
Obama and Reality: AT
Cambridge Police Reject Coakley: LegalIns
Dems to Ram Through Obamacare with 51 Votes: GWP
Tea Partiers taking over GOP, precinct by precinct: Ace
DSCC uses WTC in anti-Brown ad; Rudy erupts: Hot Air
Obama's First Year: BigGovt
Obama Goes to Boston to Support Coakley: Wizbang
Another Dem sees the writing on the wall: Toldjah
The Home Stretch: Wizbang
Obama To Bush: 'We’re Sorry, Dear': Driscoll
Dem warns: If Brown wins, reconciliation is on the table: Hot Air
Chicago's Real Crime Story: City JournalWhite House, Congress Agree on More Taxes for You: PJM
We the People (Have Had Enough): Denninger
If you didn't vote for Obama, odds are you didn't get Stimulus dough: Virtuous
Standing On A Precipice Doesn’t Require That You Plunge Into The Abyss: Dewey
UPS isn't amused with Coakley campaign: LegalIns
Climate & Energy
Mann-made Global Warming: MalkinSee? It Wasn’t Just Me: Inhofe Says He’s Top “Climate Killer”: CBullitt
Greens Flip: Senate Cap-and-Trade Bill ‘Not a Serious Proposal’: BigGovt
Dems Prepare for Complete Coakley Meltdown: RWNThe Stress of O -or- "Ward, I'm worred about the Beaver": AmDig
A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism: AT
Obamacare Desperation: Surber
Protocols of the Elders of HuffPo: Power Line
The Three Wise Men: Freedom Now
Supporting Scott Brown: Pragmatism or Principle?: PJM (Moran)
Chicago Tribune Wants ‘Reform,’ Yet Endorses Machine Candidates: RWN
The Good, the Bad and the Media: Wizbang
The Haiti Earthquake and Economic Freedom: PJMHead of AQ in Yemen Killed by Catholic Working in E.R. and Drone-Strike but Mostly Drone-Strike: Ace
Did Communism Fake Its Own Death in 1991?: AT
President Obama must choose sides: AT
The most influential US conservatives: 20-1: Telegraph (UK)
DC-3 to Haiti: InstaPunditSoylent Pink: In Vitro Stem-Cell Pseudo-Pork on the Menu Soon: Zombie
Good news from NJ for all pervs around the world: Fausta
N / C: SondraKSniper: Shock and Awe: Military
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