
Environmental Red Tape Used to Prevent Border Defense: RWN
Obama skips visiting tornado-ravaged south for fundraising: NiceDeb
Reagan Democrats: 'Tea Baggers' or MSNBC Viewers?: Coulter
AZ border agents confirm 'no apprehension of illegals' policy: Lone
Executive Order may cut off funding to Obama's opponents: AT
Has the GOP surrendered on the debt ceiling?: AT
Kloppenburg requests recount in WI Supremes race: Cubachi
Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?: SDA
Clinton Tax Rates and Gingrich Spending Levels: ATSocialist Teachers Discuss Indoctrinating Public Schoolchildren: Noisy
Bipartisan opposition to Obamacare's Death Panel Board: WZ
Federal Borrowing May Hit Debt Limit in a Week: CNS
Economic déjà vu from 1937 and 1938: DHB
Oil Crisis Just Got Real: China Cuts Off Oil Exports: ZH
Climate & Energy
Times Tough In Gulf One Year Later…Because of Obama: RWNRed Flag of Earth Day: Noisy
Say, What’s The Deal With The $20 Billion BP Slush Fund?: RWN
Obama's Energy Lunacy: PJM
Apparently, American Teens Knowledge Of Climate Change Hoax Sucks: RWN
EPA Releases Global Warming Rap Song … Hilarity Ensues…: WZ
Can anything Think Progress says about the Kochs be believed?: TapscottPapa John's Pulls Web Ads From Wonkette As Site's Editor Continues to Defend Disgusting Post: YWL
Unfettered capitalism? Where?: BSF
NY Times: Why, Yes, Military Spending Should Be Cut To Reduce Debt: RWN
Context Can Wait: CBS News Won’t Release Entire Obama ‘Hot Mic’ Recording: Malkin
Another Democrat That Hates the US Constitution: RWN
Obama's Apologists: AT
Liberals attack Paul Ryan because his father died young, resulting in survivor benefits: WashExam
Businessman Steve Wynn Warns Neil Cavuto the Middle Class Is Under Attack by This Government: WZ
Iran, Nukes, and China's Inroads to the Middle East: What's Next Mr. President?: KahliliMounting Evidence of Rebel Atrocities in Libya: PJM
Muslim: “want to live under sharia law, go back to the hellhole country you came from”: Creeping
A Warning to Iphone Users: PattericoObama jabs Republicans at Facebook town hall: CNet
Google shutting down most of Google Video, urges you to back up your greatest hits now: Engadget
The Best Quotes From ’100 Simple Secrets Of Happy People’: RWNCorsi's 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' Hits #1 on Amazon: Dollard
Election Insurance for WTF: Cube
Image: Gateway Pundit
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: MichelePAC!
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