Friday, June 14, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: A Dazed and Confused Biden Lands in Italy, and It’s Scary

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Anonymous said...

RE: Rep. Andy Biggs revoking the security clearance of 51 intelligence "Experts" who spoke out on Hunter Biden's laptop, the actual language they signed on to was

"...our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."

They never said the contents were fake, or that Russia was even involved at all.

Perhaps Rep. Biggs should focus on why these "Experts" couldn't (or, wouldn't) show the same amount of organized suspicion regarding the Steele Dossier, or the Biden's involvement with China, or Hunter's sinecure with Burisma: Their failure to do so suggests they're disingenuous when they stated "American citizens should determine the outcome of elections..." (or, maybe not, as those 51 Experts are "citizens").

commoncents said...

LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47 - 6/14/24

Anonymous said...

The revocation should not be tied solely to the error in evaluating the laptop. It more appropriately should be tied to the acknowledgement that the letter was solicited and written with the express intent to influence the election.