Monday, December 06, 2021

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight, 12.06.21: "Germany Relives Its Past"

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news

Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight


Curated by BadBlue News, straight from the High Castle.


MichiganCPA said...

Lost in all of this is the fact that a person planted two pipe bombs in front of the DNC and RNC headquarters around the block from the Capital on January 6. He is on hundreds of surveillance cameras and they no doubt have been able to track his cell phone both when he was planning this out in a dry run and during the act of planting the explosives, AND YET, the FBI and NSA have absolutely no idea who it was.

Find this guy and the curtain will be pulled away. In the meantime they go after innocent citizens with the full force of Federal law enforcement.

The Gipper Lives said...

Speaking of Pearl Harbor...

The Sun: China feared to be hiding missiles in shipping containers for Trojan Horse-style plan to launch attack ANYWHERE in world

You mean like containers that Biden has allowed to be parked off our West Coast for months?

I had thought it might be a submarine screening force, but I hadn’t considered missiles. Was Biden ordered by his Chinese owners to allow this Chinese navy to operate here?

There is evidently no Supply Chain Crisis stopping Chinese bribes from getting delivered on time.

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