State of the Union

Alito's Joe Wilson Moment: STACLU
The American Thinker's SOTU Live Blog: AT
Reaction Wrapup: InstaPundit
Two Sharp Responses to the SOTU: Malkin
Chug-Blogging the SOTU: Crittenden
Hammer: Speech was 'Strained and Unctuous': Nice Deb
Requiem for Obamacare: Verum SerumJust How Leftist Is the Democrat Party?: PJM
'Reid is done; he’s going to lose': Surber
Obamaporta-prompta; Symptom of Distress?: Anchoress
My O'Keefe Theory: Jawa
Veritas! The Hunting of an American Dissident: NoisyRoom
Christie's Big Bet on School Reform: Post
Michelle Ree Raises Ire of DC Parents: SIGIS
Nelson: Sure, I'll Use Reconciliation to Pass ObamaCare: Ace
Trib: Who Will Smack Down the Unions?: RWNCharts for the SOTU Address: GWP
Northeast Dems Embrace California-Style Economy: MereRhet
SEIU’s Secret Weapon: Brandish the Shareholder Resolution: BigGovt
Obama Embraces Limbaugh Policy Ideas: BigDog
Tort Reform Ignorance: PJM
Oregon's Death Spiral; Businesses prepare to exit: Mish
The Lesson of an Affirmative Action President: AT (Lewis)
Katie Couric Interviews Tea Party Leaders: NoisyRoomWaPo makes assumptions about O'Keefe that the facts don't cash: Patterico
Joseph Farah Strikes Back: AmPower
Gibbs: Obama to explain to us why we're angry: Pundette
CBS, Tim Tebow and the Gators: DaleyGator
After 3 Months, Only 35 Paying Customers For Newspaper's Web Site: Consumerist
The Most Polarizing President in History: RWN
Marxist Crank Assumes Room Temperature: Chomsky, Affleck Hardest Hit: JWF
Poll: Fox most trusted name in news - 10 points higher than any other network: BlogProf
Not Just A Status Quo-Overturning Political Insurgent: Crittenden
MoDo's got a new crush: JWF
Aww: The Thrill is Gone for Obamagirl : JWF
Tim Geithner Funds Hamas: US Treasury Opens Avenue for Funding Hamas: MaggieLiberal Fascism -- the Blog: NRO
Don't Mess with the IDF: Jawa
Peaceful Transition of Power in Honduras: Grand Rants
Counterterrorism Scorecard: New Jersey Store Clerk: A+, Congress: F: PJM
Full Eclipse of the Moon: BrutHonBest Display of Mars From Earth in 6 Years on Wednesday: Wired
Whole Foods to Charge Athletes Higher Prices: BlogProf
David Blaine: How to Hold Your Breath for 17 Minutes: Verum SerumIran Responds: Snapped Shot
Family Picture: AmDig
"Necessity being the mother of invention, it appears that Barack Obama has needed, and thus invented, the Portable President Kit, consisting of two teleprompters with accompanying equipment and a traveling Don’t-You-Know-Who-I-Am-I-Am-The-President-That’s-Who Podium With Presidential Seal, which Barack Obama takes with him, everywhere he goes.
That means he brings it to an elementary school, for use in addressing the press (something past-and-moronic presidents did not have to do), who are then weirdly dismissed and unable to witness his talk to the children." -- The Anchoress (hat tip: W)
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American Power tracked-back with, 'Worst SOTU?'.
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