Utter Disbelief' Over Bragg Trial Opening Statements - Video