Friday, May 10, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Biden abandons Israel to appease student rioters and help Hamas win

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Anonymous said...

People are waking up to the fact that the young women of this country and the West in general are seriously ill or seriously damaged. Weak men created this disaster and the price we all pay will be staggering.

Anonymous said...

How high is the self hate George Soros feels for himself if he's willing to financially back not only Biden but the Hamas /Palestinian college protesters as well?????

Anonymous said...

That face you get when you realize that Hamas was created by Israel as a perpetual sympathy play to get at your wallet, and that the people who purchased that land also paid for manipulated Scripture and political intrigue for 150 years to set you up.

directorblue said...

Anon 1:02pm - Hey, everyone, it's another Islamic terror supporter!

Is this really Obama?

read and learn, Barack.

Anonymous said...

There are those who know what they're talking about, and then there are those who discover otherwise, and with great difficulty. Either you're awake, or the propaganda worked.