Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Larwyn’s Linx: How Fauci Fooled America

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 • How Fauci Fooled America Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya
 • Why Progressives Defend Drug Dealers Michael Shellenberger
 • White House notifies public after Biden gets on plane with COVID-infected staffer Daniel Chaitin
 • Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor Sen. Tom Cotton
 • ‘Inexcusable’: Manchin blames Biden staff for spending bill collapse Susan Ferrechio
 • It's official: Durham is investigating the Clinton Campaign. Techno Fog
 • Deadly Delays by the Food and Drug Administration John Stossel
 • Mark Levin: "Stalinist” Pelosi using Chris Wray's #Fedsurrection for political gain Donald Dosman
 • Merry Christmas: Two More Democrat Incumbents Drop Reelection Bids (Now 23 Total) CTH


 • Schweizer: Joe Manchin 'Resisted' Many Offers for 'Cronyism,' 'Corruption,' 'Self-Enrichment' Robert Kraychik
 • Climate Dogma Killed Biden's "Build Back Better" Michael Shellenberger
 • Communist Caucus chairwoman blames White House for splitting Build Back Better into two bills Emily Brooks

Scandal Central

 • It wasn’t just uncharged Ray Epps leading the Capitol #Fedsurrection. He had helpers. Andrea Widburg
 • How Did the FBI End Up in This Mess? John Green and Quentin Smith
 • Anti-Trump FB rant posted by FBI agent on Whitmer kidnapping case WOOD TV-8


 • Berenson Vs. Twitter Alex Berenson
 • Democrats Get Networks’ Softball Questions for Holidays Tim Graham
 • Candace Owens Sits Down With Former President Trump For Exclusive Interview Amanda Prestigiacomo


 • China Planning the Ultimate Genocide; Biden Responding with Empty Words Gordon G. Chang
 • Iran nuclear talks stumble along as latest meeting produces ‘agenda’ for future meetings Joel Gehrke
 • Saudi Arabian 'potential terrorist' nabbed at US-Mexico border; ties to Yemeni subjects of interest, feds say Fox

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

 • Omicron is Not Normal Eugyppius
 • Stunning data about vaccine failure from Ontario, Canada Alex Berenson
 • Antihistamines and the remarkable story of the freakishly good treatment plan in Spain that no one mentions JoNova


 • It’s Time to Stop Denying Reality About Transgender Athletes Jared Eckert
 • Quick Covid Hits Ace
 • Time to Hunker In The Bunker MOTUS


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