Sunday, June 26, 2022

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Interracial Relationship Edition

Curated by BadBlue News, 24 x 7 uncensored news. Follow us on Twitter @directorblue.



Curated by BadBlue News, 24 x 7 uncensored news. Follow us on Twitter @directorblue.


commoncents said...

SNL Actually Finally Honest… and Funny - Video

MMinWA said...

Boy did that lady nail the relentless goal post moving that REgressives constantly use. Like rare and safe abortion, decades ago gays were like, we just want legal civil unions so we can visit our partners in the hospital & put them in our wills to we must be able to cut your son's penis off, give hormone blockers to your daughter and have drag queens do strip teases to your 5 year olds.

A fundamental tenet of these sick fucks is the destruction of our traditions, culture and history. We will never be able to live peacefully in the same country.