Sunday, May 30, 2021

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight, 05.30.21: "The joke's on the donors to Hamas, including we Biden-era U.S. taxpayers" Edition

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news

Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight
Top 20 Tweets Tonight


Curated by BadBlue News, straight from the High Castle.


Anonymous said...

After all these months of punitive lock downs by Dr. Jay (The Butcher) Inslee I for one am tired of buying things online. It offers no chance to make informed tactile decisions. And how does one tell if an item is a Chinese knock-off when the damn thing says: Made in China?
And lets hope Jenna Ellis is never thrown in a trunk and feels it's her lawful duty to go along for the ride. Just talk to Hillary's 60 dead friends.

commoncents said...

Memorial Day Tribute Videos

Anonymous said...

Watch an old hag have PMS.
Last train to Auschwitz has left the station.

MichiganCPA said...

#5: A couple corrections. First, a philosophy major usually goes on for a master degree and ends up wit $250,000 in debt. Second, journeyman union electricians start at $45/hour. During storms and hurricains and holidays they can make three times that amount. W2 income for a 35 year old is typically $120,000 to $140,000. His supervisor who may not have a high school diploma is over $200,000. These are union wages and the retirement funds for these electricians are fully funded, unlike teamsters, and they retire better than government works.

Anonymous said...

and you made a living counting their money.

MMinWA said...

Been to Venice Beach many times in the 90s when we'd hop over to CA on a $99 RT flight. Always had a lot of fun. What a shame to see that.

What the hell is wrong with city pols?