Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: America Has Its First Show Trial

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 • America Has Its First Show Trial Dennis Prager
 • Does the Left Really Want a Land of Lawfare? @VDHanson
 • Matt Gaetz Questions AG Merrick Garland About Coordinated Democrat Lawfare CTH
 • Biden Takes Mexico Border Action He Said Needed Congressional Approval Mish Talk
 • Biden’s Immigration Order Has More Holes Than The Border, Experts Say DC
 • Merrick Garland Shouldn’t Be Praised. He Should Be Impeached David Harsanyi
 • Which Movie Will It Be? Kunstler
 • Democrats’ Bogus Lawfare Takedowns Rooted in Fear and Loathing John Ullyot
 • Biggs Absolutely Levels Garland, Blows Up the Excuses Not to Turn Over Hur Audio Nick Arama


 • Another City, Another Doom Loop John Sexton
 • The Apartment Construction Boom Ends, Major Economic Impact Ahead Mish Talk
 • California Electricity Rates: I See What You Did There John Sexton

Scandal Central

 • Migrant Who Shot Two NYPD Officers Entered the Country Illegally, Had Immigration Case Dismissed John Sexton
 • Democratic State AG Hits 3 Trump Allies With 2020 Election-Related Charges DC
 • Joe and Jill Biden Send a Message to Hunter's Jury Karen Townsend


 • Hot Mic Catches Sen. Joni Ernst Delivering Zinger About Biden And Cannibals DC
 • Today’s blacklisted American: Teacher sues union because it bans whites from some leadership roles Robert Zimmerman
 • Was the 'Digital Divide' a Good Thing After All? David Strom


 • Ukraine Officers Say Recruits Arrive At Front Lines Pathetically Undertrained ZH
 • SITREP 6/4/24: Global Turmoil Trends Bearish for Ukraine Simplicius
 • French military in Ukraine would be 'legitimate target' for Russia: Lavrov EuroNews


 • Research continues to find the COVID jab caused more deaths than it prevented Robert Zimmerman
 • Former OpenAI employees say whistleblower protection on AI safety is not enough Verge
 • Rumble Barred In Russia Over Platform’s Refusal Of Kremlin Censorship Federalist


 • You Might Be Living In A Banana Republic If… M.D. Kittle
 • Sky’s Angel Reese Ejected Against Liberty After Tiff With Referee DC
 • Thursday Meme Drop a Day Early Non-Original Rants


Average Joe Bro said...

The imminent Hunter conviction and slap on the wrist is for distraction purposes only. His original plea deal that was thankfully rejected was going to cover immunity from prosecution for a laundry list of crimes in exchange for a guilty plea on the gun charge and no jail time. Who else could skate on a million plus dollar tax evasion charge because it got slow rolled past the statute of limitations? As well as International money laundering and sex trafficking? Only well connected dems skate on such charges. Now with the conviction will come pleas of "Hunter has been punished enough, anything else would be unfair", and "See we here at the DOJ are fair and impartial and beyond politics".....

Anonymous said...

"Biggs absolutely levels Garland."

LMAO, another phake & ghey hearing with zero consequences. Know what? Garland went home, had a scotch and some supper only to resume his plans for going after anyone he and Biden Inc. deem a threat to "The Democracy".