Sunday, December 24, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: "Come Out To The Coast, We'll Get Together, Have A Few Laughs..."

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MMinWA said...

There was a time that the men in France(Gaul) were some of the most fearsome warriors on earth. Centuries of warfare with such notable enemies like the Romans, Carthinigans, Calodonians and Germani made them bad asses. They had to be.

If a scumbag like that freeloader opened his pie coolers spouting his bullshit to Frenchmen in the last millenium, his time on earth would over. Further France had it with Islam and Charles Martel defeated them and stopped further encroachment. It took until nearly 1000 AD to finally expel all the muslims from France.

Looks like they didn't learn and gotta get up on that horse again. And quickly.

commoncents said...

The best Christmas Movie ever - "It's A Wonderful Life" - The Ending

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