The New York Times' Bits Blog notes that a handful of anti-Obama blogs have been locked by Blogger, Google's publishing platform.
...The bloggers in question, most of them supporters of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and all of them opposed to Senator Obama, received a notice from Google last week saying that their sites had been identified as potential “spam” blogs. “You will not be able to publish posts to your blog until we review your site and confirm that it is not a spam blog,” the Google e-mail read....Many of the bloggers were affiliated with a Web site that opposes Senator Obama. They include,, and
Do I believe it's Google? No, not directly.
When hordes of Obamorons (which is the term they prefer, I've heard) click the little "Flag Blog" button at the top of each blogspot blog, an algorithm tallies the votes. My guess is that, after the service tallies a dozen or more reports from different IP addresses, the service locks the blog.

#39. June 30th, 2008 11:50 pm
This thuggery by Obama supporters is obscene… if they will vandalize a car, push a lady down trying to stop them and terrorize her 8 year old daughter like they did in a Florida mall because she had a NObama ‘08 bumpersticker on her car… they will do this… Google needs to stop them in their tracks and protect the rights of Free Speech… oh I forgot… only Obama can decide what is Free Speech these days… HOPE NOT… he’s not getting my vote.. I am one of 18 million who was disinfranchised by the DNC and I am not going back.
— Posted by Barb W
#40. June 30th, 2008 11:50 pm
Any true Hillary supporter will not be shocked that Obamas cronies have once again tried to silence anything anti-obama. We went through that throughout the primaries. Obama is deceitful and it seems many of his supporters are just following their leader. Pathetic. This Hillary supporter will be voting McCain in November. Country before party obama.
— Posted by Always4Hil
#41. June 30th, 2008 11:54 pm
This is the same old [stuff] the Obama campaign has been up to all along. Do it but do it in a way to make it look like someone else did it, or in a way that you don’t have to take credit for it. The same old thing that was done in the caucuses where some people were not allowed to vote and were even physically threatened by Obama supporters.
Freedom of speech is more important than this candidate. If I had not already decided not to vote for him, I would make that decision now. I have joined PUMA and will continue to try to prevent this man, Obama, from getting anywhere near the White House.
— Posted by Heneri Fraysier5
Consider it the Obamabot equivalent of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine".
I'll bet you thought "progressives" believed in free speech? Ah, so naive, so fresh and young!
That whirring sound you hear: the Framers spinning in their graves.
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