The Enquirer is reporting that they "busted" John Edwards visiting his alleged lover Rielle Hunter and their young child in Los Angeles.
Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.
The married ex-senator from North Carolina - whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer -- met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 - and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn't leave until early the next morning.Rielle had driven to Los Angeles from Santa Barbara with a male friend for the rendezvous with Edwards. The former senator attended a press event Monday afternoon with L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the topic of how to combat homelessness.
But a months-long NATIONAL ENQUIRER investigation had yielded information that Rielle and Edwards, 54, had arranged to secretly meet afterward and for the ex-senator to spend some time with both his mistress and the love child who he refuses to publicly acknowledge as his own.
...Rielle had reserved rooms 246 and 252 under the name of the friend who had accompanied her from Santa Barbara, Bob McGovern. Rielle was in one room and McGovern was in another with her baby. This allowed her and Edwards to spend time alone, a source revealed... ...he stayed until attempting to sneak out of the hotel unseen at 2:40 a.m. (PST).
...Shocked to see a reporter, and without saying anything, Edwards ran up the stairs leading from the hotel basement to the lobby. But, spotting a photographer, he doubled back into the basement. As he emerged from the stairwell, reporter Butterfield questioned him about his hookup with Rielle.
Edwards did not answer and then ran into a nearby restroom. He stayed inside for about 15 minutes, refusing to answer questions from the NATIONAL ENQUIRER about what he was doing in the hotel. A group of hotel security men eventually escorted him from the men's room...
One of the original blogs on the story -- DBKP -- is on the case again.
Update: The brilliant Roger L. Simon observes:
[Rielle] was a long time hanger on in Hollywood circles before heading East to do political promo videos… and, yes, I had met her myself on a couple of occasions at parties. She was not particularly notable, of the tedious sort that bore you to death about their yoga instructor.
But now that the cat is out the bag, I will say what I wanted to say then. John Edwards–he of constructing a 28,000 square foot home while preaching about the two Americas and remonstrating about the environment–is one of the most reprehensible schmucks to appear on the American political scene in some time. And that’s saying something. That he played this game while his wife had cancer makes it contemptible beyond words. Now we know why he was always primping in the mirror. It is narcissism unbounded.
...Oh, one last thing, for those of you who say it’s The National Enquirer, how do we know it’s true? I suggest you Google the “National Enquirer and OJ Simpson.” They broke most of the important stories on that case. In general, these days they’re vastly more reliable than The New York Times.
Update II: Gawker's prediction:
Edwards admits to having made a terrible mistake in a moment of weakness last year, but assures everyone he was only visiting Hunter again because of the child, and out of a sense of duty and obligation. His name isn't mentioned in a political context for another eight years, when he launches a third-party presidential campaign with running mate Gary Hart, on the strength of their joint reality show.
For continuity's sake, the following is a reprint of the December 27, 2007 post on Edwards and Hunter.
The blog doing the most heavy lifting on the reputed John Edwards Love Child saga is Death by 1000 Papercuts. While the story has been curiously ignored by the mainstream media, DBKP has continued digging.

The story keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, as reported Edwards love interest Rielle Hunter is allegedly being housed by a retired NBA player.
Question: What former NBA player's latest charity outreach involves providing housing for unwed, pregnant women?
Hint #1: The player and various family members have each contributed the allowable limit each to the John Edwards campaign, for a total of over $15,000.
Hint #2: The unwed, pregnant woman is actually just one: Rielle Hunter, the former producer of videos for the Edwards campaign that traveled around the country last year with the presidential candidate.
DBKP received a tip that Hunter is now living in the house of a former NBA player who is also an Edwards backer.
Again, this caused us to ask questions.
Was Rielle Hunter a professional basketball fan?
What is the connection between Hunter and the NBA player/Edwards contributor?
Will this cause any curiosity in a Mainstream Media that seems determined not to exhibit any?
Okay, so I was curious. Went to OpenSecrets and did a donor lookup.

Fittingly, DBKP hammers the mainstream media for its non-coverage of the John Edwards Love Child story.
[The story] doesn't excite Bob Schieffer...
A presidential candidate's alleged mistress moving close to campaign headquarters, driving around in a BMW owned by the campaign's former Director of Operations, living in a house owned by the campaign's backer, having her bills and living expenses paid for--well, who is paying them?
Doesn't matter.
That wouldn't likely excite Bob Schieffer, either.
...Unnamed source, you say?
" appears to me that there's absolutely nothing to it"
Good thing Deep Throat had the good sense not to leak to the Enquirer.
Bob Schieffer would have passed on that one.
But DBKP's doesn't mean to be picking on Bob Schieffer. We like Bob and always enjoyed watching "Face the Nation".
Bob's is shorthand for the attitude of the Mainstream Media.
I'm firmly convinced that the blogosphere renders the MSM increasingly irrelevant by the day.
Update: DBKP calls our attention to a curious statement in the December 19th Enquirer article:
...Young placed Rielle in a rental home in the Governor’s Club, the same gated community where he lives in a multimillion-dollar home with his wife Cheri and their young children. That home is owned by an Edwards’ backer and is less than five miles from Edwards’ national campaign headquarters in Chapel Hill, N.C.
A former “Director of Operations” for Edwards’ campaign, Young’s last official position with the campaign was “North Carolina Finance Director.”
He left that job about a month ago – about the same time Rielle settled in Chapel Hill.
A source close to Young vehemently denies that he funneled campaign money to Rielle – who drives a BMW SUV registered in Young’s name.
What an odd denial! Who accused Young of funneling campaign funds to support Rielle in the first place? I wonder if any member of our crack mainstream media will bother to check into this interesting thread.
Update II: Here's something I missed from Newsweek in December of 2006 (hat tip: Luke Ford):
The [Edwards campaign] Webisodes are the brainchild of Rielle Hunter, a filmmaker who met Edwards at a New York bar where Edwards was having a business meeting. "I didn’t think it was John Edwards," Hunter recalls, "because the public persona did not mesh at all with the person who was sitting in front of me." Hunter pitched Edwards on the documentaries as a medium for bringing the "real John Edwards" to the people. Edwards still has a ways to go. In the midst of a short theme sequence that begins each Webisode, the camera lingers over the former senator’s behind as he tucks a starched white shirt into his pants [LF: 1:12 into this video]. Still, Hunter, now under contract with Edwards’s organization, says she sees the untucked John Edwards coming more and more to the fore.
The 'untucked' John Edwards?
Update III: Jezebel certainly doesn't mince words.

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