Ready to choose the most outrageous political gaffes vying for Democratic supremacy? You're in luck - I've tried to combine all of the 2008 political controversies into an NCAA-like tournament... it's fun for the entire family. Can you choose the first-round winners?

16 seed: Hillary assaulted by snipers disguised as child greeters in Bosnia.
11 seed: Barack Obama backs a Taliban supporter in Kenya (his cousin, Raila Odinga).
6 seed: Hillary Clinton continues to hide her tax returns, her husband's Library donors, and her HillaryCare version 1.0 papers from public view.
8 seed: Barack Obama's directorship of the Woods Fund helped fund a variety of radical, anti-American causes.
9 seed: Democrats including Obama and Clinton decry our dependency on foreign oil while blocking safe energy alternatives here in the U.S.
13 seed: Barack Obama refuses to place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and wear a U.S. flag pin on his lapel.
4 seed: CNN plants Democratic Party operatives in a Democratic debate to shield candidates from tough questions.
3 seed: Barack Obama throws his grandmother under the bus to save his own butt from Pastor Wright.
14 seed: Hillary Clinton's major donors include illegal aliens, poverty-stricken dishwashers, and a variety of other folks who can't readily be identified.
7 seed: Barack Obama marched with Louis Farrakhan; his Pastor visited with a terrorist dictator (Gaddhafi) with Farrakhan.
10 seed: Hillary Clinton sponsors every form of amnesty and rewards (including in-state tuition) for illegal immigrants, ensuring a renewed stream of uncontrolled immigration.
5 seed: Hillary Clinton's deep involvement in what some experts have called 'the largest election law fraud in history' during her first run for the Senate.
12 seed: An official Obama Blog by the New Black Panther Party endorses Barack.
15 seed: An official Obama Blog welcomes 9/11 conspiracy theorists.
2 seed: One of Hillary's bosses during her stint at the Watergate hearings fired her, saying she was a "liar... [an] unethical, dishonest lawyer."
Enter your first-round winners in the comments!
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