Eye on the World (via Pat Dollard):
While Obama was telling the German crowd (lured by the free rock concert, free beer and free bratwurst) how much America sucks and how much he is sorry for what [the] American Military has been doing, McCain delivered [a] story that will make you feel yourself a proud compatriot of... Medal of Honor winner US Army Sgt. Roy Benavidez.Watch and be amazed.
As an aside, this sort of coverage is why the U.S. Armed Forces choose to watch Fox News around the world, Barack.
As for deducing what Sen. Obama really thinks about our military?
Why did Barack Obama cancel his visit to see wounded U.S. soldiers yesterday at Landstuhl Medical Center in Ramstein, Germany?
According to the Politico and the Chicago Sun-Times, the Obama campaign is blaming the military, claiming that the Obama campaign was told the visit "would look too political."
But according to MSNBC, Obama and his Senate staff could have visited wounded troops; he simply couldn't bring along his campaign staff and the media.
The campaign's response? They withdrew the request to visit the troops. The official said "We didn't know why" the request to visit the wounded troops was withdrawn. "He (Obama) was more than welcome. We were all ready for him."
If he can't use them as props, it seems Barack Obama has little use
for the military. Come to think if it, that is roughly how they factor
into his feckless foreign policy plans as well.
Obama, to his credit, did have time to thank some of the people protecting him.

Linked by: The Anchoress. Thanks! Hat tip: Larwyn
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