“We want each at-risk delegate, while in Cleveland, to receive urgent phone calls from their families and neighbors, that there is a massive demonstration happening in their front yard, with protesters waving signs that are warning that they not betray us. Keep the demonstrations peaceful, as long as that delegate does not switch his/her vote.” – Gary Forbes
It is time for Trump supporters to loudly denounce some of the very questionable behavior of Gary Forbes of “The Forbes Group,” who has been making some bizarre and frightening comments on his websites concerning GOP leaders and delegates across America who he feels are betraying Donald Trump.
Gary Forbes’ connection, if any, to Donald Trump is unclear. However, Forbes has appeared to make it his business to stump for Trump with memes, lots and lots of memes, that go out all over social media from his website or Twitter account, often using the very active hashtag #dtmag.
Many of these memes are blatant lies or just excruciatingly strange.
The meme below, for example, fits into the former category and is based SOLELY on a tweet by @umpire43, which was picked up at the pro-Trump propaganda sites Redstatewatcher.com and Endingthefed.com (where it was posted by a man named Ovidiu Drobotă, a Romanian “liberal” who is interested in “Russian girls” according to his profile at the European social media site VK, as reported at the Examiner).
The following meme is characteristic of “The Forbes Group.” It is designed to look like a screenshot of a newspaper article. This particular meme capitalizes on the underlying menacing tone of Donald Trump’s campaign. If Trump is “denied” the nomination, “violent revolution inevitable” coupled with a frightening, but amateurish and almost childish, article.
This meme claims that “The Forbes Group” is compiling a database of GOP delegates with photos of them and their family members.
You read that right.
Psychotic much? The height of irresponsibility and intimidation. This meme claims that “The Forbes Group” is compiling a database of GOP delegates with photos of them and their family members
Some of Forbes terrifying comments include asking “aggressive pro-Trump groups including bikers, truckers, unions, support groups, etc.” to keep them from going to the Republican convention in July.
On Saturday, Forbes called for “a List of GOP Leaders/Delegates in Wyoming and Colorado!” He called for names, addresses, places of employment, “digital photographs” and even family members of “leaders who have betrayed the people by denying them their right to vote, as well as all delegates who believe they can vote for whoever they decide they want on their own…”“Find any legal means to see to it that they don’t even make it to the airport,” Forbes writes. “Block streets with traffic jams. Find out their flights and hotels and figure out ways to cancel their tickets and reservations.”
Forbes also seeks “patriot bikers who are fed up with the unfair practices of the Republican party.” Forbes explains that “a sizable group of bikers will be responsible for visiting the homes of party leaders who have defied the will of the people, and the homes of delegates who have not been authorized by the people to vote in the upcoming GOP convention, to hand-deliver letters to all of these leaders and delegates.”
Another ranting blog post intimidates delegates again, also making the claim that “The Forbes Group” spearheaded a boycott of Macy’s after they “betrayed” Donald Trump, resulting in a massive loss of their profits. Macy’s were not the only ones to face the “Wrath of Forbes.” According the the juvenile blog post, “Pataki, Walker, Perry, Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Carson—and most recently Ted Cruz. They all have one thing in common—they attacked Donald Trump, and pissed Gary Forbes off!” The author (likely Forbes himself but named as “Derik Diamato”) continues:
“‘So the bottom line for delegates planning to participate in the GOP’s attempt to hijack the nomination via a ‘brokered convention?’ Forbes had this to say, ‘Their betrayal of Americans, and their defiance of the voting public, shall result in severe consequences. Their lives will be ruined.'”
But before you think it cannot get any more disgusting, Forbes’ manifesto takes the cake.
Here are some highlights (author emphasis):
- “There are two groups that we must consider our enemies…
1. All GOP leaders who are trying to steal this election via a contested convention.
2. Any Republican delegate who was sent to the Cleveland Convention by We The People to vote for Trump, and does not.” - “Compile a detailed database of the highest risk delegates—those who’ve been granted permission from the Republican party leaders, to switch their votes—at will,from Donald Trump to a candidate of their personal choice. The database should include name, home address, telephone #, email, employment address, photos of the delegates and their family members in digital format.“
- “Send a digital photo of the delegate who betrayed us, with photos of their family to The Forbes Group, so that we can expose them as traitors nationally on social media.”
- “Discard The Word Peaceful…We can begin the movement peacefully, but without the cloud of more aggressive actions hanging over their heads, I doubt anything will change, and they’ll continue to sit back and laugh at how weak and docile we are.”
This whole thing is Silence of the Lambs:
1. Create a list of the top ten GOP leaders who are planning to steal this election via a contested convention. Start with Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Get their home addresses, and plan massive rallies at their homes during the entire four days of the Cleveland Convention.
2. Compile a detailed database of the highest risk delegates—those who’ve been granted permission from the Republican party leaders, to switch their votes—at will,from Donald Trump to a candidate of their personal choice. The database should include name, home address, telephone #, email, employment address, photos of the delegates and their family members in digital format.
3. Notify each of these high risk delegates, by physical letter with certified mail, that We The People will be expecting them to vote exactly as we sent them to, and that if they defy the will of the people by voting otherwise, no matter what the GOP rules suggest— we will deem their defiance an act of treason against our country. Let them know there will be extremely serious and unrelenting consequences.
As it is difficult to choose the creepiest section of the Forbes manifesto, this part must also be highlighted:
After your group is certain that each delegate has received your letter, organize a protest of no less than 500 demonstrators to camp out in front of the homes of the at-risk delegates, and those on your GOP leaders list. The protests should be scheduled for the entire four-day period of the Cleveland convention.
Be sure to reach out to all large pro-Trump groups including bikers for Trump, truckers, local working class unions, etc. to show the anger and might of the American people. We want each at-risk delegate, while in Cleveland, to receive urgent phone calls from their families and neighbors, that there is a massive demonstration happening in their front yard, with protesters waving signs that are warning that they not betray us. Keep the demonstrations peaceful, as long as that delegate does not switch his/her vote. This will make them think twice about defying the will of We The People.
If the at-risk delegates go ahead and switch their votes, it will be up to the leader of the protest to determine what further actions to take. One way might be to promise them that your group will take whatever legal and lawful steps to see to it that their lives in that community will never be the same. Send a digital photo of the delegate who betrayed us, with photos of their family to The Forbes Group, so that we can expose them as traitors nationally on social media.
Gary Forbes’ escalating rhetoric is reminiscent of other menacing comments made by the unhinged Roger Stone, who perhaps inspired Forbes when he “threatened pro-Cruz delegates to reveal their hotel room numbers if they ‘steal’ the nomination from Donald Trump.”
“We urge you to visit their hotel and find them,” Stone said.
As a company’s culture is set by the CEO, political leaders also set a culture among their followers. Donald Trump has absolutely set this tone by referring repeatedly to the delegate process as “rigged,” alluding to “riots” if he does not get the nomination, and warning the RNC that they will face a “rough July.”
Trump’s latest creepy henchman Paul Manafort, is also spewing venom about the process that Trump’s incompetent team did not bother to learn.
“We will be filing protests. Missouri, we’ll be filing protests,” Manafort said on on ABC’s “This Week” Saturday. “Colorado, we’re going to be filing protests. … You saw it in Colorado last week, where the voters were left out of the process…”
READ: There’s No Such Thing As “Stealing” Delegates:
“What some people refer to as ‘stealing’ is a practice that has gone on since the formation of the Republican Party in the early 19th Century.”
Donald Trump additionally promoted the failed protest against the Colorado GOP leadership, as reported at TrevorLoudon.com.
GOP’s Plan to Rig / Steal New York Primary Election from @realDonaldTrump—is Back On! @gqforbes #dtmag pic.twitter.com/xt4u4X3Xiw
— Forbes News Global (@tfgnews) April 15, 2016
As the harsh and false accusations and threats by Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, the “liberal” Trump Twitter trolls, and the massive amount of brand new pro-Trump propaganda sites, many from Macedonia, go unchallenged by sincere Trump supporters, this vile political discourse will escalate along with Gary Forbes’ sick rhetoric.
Read more at TrevorLoudon.com.
" 'Keep the demonstrations peaceful, as long as that delegate does not switch his/her vote.' "
And if the delegate does switch his vote, then what?
My pick for "the creepiest section of the Forbes manifesto"?
"[S]o that we can expose them as traitors...."
Who was this story about again? Trump or some unhinged wacko? Because although
"Gary Forbes’ connection, if any, to Donald Trump is unclear.",
Trump is mentioned at least 27 times.
A Willie Horton smear. Same old tactics.
I don't think he has enough to win because of the swedged in sideways disclaimers, but this is enough to take to court for libel and NOT end up paying lawyer fees for the other side.
Of course who has ever heard of a billionaire suing just get his satisfaction by making the other side pay Yuge lawyer fees?
As perfect example of yellow journalism as the National Enquirer piece. Anyone who touches either one can't get rid of the smell of shit.
Ole Ez
RNC ,Rinos Rich Old Men Establishment have been screwing Middle America for decades ..now President Trump brings it out in the open..LOL Cruz's mouth like the zipper of his pants ..always open ..
Imagine the millions of American Soldiers killed to defend Freedom.... and GOP Colorado rinos denying freedom of choice to voters .. SHAME
It had to come to this.
Honestly, I see violence for some form of democracy as better than the absolutism and refusal to allow voters to be represented. Get rid of those who don't pay taxes. I'm good with that. But the rest? The Revolution was about taxation without representation, not about just taxation, or simply about dissociated representation.
Violence is the only way when representation is not being honored with taxation. Would rather a different tack, a true revolution, civil war. But it never starts out that way. Little by little it becomes that. Fair enough, as I see it. Self-defense, even in the political arena, is honorable.
Although I normally enjoy your site,this is absolutely ridiculous.
First of all,this entire story is misleading.
You have nothing that connects him to Trump, yet you post that he is an "ally"
You say his connection to Trump is "unclear".
Don't you mean "no connection to Trump can be found"?
I am pro-Trump, and this guy obviously has some serious problems.
I have not seen or heard one other Trump supporter agree with this man.
Every person I spoke to, has condemned his posts,and realize how bad this situation is.
So please don't try to portray Trump supporters as violent stalkers.
We are not,and it's offensive
It pisses me off because you automatically assume that Trump's supporters, and Trump himself,condone this guy's behavior.
Your assumption is dead wrong.
There is absolutely nothing, to connect this nutjob Forbes, to Donald Trump.
You don't even have proof,that this moron isn't a setup, just to make Trump look bad.
After all, the Cruz camp set up the fake Trey Gowdy FB page, endorsing Cruz,and denouncing Rubio, so why would this be any different?
Trump can't be held responsible for every whack job, sitting in his mother's basement, trying to make a name for himself, by using Trump.
There are millions of Trump supporters in this country, yet we are all being grouped together,and labeled as out of control thugs, for the actions of just a few. That is pathetic.
With all due respect, Trump has repeatedly warned of violence at the convention.
He's inciting this.
He isn't trying to calm the flames, he's throwing gasoline on the fire.
With all due respect.
Trump has warned that if the GOP ignores the voters, the results are likely to be beyond his control. What action do you expect Trump to take? Talk them down? I'm 100% sure that he will try, but they likelihood of success is quite slim.
By far the best possible outcome for everyone is Trump clearing 1,237 on the first ballot. That closes off the opportunity for GOPe shenanigans & corruption.
The one thing Cruz will achieve by keeping a mathematically eliminated race going, is the risk of a catastrophic blow-up in Cleveland. I guess that's what Cruz's Goldman Sachs paymasters want.
You used to have standards here, or at least it once looked like you did. Now there is no depth you won't plumb, to throw shit at Donald Trump.
If you don't feel ashamed, posting crap like this, then you have no shame. No morals, either. You probably don't notice their lack.
You are pathetic.
Insults will not convince. Doug has cast his dreams on the fragile hope that Cruz can somehow prevail. It is never easy to let go of dreams that have become impossible.
What we need to do is point out that Cruz's drive to a contested convention will result in the nomination of Jeb "AMNESTY" Bush, or Marco "AMNESTY" Rubio, or God help us all.... Paul "AMNESTY" Ryan.
If potential Supreme Court Justice Cruz wants to oppose AMNESTY, at some point he will push his delegates to Trump. At that point, hopefully we will get Doug back. Until then, we must extend patience and compassion.
Trump is perhaps the last chance we have to turn this ship-of-state around before it really hits the rocks, never to recover. He needs all the help he can get, because all the dirty politicians, all the dirty billionaire donors, all the evil globalists, are pouring millions of dollars into defeating him. That of course includes the establishment of both parties, which I call the Washington Crime Cartel.
Ted Cruz is bought and paid for. Look at his finances; look at his wife's life work (more important to her than her family!) Look at who is supporting him and who is in his election committee; look at how there's no trick too dirty to pull, so long as it will help defeat the one person who wants to stop going down this ruinous path which will destroy America; look at how Cruz loses actual elections where people get to vote, but wins the back-room deals. Cruz makes me sick, and that's before we even get into the fact that he is a Canadian, without any provable American citizenship (which we're supposed to take for granted.)
OK, so he gets nominated; once he's up against the Democrat, guess what? He's not eligible! Who would have guessed? Well, everybody that isn't blind, deaf and demented, but not Cruz/Establishment supporters. He's a perfect foil, set up to lose. Gotta have business as usual! Don't upset the apple cart! I'm sure you've heard all the "conservatives" that say they're voting for Hillary if Trump gets the nomination. They'd probably vote for her even if Cruz does finagle the nomination, as nobody likes sleazy Cruz.
Americans that want our country back support Donald Trump. Those that want the fraud to continue, business-as-usual, want Lyin' Ted and the Washington Cartel.
That's why the insults are called for.
With due respect, because, I realize that you work AND keep up at least 2 major websites while reading as much as you can to stay informed and current. I don' see how you find the time and energy to keep up with what you do.
But, and I mean a fork truck sized but, when it comes to Trump and Trump voters, you are a low info guy, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt. 5 or 10 seconds of video followed by 5 minutes of Trump Derangement Syndrome or a headline quote followed by the same written down do not make you informed on Trump or his supporters.
NOW WAIT, DON' STOP READING. I can't blame you in a way. After I decided against Cruz, I didn't watch hours of his speeches or read hundreds of comments on Cruz fan sites. Again, I don' see how you find the time and energy to keep up with what you do.
BUT, the poster above IS correct. If you watch the entire line of thought in several speeches and interviews, you'll see Trump is NOT calling for violence at the convention. He really is warning and trying to AVERT it in his unique Trumpish way. That's his intent if you watch the FULL comments over several attempts at it. Could he do better at it? Yeah, you're not kidding he could! He can really be a dufe!
Can you probably find a time or two that he didn't explain himself well that could lead you to believe that he's doing what you think? Sure. He's Donald Trump.
He still operates like Americans have for most of our history. He probably can't even define politically correct. He expects to explain himself once and any other mentions are a reference to the original. He doesn't expect every word and phrase to be tried to be taken outta context and used against him. He expects to be given the benefit of the doubt and respected.
He doesn't have a guilty conscience, so he operates stream of thought. He feels he has nothing to hide and that it should be obvious to everyone.
Europeans call that the arrogant American, the stupid American, the naïve American.
But ball players, construction workers, taxi drivers, loggers, bass fishermen, truckers, etc... call that American, period. In other words, everyday working Americans understand him cause they don't play politically correct got-ya bullshit either.
You can't begin to understand Trump and his supporters until you realize HOW sick they are of European wanna-be's playing politically correct got-ya and that they're refusing to play that game any more.
I say your comment above was not outta malice. You simply don't have enough time in your life to dig any deeper. You dig as much as you can. You just don't know about Trumps fuller statements on the convention. But you have to realize, a lot of (maybe most) Trump supporters will not know or take your schedule into account and be convinced that your are playing European wanna-be politically correct got-ya.
Ole Ez
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