5. James Comey

The National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar Observed That Comey’s Response To A Question Was “Disingenuous.”
Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering Noted That Comey Came Across As “Very Political And Calculating.”
Comey Did Not Know If There Was A Legal Duty For The FBI To Report A Felony. “#ComeyTestimony Sen. Cornyn asks if there is a legal duty for FBI to report a felony? Comey said he hopes so but not sure... mmmm...”
Comey “Struggle[d] And Squirm[ed]” When Pressed As To Whether He Had A “Duty To Report” His Conversation With President Trump. “Comey struggles & squirms to answer Q abt whether he had a ‘duty to report’ President's ‘direction’ to cease Flynn investigation.”
Paris Denard Pointed Out Comey Had No Answer When Asked Whether An FBI Agent Has A Duty To Report A Crime If They Feel One Has Occurred. “Sen @JohnCornyn asks #Comey if an FBI agent feels a crime has been committed do they have a duty to report it? Good question! He didn’t.”
Marco Rubio drops the mic: "You know this investigation is full of leaks, did you ever wonder why, of all the things in this investigation the only thing that's never been leaked is the fact that the President was not personally under investigation?"
4. The Media
Former U.N. Spokesman, Richard Grenell, Said “Comey Just Destroyed Anonymous Sources In The New York Times And Washington Post” Which “Won’t Be Reported.”
3. The New York Times, specifically
Former White House Aide Paris Denard Summed Up The Hearing As Confirming That “@POTUS Was NOT Under Investigation, NYT Collusion Article Was False; No One Has Ever Been Charged For Hoping.” “So far #Comey confirmed @POTUS was NOT under investigation, NYT collusion article was false; no one has ever been charged for hoping.”
WDBJ7’s Logan Sherrill Said Comey’s Testimony Revealed That The New York Times Report About Collusion Between The Trump Campaign And Russian Government Was “Not True.” “Comey said the New York Times report about collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian Govt was ‘Not true’.”
2. The Russia-Collusion Scam
OANN’s Liz Wheeler: “Feinstein, Manchin, Clapper, Warner: No Evidence Of Collusion. Coates, Rodgers, Comey: Nobody Pressured Me To Stop Probe. #Comeyday."
The National Review’s Ben Shapiro: “Comey Says Trump Didn't Ask Him To Stop The Russian Investigation. There Goes The Leftist Narrative. Boom.”
The Hill’s Joe Borelli Noted That “The ‘Trump Collusion’ ‘Trump Obstruction’ Train Didn't Make The Station.” “I see a major pivot brewing from NBC because the ‘Trump collusion’ ‘Trump obstruction’ train didn’t make the station.”
1. Loretta Lynch
Bret Baier: [T]he biggest losers, Loretta Lynch. The former attorney general who clearly, according to Comey, told him to call the Clinton email investigation a ‘matter’ and not an investigation; a matter tracking with the Clinton’s campaign’s terminology at the time. That was not good. The other loser, the media. Comey says there are many, many stories pointing to anonymous sources that are just dead wrong. The New York Times was called out numerous times in this hearing."
Ronn Blitzer: "Comey Says Loretta Lynch Told Him Not to Call Clinton Email Matter an ‘Investigation’." “At one point,” Comey said, “the attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a “matter,” which confused me and concerned me.” Clinton herself came under fire for her semantics during the campaign, when she refused to use the word “investigation,” using other terms, like “security review.” Comey said that this, among other things, led him to feel that he had to “step away from the department” in order to maintain the integrity of the Clinton investigation
Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.
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