ABC has a
unique spin on the feud between John Edwards and Ann Coulter:
Former Sen. John Edwards on Friday fired the latest round in his ongoing verbal feud with Ann Coulter, calling her a "she-devil" at a public event before quickly adding that he shouldn't engage in name-calling...
Coulter went on ABC's "Good Morning America" and said she had learned her lesson after being blasted for suggesting in a joke before the Conservative Political Action Conference that Edwards was a "faggot." ..."If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot," Coulter said...
...That prompted Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, to call in to MSNBC's "Hardball" and challenge Coulter directly. "I want to use the opportunity … to ask her politely to stop the personal attacks," Mrs. Edwards said... The call left Coulter uncharacteristically flustered -- and was quickly turned into a fund-raising appeal by the Edwards campaign... |
ABC cleverly censored
Coulter's complete statement, which -- in the land we like to call 'reality' -- was:
Coulter, of course, was highlighting the outrageous double-standard that exists in today's "reporting." Liberal commentators like Bill Maher can -- without comment or controversy --
get away with wishing for murder.

But let conservative pundits highlight those comments with tongue-in-cheek statements? Never! The mainstream media will both censor
and spin to ensure maximum political effect!

As for Coulter being "flustered" by Elizabeth Edwards call during
read the transcript or listen to the show. Coulter was about as flustered as Patton during the Third Army's final drive into Germany.

By the way, is it name-calling to refer to Edwards as...

"silky pony"?
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