Monday, May 13, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: A Worthwhile Reminder When Anyone Talks About Trust in U.S. Government

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 • A Worthwhile Reminder When Anyone Talks About Trust in U.S. Government CTH
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Scandal Central

 • The Fall of the House of Presidential Persecutions Victor Davis Hanson
 • Controversial Wisconsin Clerk Admits To Violating Election Law, Claims She Doesn’t Understand It Federalist
 • Wisconsin Supreme Court to re-examine ruling that limited use of ballot drop boxes Zachary Halaschak


 • New York Times: Jews Being Slaughtered by Right Wing Tropes Unsafe
 • Bill Maher has a 2018 video of Stormy Daniels contradicting her trial testimony Andrea Widburg
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commoncents said...


Anonymous said...

If you believe Biden is the actual president, that Congress is in session and voting to send money here there and everywhere, and that we're merely in a bad political cycle, you'd better find yourself a "conspiracy theorist" because you're gonna need them to understand what's about to happen. The 5 most common words you'll hear for the foreseeable future are "we tried to tell you."