
The Case for Eric Holder's Impeachment: PJM
Obama versus Obama: Hanson
Update on James O'Keefe: RWN
Lawyer: Phone Scheme Meant to Embarrass Senator: BigGovt
Oklahoma Senator: Obama Best Liar Ever: BMW
Why is Sen. Kirk still voting?: BigGovt
Obama's Glass Jaw: Corner
Orating on Obama's Platitudinous SOTU Speech: Maggie
A sound bite too far: Power Line
Ryan reintroducing GOP health-care reform bill today: Hot Air
Democrats shelve health care overhaul: Times
About that deficit pResident Pinocchio “inherited”: Cold FuryCBO Baseline Shows Staggering Debt: Corner
It’s the Economy, Stupid. And Health Care. And Terrorism.: Mirror
SEIU Chief Andy Stern Throws Tantrum: Senators are "Terrorists": Spectator
Oregon's California State of Mind: GoV
Union Boss to Members: Shut the F*** Up, You Motherf***ers!: BigGovt
Economic Illiteracy and Higher Education: AT
Obama: The Perpetual Campaign Is Bad, So, Donate $15, UmKay?: RWN
Crony Capitalism: Donate to Democrat, Win $100 Million in Stimulus Cash, Box Seats to SOTU: GWP
Three important reasons Obama's demagoguery will fail: AT
Obama Voted for, or Signed Into Law, Every Blessed Penny of 2009's Spending: Ace
What we got for our trillion: 17% unemployment: Times
Climate & Energy
Climategate: NOAA and NASA Complicit in Data Manipulation: PJMDam breaks as ABC asks, "Can Climate Forecasts Still Be Trusted?": Depot
EPA should put carbon regs on hold: WashExam
How to report the news: NewsWipe (Language warning)AP: Dem on Dem Action: Surber
Newsweek Kook: Obama Should Be on Mount Rushmore For His Speech: GWP
About Last Night: Crittenden
The AP's SOTU Fact Check: RWN
A Really Mediocre President: AT
Dem Hold on Jewish Vote Slips: RWN
McCain Seen Mouthing “Blame It On Bush” During Obama’s Hyper-Partisan Attack Speech: GWP
State of the Union: Dangerous Weakness: CornerJobs in Europe and Asia to Fix U.S. Economy: DPU
Venezuela Falls Back on a Reliable Scapegoat: FrumForum
Apple iPad First Hands On: InsiderHigh speed rail that isn't: Marathon
Obama To Ill 9/11 Rescue And Clean Up Workers: Screw You: Ace
Congressional sites defaced after Obama speech: CNet
Hitler responds to the iPad: YouTube (Language Warning)
"Bacon is good for me": WifeSwapTele-Proppers: iOTW
Pelosi to Join Borg Collective: Cube (Image Credit)
"The Court's ruling upheld the First Amendment and nothing they ruled prevents Congress from going back to fix any loophole. By demagoging the issue, Obama failed to pass any relevant test for his statesmanship, presidential behavior, and alleged Constitutional scholarship. I say alleged, as we've yet to see what his grades actually were. If this is any indication, it's a wonder he passed at all." -- Dan Riehl
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