Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monsters

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 • As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monsters Athena Thorne
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 • Mayorkas: ‘A Criminal Is Responsible’ for Morin Death, Not Biden Admin. Breitbart
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Scandal Central

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 • Climate Alarmism is the existential threat to humanity WUWT
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 • Willie Mays, Giants’ Electrifying ‘Say Hey Kid,’ Has Died at 93 Breitbart
 • Gavin Newsom Wants to Be an Emperor Spectator
 • It's Another Skipism Wednesday ~ AM Woodsterman


Anonymous said...

Now comes Mayorkas to deny responsibility for preventable illegal immigrant murders.
As if anyone needed yet another reason to despise the Dems, Libs, Progs, Commies and the lot.
Their ouster can't come soon enough, for the good of the citizens, institutions, nation and overall peace of mind.
Enough with their bulls**t.

Anonymous said...

People getting bent over what personas, and that's what they are for years in most cases - actors portraying the already-executed - screaming illegitimate! over individual actions by an illegitimate corporate gov't that is legally, officially and functionally bankrupt, has gone beyond comical and deeply into the range of pathetic.

How many public records attesting to the above facts are required, Alice? A post-it on the fridge?

In the coming months and years, "We tried to tell you" will be the most spoken words in the human lexicon, as you try to talk yourself down from the ledge. Either that, you're faking it while you can, and the bucks keep rolling in. If so, that's pathetic of a different sort.

commoncents said...

Released 75 yr old Israeli hostage "I don't believe in peace now" - BBC Video