
Arizona Prospering After SB 1070: RWN
Allen West Unloads on Obama: JWF
Why wasn't Hamas-linked CAIR cofounder prosecuted?: Jihad
The Anti-War Movement and Democratic Political Fans: Volokh
Islamic Honor Killing in Kentucky?: Jihad
Ex-SEIU Hack Named to Investigate Union Corruption: BigGovtFiscal Conservatives Go After Donald Chump: OTB
Jerry Brown's Sweetheart Deal for Corrections Unions: AmPower
Union Pay Chart o' the Day: Malkin
Life Expectancy 'Handouts'; Post-Retirement Work: Blumer
Even S&P Gets It: We’re Broke: IBD
Misdirected Death Threats: The "New Tone's" Innocent Victims: Malkin
MI Teachers' Union Sets Up Recall Front Group: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
A roadmap for America's energy future: NunesGlobal Warming Advocates Receive a Chilly Reception from the Supreme Court: Foundry
Why it seems that severe weather is “getting worse” when the data shows otherwise: WUWT
Obama: Don’t Blame Me For Rising Gas Prices After I Did All Those Things To Drive Them Up: RWN
Who can you trust? Or how one Leftist may be breaking free of the Goebbels’ school of Leftist lying: RWN
Charles Manson Endorses Global Warming Hoax: MB
Conservatives hit Beck for taking content without attribution: DCIt’s Deja Ted All Over Again: Driscoll
' Is Doomed!': Power Line
Unprecedented: Liberal Media Dares To Wonder: Did Obama's Plan To Not Have A Plan Speech Backfire?: Ace
Reactions To Obama’s Town Hall, Today: NiceDeb
Obama Tells Kids GOP Will Reduce Deficit “On Your Backs”: GWP
Republicans Need To Learn How To Play The Game On Social Security & Medicare: RWN
Emerging liberal meme: We gotta stop being so gosh-darned ‘tolerant’!: Toldjah
CAIR’s Strong-Arm Tactics in the Cradle of Liberty: PJM
An Interview With Andrew Breitbart: RWN
50 Percent Dissaprove of Obama's Performance; 37 Percent 'Strongly' Dissaprove: WklyStd
Donald Trump Falters on Question Over Privacy, Abortion: LifeNews
Steyn: America Doesn't Do Anything Small And If It Does Socialism...: AceWake Up, Critics: Here’s Obama’s Grand Plan: PJM
The Globalists' Takeover of America: NoisyRoom
Nigeria Demonstrates How Muslims Lose Elections: MB
So What Happens If Christians Start To Behave More Like Muslims?: RWN
Venezuela, China Build Ties: NoisyRoom
Moonbat Tech: Saving Gaia by Turning People Into Garden Manure: MBTwading: The Twitter revolution comes to the financial markets: Bloomberg
Tablet sales may hit $75 billion by 2015: CNN Money
View to a Kill: MOTUSProgression of Boston Marathon Records: Kedrosky
Aroldis Chapman hits 106 mph on radar: Cincinnati
We Will Not Go Down Without a Fight: MB
The 2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8 is the world’s angriest refrigerator: Jalopnik
Obamandius 2012 Slogan Art Contest: CBullitt
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Please support MichelePAC
1 comment:
Read the Nunes Energy Roadmap you linked to.
Nuclear was not mentioned, not once.
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