Thursday, November 30, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Where They Go, Violence Follows. I Refer, Of Course, To The Militant Quakers

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Top 20 Tweets Tonight

Larwyn’s Linx: Blacklisting is no longer enough, now the goal is justifying mass murder

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Blacklisting is no longer enough, now the goal is justifying mass murder Robert Zimmerman
 • The Return of the Progressive Atrocity Susie Linfield
 • Leftist Meltdown in Oakland Over Hamas ‘Terrorist’ Label Is Sign of Things to Come Jarrett Stepman
 • Judge Rules Contents of Seth Rich Laptop Must Be Released… CTH
 • The Torture Stories are Starting to Trickle Out and It's Gut-Wrenching Karen Townsend
 • Compiling a Hit List? Special Counsel Wants List of All Donald Trump Twitter Followers CTH
 • Bipartisan Group Urges Speaker Johnson Not to Add FISA Into Defense Bill Breitbart
 • The Malley Effect: Top CIA official shared pro-Hamas posts weeks after 10/7 Slaughter Post
 • ‘Hidden Tax’: Biden Clocks In Biggest Regulatory Burden In Recent Memory–Report Will Kessler


 • UAE officially stops using dollar for oil trades Jai Hamid
 • General Motors Pulls Funding from Floundering Electric Vehicle Efforts in $10 Billion Bid to Appease Investors TFP
 • Elizabeth Warren Now Coming for Your Sandwiches: 'Today's Left Is Out of Control' TFP

Scandal Central

 • Time to Return to Merit in The US Military: Tear out all Marxist DEI/CRT ideology by the roots Stuart J. Cvrk
 • Virginia Election Official ‘Altered Election Results’ in 2020 Matt Margolis
 • Feast Your Eyes On All This Election Fraud! Emerald


 • Elon Musk Tells Boycott Advertisers to “Go F**K Themselves” CTH
 • Pallywood’s Latest Blockbuster Richard Landes
 • How COVID-19 Hysteria Led Lisa Boothe to Become a Champion for Truth Rob Bluey


 • Israel Between a Rock and a Hard Place Victor Davis Hanson on X
 • How About One More War on Biden's Watch — Much Closer to Home? Stephen Green
 • Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years Simon Watkins


 • Why Don't COP28's 70,000 Attendees Save the Planet by Holding Their Conference on Zoom? Blackmon
 • Police Forces Face Hiring Crisis: ‘I’m Drowning in This Politically Charged Atmosphere’ Sarah Holliday
 • Video: Heart issues skyrocketing in military, US Navy medic says AMN


 • Henry Kissinger Dead at 100 CTH
 • DJT covers the Marty Robbins song "Aint I Right" Feral Irishman
 • Ah Libturd Thursday It Is then ~ A Woodsterman

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Crime, Illegal Aliens, Sedition And War --- The Democrat Agenda

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Top 20 Tweets Tonight

Larwyn’s Linx: Border Patrol Suspends Vehicle Processing: Invasion Emergencies Occurring Elsewhere

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Border Patrol Suspends Vehicle Processing: Invasion Emergencies Occurring Elsewhere Karen Townsend
 • The US Has Become Paradise for Criminals David Strom
 • CIA analysts were bribed to lie about COVID origins as Fauci tried to cover up Lab leak Sky News
 • Postwar in Gaza: some educated guesses Robert Zimmerman
 • First American Hostage Released is Related to Buyer of Hunter Biden’s "Art" Marco Polo
 • Women's Groups Silent As Rape Is Used As an Act of War Karen Townsend
 • FBI tells Newsweek that Trump supporters are enemies of the state Hohmann
 • Special Counsel Jack Smith Sought Info On Anyone Who Re-Tweeted Trump Shawn Fleetwood
 • Outlaw Public Sector Unions Edward Ring


 • POTATUS Gets New Pressure to Ix-Nay the Ee-Vays Beege
 • Smearing Capitalism John Stossel
 • The United Nations Wants You to Stop Eating So Much Meat Jeff Charles

Scandal Central

 • CIA Deputy Director Posted Pro-Palestinian Photo on Facebook After 10/7 David Strom
 • US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show Public
 • Hunter Biden Plays Games With Testimony, James Comer Lays Down the Law and Smacks Raskin RS


 • Politicians Urge Censorship Of The Disasters They Create Shellenberger
 • One Example of How Media Creates Racial Panic David Strom
 • New: Astonishing Number of Black Voters Would Bail on Biden for Trump, Including BLM Leader Nick Arama
 • ‘When it’s Israeli women or Jewish women, they don’t believe it,’ activist says of United Nations JNS
 • The Disgusting Comments About the Employee Gavin Newsom Had an Affair With While SF Mayor Jennifer Van Laar
 • Biden Time: National Christmas Tree Falls Over, Protesters Arrested at Capitol Tree Lighting Nick Arama


 • It Took UN Women This Long to Call Out Hamas for October 7 Attack in a Now-Deleted Post Rebecca Downs
 • Jew-Haters Loathe All Of Western Civilization, Not Just Israel Federalist
 • Son of Hamas founder urges Israel to kill his father if hostages not freed JNS


 • Big Pharma and Big Government link up for a Winter 'Tripledemic' sales spree Jordan Schachtel
 • About That 'Mysterious' Pneumonia Outbreak in China... David Strom
 • Legal Battle Ignites Over Parental Rights and Gender Identity in Arizona's Largest School District Jeff Charles


 • A Generational Challenge that Begins at Home CTH
 • Example #587 of How We Are Being Gaslit by the Arbiters of Truth Diogenes
 • It's Wednesday ..... It's Skipisms ~ A Woodsterman

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Don’t Do Unto Others What We Just Did To You

By Victor Davis Hanson on X

Once more, it gets even creepier how the projectionist Left is daily still shrieking about impending Trump “revenge” and “rage”, or about Trump’s purported enemies lists to come, or about his planned weaponization of the bureaucracies. The fear is in direct proportion to Biden cognitive decline, sinking polls, and walls-are-closing-in family corruption.

Should we laugh or cry about the transparent hypocrisy?

After all, who tried to wreck an administration with a 22-month-long Russian “collusion” fraud, suppressed a laptop with the lie it was Russian “disinformation”, or impeached a president for a phone call correctly identifying the Biden family’s operation in Ukraine as utterly corrupt and at the expense of U.S. interests?

Do we recall that the Obama-Biden nexus—from 2009-17, and from 2021 until now—cemented the reputation of FBI as a partisan operation, rebooted the Pentagon as an agent of woke change ferreting out “white rage” and “white privilege”, reinvented the DOJ as a Biden family protection service, politicized the CIA so that it, along with the FBI, interfered in the 2016 and 2020 elections, and warped the IRS by suppressing evidence of Biden family tax fraud?

Larwyn’s Linx: We Are The Ones Being Colonized

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • We Are The Ones Being Colonized TL Davis
 • Who's Giving Migrants GPS Coordinates to Gaps on Southern Border? Debra Heine
 • About That Manhattan Bridge Hamas Supporters Shut Down Yesterday Beege
 • Where Free Speech Ends and Lawbreaking Begins Ilya Shapiro
 • The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing to Do with Israel Coleman Hughes
 • What To One Hostage Who Managed to Escape Captors in Gaza Teri Christoph
 • Americans are angry about immigration Noahpinion
 • Ignore Ghetto Gavin Newsom at Your Own Peril #GhettoGavin RS
 • Disrupt Violent Left-Wing Networks Christopher F. Rufo


 • The Federal Reserve Broke The Budget. Buckle Up For What Comes Next. Investors
 • House Republicans: Force Joe Biden To Explain Why Israel And Ukraine Are More Important Than America Eddie Scarry
 • Who You Gonna Believe: Your Wallet or Your Lying Eyes? Christopher Roach
 • Lather, Rinse, Repeat: TX Gonna Roll(ing Blackout) Through Winter Again Beege
 • Chinese Shadow Bank Announces Insolvency, Government Announces Investigation John Sexton
 • Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon Discuss What Happens Within a Democracy When Voting No Longer Works CTH

Scandal Central

 • White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records Breitbart
 • Jan. 6 police video captures Metro D.C. officer saying 'we go undercover as Antifa' JTN
 • Hamas has lost track of some hostages abducted during terror attack Breitbart


 • Musk declares Israel has ‘no choice’ but destroy Hamas after being left shocked in tour Sky News
 • Another Bad Weekend at the Box Office for Disney (Update) John Sexton
 • Sports Illustrated Published AI-Generated Articles Under Fake Names John Sexton


 • Hamas Keeps Violating Ceasefire Agreement David Strom
 • Musk Meets Netanyahu: 'There's No Choice' but to Destroy Hamas Ed Morrissey
 • Iran’s Implausible Deniability Jay Mens


 • Is there really a new plague coming out of China, or is this a con job? Andrea Widburg
 • Biden admin rolled out a massive highway emissions rule on Thanksgiving eve BPR
 • Jeff Bezos' Superyacht Generates 447 Times The Yearly Carbon Emissions Of Average US Household ZeroHedge


 • Cardona on Reagan: A video that will make you laugh out loud and then want to cry Andrea Widburg
 • Damn, the dust in here must be covered with fresh cut onions... Feral Irishman
 • Sunday Smiles David Strom

Monday, November 27, 2023

Larwyn’s Linx: Obama-Era Fail: Hamas Office In Qatar Backfires

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Obama-Era Fail: Hamas Office In Qatar Backfires Sarah Arnold
 • This should be our Israel policy: US hostages released or Hamas leaders dead John Ruberry
 • Obama/Biden White House continues to fight for Israel’s destruction I24News
 • Migrant Surge Expands in Arizona Border Sector -- 58K in 28 Days Breitbart
 • Over 20 Millions Immigrants Are Set to Vote In 2024 Sarah Arnold
 • First Israeli American Released by Hamas – Biden Takes Much Needed Victory Lap CTH
 • Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector Pauses Social Media Updates Due to “Migration Surge"” Karen Townsend
 • New York City's Police Department Imploding David Strom
 • More Media Malpractice David Strom

Scandal Central

 • Senator Ron Wyden Asks AG Merrick Garland to Release Information About AT&T “Hemisphere” Dragnet CTH
 • Gavin Newsom Frees Gangster Who Shot Teen Girl 154 Years Early… Now Works in CA Public Safety Breitbart
 • The Mistreatment of Hostages Revealed In Gruesome Details Sarah Arnold


 • Brace Yourself: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They're "Cooked" If "Vampire" Trump Wins ZH
 • An Interview With John Eastman Julie Kelly
 • Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics CTH


 • Israel has made a huge mistake Berenson
 • Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face CTH
 • Six teenagers on trial for alleged role in French teacher's 2020 beheading EuroNews


 • Norwegian Researchers Find Masks Linked With Covid Infections Guy Gin
 • Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time Breitbart
 • Chinese "Surge" in Children with Respiratory Infections? Robert W Malone


 • Conor McGregor Brands Irish Leader "A Disgrace" For Claiming Hamas Child Hostage Was "Lost" Modernity
 • America's Dangerous Desire To Demonize Masculinity Must Stop ZH
 • A Pot-Pourri Of Memes For The Weekend... Feral Irishman

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Obama, I mean Biden, Demands More Ceasefires So Hamas Can Rearm

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Top 20 Tweets Tonight

Larwyn’s Linx: The Curious Case of Rob Malley, Obama’s Iranian Agent

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • The Curious Case of Rob Malley, Obama’s Iranian Agent Peter Schweizer
 • Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured Sob Stories Clarice Feldman
 • Pro-Israel teacher hides as ‘radicalized’ students riot: ‘They want her fired’ Post
 • You Won't Believe How Much the Northern Border Saw In Illegal Crossings Sarah Arnold
 • As Hamas Plays Games With American Lives, Biden Goes Shopping Katie Pavlich
 • The UN's rot laid bare in Israel-Hamas war Washington Examiner
 • Is the House GOP's Border Strategy Working? Jazz Shaw
 • Trump alleges 'cheating' in Wisconsin redistricting case: 'Republicans must do something' Reese Gorman
 • Tourist blasts SF’s Tenderloin district as 'most depressing place I've ever seen' Daily Mail


 • Coming Soon: Your Travel Will Be Restricted By Personal Carbon Allowances Bombthrower
 • The new plan to create a stock market portfolio for every child in America CNBC
 • ESG Grift Endgame: Deutsche CIO Now Says Oil Companies Have A Place In ESG Funds ZH

Scandal Central

 • Wait, The FBI Had 40 Confidential Informants Tracking the Biden Family's Shady Deeds? Matt Vespa
 • Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting January 6 Was a Hoax Ben Bartee
 • RFK Jr. blows the lid off Bill Gates’ little philanthropy “money-making plot”… Revolver


 • A Primer for the Perplexed: The Nine Big Lies Against Israel and What They Really Mean Gil Troy
 • Steve Bannon Launches Epic Rant Against General Milley's 'Treason' Neil W. McCabe
 • Business Insider Criticized for Trying to Normalize the Death of Trump Sarah Arnold


 • Expert: Obama Deal That Helped Put Hamas Office in Qatar Coming Back to Bite Us Nick Arama
 • Silence from groups like the Red Cross about Hamas’s use of hospitals for terror is a stain on Switzerland NY Sun
 • What the Terrorists Imprisoned in Israel Did After Being Released Is Eye-Opening Jeff Charles
 • The Fighting in Israel Moves to the West Bank Jazz Shaw
 • Hi, UN, I Have Some War Crimes to Report Katie Pavlich
 • The Battle In Ukraine Reflects A Tone Of 1953 James Holmes


 • Exposed: Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein's Global Health Collaboration Breitbart
 • The Universe Isn't Living Up to Our Science Fiction Expectations John Sexton
 • Wyoming Rancher Discovers Rare Cache Of 50 Million-Year-Old Fossilized Fish Cowboy State Daily


 • Comedian Jim Breuer Roasts Derangement Over Trump, and You Know He's Getting Canceled RS
 • Even Though Unparalleled Deeds Offend Today, Great Men Did Shift History Elad Vaida
 • Sunday Strip: Death, Taxes, and Gun Control Robert W Malone

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Larwyn’s Linx: Where Are The Americans?

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Where Are The Americans? Power Line
 • What Makes Hamas Worse Than the Nazis Andrew Roberts
 • The Biden Administration Finances Iran’s Terrorism Hugh Iwanicki
 • The ‘Complexity’ of Idiocy Thaddeus G. McCotter
 • Naked, Stoned and Stabbed Power Line
 • More Fake Fed Nazis Show Up in Wisconsin Ben Bartee


 • Grid operator sounds alarm as coal plant shutdown threatens power for millions Thomas Catenacci
 • Cruz Wants Answers on Left-Wing “Green Energy” CCP Actors Who May Violate FARA Kevin Mooney
 • Tiny Fraction Of Global Elites Emit As Much Carbon As Bottom Two-Thirds Of Humanity ZH
 • We’ve Seen This Move to Get Us Out of Cars Before Terence Jeffrey
 • Off The Rails! Scam-Trak Joe’s EPA Punches Newsom’s 'Electric' Ticket MRC
 • Biden's Clean Energy Scam Fund David Strom

Scandal Central

 • The Hostage Release Trickle Jazz Shaw
 • The Biden Administration’s Electric Vehicle Subsidies Are Becoming Another Solyndra Helen Raleigh
 • Did the Capitol police instigate violence by firing on peaceful Jan. 6th demonstrators? Robert Zimmerman


 • From the Shoulders of Giants: The World Has had Enough of Klaus F***ing Schwab PJM
 • Damning Discrepancies in the NYT's Israel Coverage Noah Beck
 • Unreal Cringe Moderna COVID Shot Commercial Drops PJM


 • The Insidious Reason Why Hamas Is Releasing Hostages PJM
 • The New Front in the Gaza Conflict Brian Patrick Bolger
 • Where Europe's 'Far-Right' Has Gained Ground ZH
 • Hi, UN, I Have Some War Crimes to Report Katie Pavlich
 • Argentine President-Elect Javier Milei Ushers in New Hope for the Americas Joseph M. Humire
 • Elon Musk says Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar 'hates Irish people' EuroNews


 • Conflicts of Interest in Science: History of Influence, Scandal, and Denial Paul D. Thacker
 • Oregon Decriminalized Hard Drugs. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next. Jarrett Stepman
 • Lack of ‘Affirmation’ Is Child Abuse: New Biden Rule Applies Transgender Standard to Foster Care Tyler O'Neil


 • Galen: life lessons from gladiatorial contests Andrew Robinson (2013)
 • So-Called Comedian, Comic Dave Smith, Doubles As Middle East Historian, Where History Begins In 1947 Me
 • The Week in Pictures: Populist Surge Edition Power Line

Friday, November 24, 2023

Comic Dave Smith's Top 10 Fun Facts About War In Israel!

The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast needs no introduction. With a reported audience of 11 million listeners per episode, it is globally popular and influential. Rogan is known for conducting unique, penetrating and long-form discussions with consequential figures as well as comedians (rimshot).

One such comedian is Dave Smith. Also a libertarian political commentator, Smith has courted controversy by interviewing a series of "white nationalist" figures including Richard Spencer, Gavin McInnes and Nick Fuentes.

In a recent JRE episode, Smith was asked about the 10/7 attacks. Smith attempted to justify the baby-killings, rapes, murders, torture and kidnappings by Hamas.

Worst of all, Smith postured as a student of history. The region's conflict was put into a timeline that can be summarized in a Top 10 list.

Dave Smith, if that is his real name, proffers some rather major misinformation.

Dave Smith's Top 10 Israel & Palestine Misinformation Fun Facts!

Larwyn’s Linx: A 'Un-American, Marxist and anti-Semitic' Barack Obama controls Biden White House

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • A 'Un-American, Marxist and anti-Semitic' Barack Obama controls Biden White House Daily Mail
 • Obama’s false equivalence on Hamas is outrageous — and is an attack on Israel Post
 • Meet the Obama agent under investigation for Iranian influence campaign Post
 • End the Asylum Regime NRO
 • Familiar Refrains – Tucker Carlson Speech About Current Global and Political Events CTH
 • Hamazi protesters glue their hands to street, disrupting Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Post
 • Biden Calls for Unity as Obama WH Releases Thanksgiving Guide on ‘Crazy MAGA’ Karen Townsend
 • The enigma of George Orwell Spiked
 • OBiden Admin Removed Houthis From Terror Group List. Now, They’re Reconsidering DC


 • Friday's Energy Absurdity: You Just Won't Believe the Electric Bus Story Out of Edmonton David Blackmon
 • Will New York Politicians Tax Wall Street Out of Existence? Stephen Moore
 • Triad Weed: How Chinese Marijuana Grows Took Over Rural Maine Maine Wire

Scandal Central

 • The Red Cross’s Gaza Scandal Seth Mandel
 • Gov’t Surveils Trillions of US Phone Records Without a Warrant M Dowling
 • Congress demands answers from White House over 'invasive' surveillance program known as Hemisphere Daily Mail


 • Corporate media partners with Antifa propagandist to wage war against conservative think tank Dossier
 • Federal court: Sandmann's libel suits against NYT, ABC, CBS, & Rolling Stone can proceed Ed Morrissey
 • Anti-Immigration Rioting Breaks Out in Dublin After Stabbing Attack on Several Children and Adults LI


 • Hamas admits it has no idea how many hostages it has -- because plenty are held by actual criminals Monica Showalter
 • 13 Israeli, 12 Thai Hamas Hostages Have Been Released Mary Chastain
 • Hamas broke the ceasefire about 15 minutes after it began… Scoop


 • Rush Limbaugh Tells the True Story of Thanksgiving M Dowling
 • Not 14M Lives Saved, But Over 17M Dead from the mRNA COVID vax Robert W Malone
 • Disabled people were secretly given Do Not Resuscitate orders, Scottish Covid-19 inquiry hears Daily Mail


 • Biden’s Approval So Low Hunter No Longer Wants To Be Seen With Him During Drug Deals Glorious American
 • DEA's Domestic Surveillance 'Mission Creep' Reason
 • Special TWIP: Thanksgiving Day in Pictures Power Line

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Congress Must Investigate Antony Blinken, The Great Traitor

By Mark Levin

Antony Blinken is a despicable con who is organizing Arab and European countries and the U.N. around the backs of our Congress and Israel to carve up Israel and gift the Palestinians massive swaths of Israel’s country, including Judea and Samaria. That’s his response for the Palestinians’ murderous slaughter of Israelis!

Blinken is using Israel’s need for weapons to threaten and blackmail Israel diplomatically and impose his policies and will. Utterly contemptible. This is not how foreign policy is conducted — as a weapon against our great ally in the middle of a war.

Blinken’s driving the Obama-Thomas Friedman agenda, continuing to rearm Iran, prop up the PLO, sabotage Israel’s war effort, and deceive the American people. Blinken is a dangerous ideologue and stupid man as John McCain warned years ago. He is obsessed and unrestrained. He was also the architect of the disastrous and deadly surrender in Afghanistan, but has no capacity for circumspection or recalculation. He’s a committed ideologue.

Blinken is an American Marxist who appointed an Iranian-supporting stooge and longtime friend to negotiate with Iran, and who is now under federal investigation and lost his classified clearance. Indeed, the fact that they introduced an Iranian spy ring into our government is either underreported or totally ignored. It makes the Alger Hiss case look like small potatoes. It’s no surprise that there is no plan or actual effort to stop Iran from finishing its nuclear missile project. This is the greatest scandal of our times with unimaginable ramifications.

Yet again, I’m calling on congressional Republicans and any patriots with a platform and voice to speak out and demand answers and accountability.

Follow Mark Levin on X. Related: Obama and New Auschwitz.

Larwyn’s Linx: Whose National Security?

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Whose National Security? TL Davis
 • Senate 'Gang of Six' Negotiates Republican Giveaway on Migration Breitbart
 • SF Business Owner: '“I’m just done with San Francisco and the bulls— here' John Sexton
 • Spaniards Aren’t Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives? Federalist
 • What to do when the dam breaks CFP
 • Rich Bentley Driver Caused Niagara Falls Explosion After Canceled KISS Concert: Report ZH
 • Home Depot Co-Founder 'Never Been More Frightened for This Country' Leah Barkoukis
 • Why Democrats Want to Sully Thanksgiving Brenda Hafera
 • Be Thankful in Spite of the Chaos Kurt Schlichter


 • Bidenflation Driving More Americans To Food Banks For Thanksgiving Staples ZH
 • Pentagon wants $114 million for ‘diversity, inclusion’ programs AMN
 • Biden Admin Gave $3 Billion Loan to Solar Company Accused of Scamming Elderly WFB

Scandal Central

 • Five Revelations From The House Weaponization Committee Andrew Shirley
 • Jordan Subpoenas Prosecutor Who Allegedly Covered for Hunter Biden as Impeachment Inquiry Heats Up Tyler O'Neil
 • Fani Willis Tells Donald Trump Co-Defendant to 'Shut His Mouth' in Georgia’s Kangaroo Court Newsweek


 • Nikki Haley Wants to Destroy The First Amendment Paul Ingrassia
 • 3 Of The Trans People Eulogized By Biden Admin Died Attacking Innocent Strangers Jordan Boyd
 • CNBC Walks Away From Climate Reporting Brad Slager


 • Can Europe Become Western Again? Victor Davis Hanson
 • Dutch establishment in ‘panic’ as Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party may become largest in Netherlands Remix
 • Mossad Has Been Given Instructions to Hunt Down Hamas Leaders Living in Luxury Katie Pavlich


 • How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them Pro Publica
 • OpenAI staff warned its board about powerful artificial intelligence discovery that could 'threaten humanity' Daily Mail
 • Defendant in Trump Civil Fraud Case Breaks Down on the Stand John Sexton


 • George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1789 Encouraging Angels
 • America and the Fourth Political Theory TL Davis
 • It Just Wouldn't Be Thanksgiving Without WKRP Woodsterman

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Terrorism Season Is Here So Soon?

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Top 20 Tweets Tonight

Larwyn’s Linx: Why the Left Hates Israel and America

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • Why the Left Hates Israel and America Star Parker
 • Biden’s illegal invasion is an unfunded mandate killing US cities and he’s plans more Aces
 • Why can’t ‘intersectional feminists’ condemn Hamas’s misogyny? Spiked
 • When Pro-Hamas Bomb Throwers Turn Out to Be Pasty-Faced White Girls Beege
 • Migrants Get Free Turkeys for Thanksgiving Ahead of Low-Income New Yorkers Breitbart
 • Illegal Chinese Pot Growers Taking Over Maine–Law Enforcement Isn’t Stopping Them DC
 • Obama US warns Israel on next phase of war JNS
 • More US Tax Dollars Going to Support The Fourth Reich, also known as the UN Kweku Boafo
 • Biden’s DOJ Tormented These Four J6 Protesters To Death Federalist


 • EVs: What We Can Expect Next Eric Peters
 • Why Is EU Trying to Block Poland’s Move Toward Clean Nuclear Energy? (Answer: Chinese Money) Jack Spencer
 • The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing Armstrong

Scandal Central

 • The U.S. Military Is Having A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week Federalist
 • Islamic Maryland hate crime board member claimed babies murdered by Hamas were 'fake,' compared Israel to Nazis Brandon Gillespie
 • U.S. Army Soldier Reveals He Is Being Charged For Equipment He Was Ordered To Leave In Afghanistan TPN


 • The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas' Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women Michal Herzog
 • Tucker Warns 2024 Will Be ‘Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen’ Before DC
 • Morning Joe Crosses the Line, Big Time David Strom


 • Israel to ‘complete the elimination of Hamas’ after ceasefire Joshua Marks
 • Why The Left’s Antisemitic Hysterics Shouldn’t Surprise Anyone Federalist
 • Will libertarian Javier Milei actually be able to institute his revolution in Argentina? Robert Zimmerman


 • Thousands of Doctors Signed an Anti-Israel Letter So Radical, Even The Lancet Won’t Publish It Tyler O'Neil
 • Plague in Medieval London: Black Women Hit Hardest David Strom
 • The brainwashing of Ireland by the Cult of Moloch Peter Halligan


 • The Meaning of Thanksgiving Can Save America Edward Ring
 • A Thanksgiving manifesto Hohmann
 • It Must Be Another Skipism Wednesday ~ A Woodsterman

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Top 20 Tweets Tonight: Liz Warren, Ed Markey And Democrats'’ "Jew-Mapping Project"

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Top 20 Tweets Tonight

Larwyn’s Linx: The Democrats’ Fascist Need To Censor Behind Media War On Elon Musk’s X

Send us news tips! Visit for real-time, uncensored news.


 • The Democrats’ Fascist Need To Censor Behind Media War On Elon Musk’s X @Shellenberger
 • CCTV Shows Hostages, Hamas at al-Shifa Hospital ... US Media Hardest Hit Ed Morrissey
 • Dan Goldman Desperately Trying to Walk Back Trump Death Threat RS
 • More Hamas Atrocities On Video Supported By Palestinians, Ignored By “Feminists” LI
 • Three Radicals Arrested for Setting Fire to Israeli-Owned Factory in NH LI
 • Biden Getting Killed in Polls Because of Youth Dislike of Israel David Strom


 • The Digital Identity Wallet is an electronic leash that Brussels will use to control citizens Remix
 • IMF Releases Digital Currency Handbook For World's Central Banks ZH
 • Unfiring? Mass Resignation? The OpenAI Story Has Taken Several More Surprising Turns John Sexton

Scandal Central

 • Legitimacy CTH
 • J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police Officers Firing Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters Jeff Charles
 • 2 Judicial Strikes Against Efforts to Keep Trump Off Ballot Hans von Spakovsky


 • A Speech for the Ages: Bari Weiss’ Battle Cry to Save the West Cully Stimson
 • The Fall of Minneapolis CTH
 • The Great Awakening of (Some on) the American Left Derek Hunter


 • The Biden Administration Just Sold Out Taiwan, and No One Noticed RS
 • What the Hell Is Going on With These Ceasefires That Don't Exist Matt Vespa
 • Will New NBC Poll Cause Biden to Abandon Israel? Rebecca Downs


 • Biden Sets His Birthday Cake on Fire, and It Sets the Internet on Fire Because It's All of Us RS
 • CNN Reporter Explains What America's 'Shoplifting Panic' Reveals Twitchy
 • Monday Meme Dump... The Feral Irishman