The Tsunami and the Blogosphere
Out of curiousity I wanted to see what the major center-left blog voices had to say about the disaster. TALKING POINTS MEMO - Joshua Micah Marshall has spared nary even a word about the disaster... WONKETTE - could not find time to discussthe disaster nor ask her very large readership to generously donate to any of the fine organizations listed above... THE DAILY KOS - Kos himself has not mentioned the disaster. Though Armando (one of Kos' regulars) has posted twice on the subject in the last 3 days. It should also be pointed out that Kos did not ask his readers to assist - though some of the readers of the site eventually DID mention the International Red Cross and Red Crescent. Without question these are three of the most heavily read blogs and for the lack of compassion that they communicate is disgusting in and of itself. But couple that with all the claims that they make year after year about how it is ONLY the left in America that "truly" care about the poor and disadvantaged and you begin to see what a huge lie this truly is. WIZBANG, SLANTPOINT, REALCLEARPOLITICS, RADIOBLOGGER, POWERLINE, MICHELLEMALKIN, BLOGSFORBUSH, CAPTAINSQUARTERS, BROKENMASTERPIECES... (and many others) are good examples of significant center-right voices that are asking their readerships to make donations and help during this worst humanitarian disaster since Noah. The observation for me is what I have always believed to be true. When push comes to shove - it is the compassion of the right that demonstrates the flimsiness of the claims of the left. The center-right's willingness to "act" to help others stands in stark contrast by the center-left to merely "talk" about it...and thereby enrich their political powerbase.
Crosswalk: Tsunami and the Blogosphere
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