In the last 48 hours...
* Iran's president went on record as saying, "there is no way for salvation of mankind but rule of Islam over mankind... [and] the world is on verge of a great upheaval."

* Doctors in Scotland have been banned from eating lunch at their desk "in case it offends their Muslim colleagues."
* A would-be homicide bomber prematurely exsplatulated -- blowing himself up -- but fortunately failed to kill a bus full of tourists in Morocco.
* In Gaza, Hamas terrorists beat residents to a bloody pulp. The crime? Chanting "we want freedom."
* Hamas childrens' television taught kids how to have fun by torturing animals.

Now consider:

* The CNN/YouTube Democratic debate did not field a single question on extremism or terrorism. Not one question.
* The mainstream media completely ignored these events and blissfully obliged Democrats who can't come to grips with the growing threats to America.
Welcome to the world of Democratic "realism."
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