Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal... The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.
Given the ocean-view, Gore really can't be too concerned with rising sea levels. A little sleuthing led me to this delightful listing, which I believe is the new Gore residence as: (a) it recently dropped off the listing agent's "for sale" site; and (b) it meets the fairly unique criteria specified by the Montecito Journal.

They want to control your lives: how big your car can be, how much water your toilet can hold, the kind of light bulbs you can use. They even think there are limits on how much money you should be able to make.
But they put no limits on what they can have. Kind of like the old Soviet Politburo. Which is the kind of society they intend for us.
Linked by: Michelle Malkin, NewsBusters, Linkiest, Moonbattery, Small Dead Animals and Climate Change Fraud. Thanks!
Tom Friedman's vociferous denunciation of such extravagance in 3...2..never.
He doesn't deserve that. He has done nothing to earn it.
But that's okay. Prince of the world gives his minions the worldly things.
It's beautiful, but I wouldn't want it, if i had to do what Gore did to get it.
"Kind of like the old Soviet Politburo. Which is the kind of society they intend for us."
Yes, they'll be in their limos, driving by and being important and privileged, while we're standing on line for toilet paper. One sheet per use.
Gee, MUCH nicer than the huts made of our own poo that algore would have us live in. I guess being a lying scumbag DOES have it's rewards.....
A nice modest little cottage! I can see Obama dropping by to bow to some head of state!
Doesn't Al Gore have way more that his fair share of homes? And didn't our dear reader have something to say about people who have too much money?
Climatatards is right.
No, climatard (singular) is right.
Thank God that not every green fanatic is hypocritical like this. Let's not broadbrush them all with the hypocrite brush.
("It's those 99% of lawyers that give the rest of us a bad name." - heh)
That is one ugly-ass house...
Perhaps you are all being too mean to the Great Gore.I believe Tip and he plan to turn this place into a shelter for Illegals.
How many carbon credits is that place going to cost Al?
but, but...what happens when the nearby ocean rises 20 feet?????
The man is completely out-of-touch with his own preaching....
Nothing here....move along!
That house was in AD a few years ago. It's really lovely.
And if they weren't such hypocritical scolds, I would merely envy them their lifestyle.
PS - Saint Al reminds me of a saying they have in Hawaii about the missionaries: They came to do good and ended up doing well.
Gotta have ALL the lights on?
Shame on algore.
look at all those blazing fireplaces, too ... don't tell me he's going to burn WOOD in them!?!
ChickaBOOMer: He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
Gore is over. End of story, next....
Michelle Malkin: Al Gore’s new carbon footprint
Is that the Drysdale's place next door?
It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. But for....Montecito?
If I hadn't loaned him my footprint, he would have never been able to afford that...thing.
Warren Buffet Jr.
Looks like the Goracle is selling out his "green" industry stock positions before the bottom drops out - real estate and commodities will hold their value. What do all of you "green" investors think of the Smartest Man on Earth now?
[For a light hearted take on our present peril]
Montecito is where Oprah has a home's not too far from where Gore's son is's all about keeping it in the family!
It just amazes me as to how someone so dumb can rise to these heights..
Obama, said "some people have made enough" I wonder what he will do about this fraud.
Question: If there were a televangelist who raved every Sunday that drinking, whoring, and gambling would damn you to hell... and he got caught stumbling into a Vegas casino at 3:00 AM drunk off his ass with a hooker on each arm... would you begin to think maybe he doesn't really believe what he preaches?
The same standard should apply to Al Gore.
Notice the three showerheads in thebottom picture? I wonder if they meet the federal requirement for water output . . .
Thank God he's gonna spend more time away from our state of Tennessee! You west enders can have him. Hey, are the solar panels and windmills cammoed on his new home? I sure couldn't make them out. Very well hidden I assume.
Does Al Gore need a house with 9 bathrooms because he's so full of crap?
what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his very soul.
Gore along with the rest of the pragressives.... Palosi, reed, frank, dood. wow the list just keeps growing with every passing crisise.
The weather at Monticito is good enough that he doesn't need to run the heat and a/c every day at the mansion. Therefore, he's saving the planet.
Al Gore may not be THE God, but he's clearly the climate demi-god and as such he found the right place (next door to Oprah, though the article doesn't mention that) to put his mansion so it's in the right climate zone.
So leave the big guy alone and let him spend his scam money the way he sees fit. He was smart, and everyone who believed him was stupid. There is a lesson to be learned here.
His days in the White House taught him that yes indeed, you can fool all of the people some of the time. He has the same Nobel award that barack hussein obama has and both were awarded for scams. No small achievement.
Well now I think Mr Obama needs to tell Mr Gore enough wealth is enough wealth. How come we do not see any solar panels anywhere, isn't Mr Gore telling us to go GREEN and it appears it's "do as I say, and not as I do". Hypocrit. Oh yea thats right he's going to make loads of money, he just invested in CCX which is a company that sells NOTHING and will make alot of money if Mr Obama and the DEM Crew pass CAP and Trade...This CCX and the people involed need to be investigated.
See how stupid they think we are?
Like maybe we wouldn't notice he speaks with forked tongue.
What, no energy saving fluorescent bulbs in those chandeliers???
I'm surprised this took so long to hit the press, even if it's only two places. Al Gore bought or was in the process of buying back in December 2009. It's funny how all the green-heads in Santa Barbara who's religion is environmentalism haven't talked about this. No the new Mayor Schneider and City Council Member Das Williams (running for CA state Assembly)who both are green-heads just want to continue to push their religion down our throats. Of course at the taxpayers expense. What a bunch of hypocrites.
He has the water fountain running in one of the outdoor pictures. I live in CA and we are not suppose to fill our garden fountains up. CA will at least get some money out of him since he will have huge property taxes to pay. Or will he get around that also?
I see an awful lot of what looks to be old growth timber and veneer throughout the house/castle. I guess you can live in a castle when you are the KING (of fools). Signed: a Tennessean that is glad hes moving away!
Amazing how he doesn't practice what he preaches. Get a helmet, things are going to get rough folks.
So, who's going to be the one who will do something about this ***hole ruining our planet with hypocritical corruption?
hahaha what an HONEST man...jk the whole idea of global warming is not even based on fact as anyone who has taken chemistry SHOULD know. The water level goes down not up when ice melts. Try it the next time you get a cup of water. Ice floats because it is less dense than water and when water freezes it expands.
This celebrity tracking website claims this is the overhead view of the house, with links to GoogleMaps, BingMaps, YahooMaps, and ...
Perhaps more user friendly is this GoogleMap link to the same lat/long ...,-119.6286264
Anon @ 12:00 -
We looked at that one, but it didn't match several criteria listed by the Montecito Journal. Wrong number of bathroooms, no visible fountains, etc.
Furthermore, you'll notice that home is on a fairly busy street, which seems to me like it would be beneath the Goracle.
How many trees do you think they had to cut down from the rain forest- to made the custom beams.
I don't see one solar panel - do you think they are hidden in the trees?? I don't think so!! What phoney - and what about that tub - do you think it will hold the big hulk and - what about holding Tipper and Big Al - Oh my I hate to think about all the water they are using. I supect they have a hose to the ocean and they are using a reverse osmosis system - sale to soft water - cheating on their water bill. America wake up - this guy should be in jail for selling these carbon foot prints.
Nothing but the best for the man who invented the internet :)
Al Gore - move out of our State. We don't want you here. Period!!!
Excellent report, featured it at in Germany. Thank you!
Wrong house. This one is in the flats--no ocean view possible--and it hasn't sold. The actual house a newer, smaller one a couple of miles up the mountain. (SB County assessor lists recent sales and only one matches the price.)
Wow. While I don't approve of all these luxury homes as it's conspicuous consumption, I think it's sad that people summarily dismiss the truths - and there are many - in the book "An Inconvenient Truth". I think that many of these truths are simply inconvenient for many people to pay attention to. There are many of us just do what we want to without regard for the environment. I think this book and the research Al Gore has done is a huge wakeup call, for those of us ready to hear it. It's a book worth reading, if you haven't already done so. I think there is a conspiracy of the rich, (check out Robert Kiyosaki's book by the same name), but blaming Al Gore for owning too many homes (were most already built?) doesn't negate the information that's in his book.
Regardless of any ones opinion on man made global warming, Al Gore is clearly a hypocrite. He and his ilk advocate legislation to limit how much we consume, yet are perfectly willing to live in lavish accommodations that use unfathomable amounts of everything. If he truly believed in what he is selling then he and Tipper would live in some kind of modest "Eco friendly" shack covered with solar panels and windmills with an organic garden out back, and a tub to collect rain water for showers.
AL Gore's new home is right on the beach...hey didn't he say that the oceans will rise to new heghts 10-20 feet hmmm now if this were true wouldn't he buy a home elsewhere..or is he just plain dumb...or a liar?? Anyone??
It absolutely blows me away that people can spend so much precious time gossiping and pointing fingers. It's a distraction from the real issue, which is much bigger than the lifestyle of any one person. Oh that's right, there's no such thing as global warming......
That is not the correct home.
I have a link with photos, but it would reveal the address, which I do not want to be the one to do.
I will say it is up high in Montecito (way above Gore's predictions for sea level rises) and it is near the San Ysidro ranch
Doug, if you want the link I will email it to you
No conspicuous consumption here...move right along.
"Open your eyes", it is not about the environment, it is all about the almighty $. Everyone can do there part without it costing us all a lot of money to line their pockets, just because they think they know best. Climate change is just that, climate change and it occurs naturally. That volcanoe in Iceland is spewing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than every car and coal power plant on the planet.
Gore and his Global Warming the only things Warming Up are his pants, "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire".
Exclusive photos of the WRONG HOUSE!! I suggest firing your source.
I'm looking forward to the Gore's lawn crew - gardeners and pool maintenance staff.........., smart money sez they're on ICE's hot list...........
Comprendez Mendez......?
My Dad always said Gore looked like a used car salesman. He was right.
Wow, half of you had such a hard time reading and understaning this "story" that you misquoted, misinterpreted and misunderstood big chunks of it. Aside from the fact that apparently the pictures weren't even of the right house (but then I'm sure Doug Ross doesn't claim to be a journalist), did you knucklheads think that all these pics were taken after he moved in? "He" is not rinning a fountain; "he" doesn't have all the lights on. If the pics are from the Realtor, they could be old. As for what the house is constructed of, he BOUGHT it, he didn't BUILD it. Duh! And most of you are examples of people too stupid to know how stupid they are. Regardless of how you feel about climate change, I doubt that a single one of you could hold an intelligent conversation with an educated adult. Maybe your insecurites about how little you know are what drive you to hate educated, "elite" people. Try education rather than anger as a response.
This is NOT Al Gore's house -- I can tell you with certainty!
Not the house Al Gore bought. 100% can promise you it's not that house.
So, if they want to spread the wealth around, do some of us get to move in too??????????? Seems like a good idea to me. Anyone remember "Dr. Zhivago" when the peasants, (us) moved into the big homes of rich?
Apparently few want to do any investigation on the fact that these are photos of the wrong house. Doug, are you going to correct your post?? Please! Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters "Stunning Pictures of Al Gore's New $9 Million Mansion Media Totally Ignored" has picked up the story and he didn't even bother to check any other sources! I am not a fan of Al Gore but I am a fan of getting the story right. Maybe the story is ignored because this is NOT the house that Al bought?
Al Gore is so full of baloney he's the # 1 cause of global warming considering it was him who conjured the entire theory in the first place
I'm amazed at the idiotic comments of Al Gore's detractors... shamefully posturing that you are knowledgeable and politically astute... you ALL have egg on your faces because the house commented on is, in fact, NOT the house that was purchased. Get your facts before showing your collective butts! I'm also amazed at the preponderance of detractors as compared to unbiased, reasoning people. It just goes to show how people can start with a hateful agenda and make something even uglier from it.
Wow, well written and well constructed argument. You are a shining example of an underfunded public school system.
This post was so creative, and stylish! Beautiful designing this room. Really enjoyed looking. The place was so great!
Deirdre G
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Why don't we start a tax for anyone who has made 'publicly available comments' subject to a 100% per year tax on the value of their residence, car, plance, etc.
This way, when all these new-age criminals want to chastise us - let's let them know we aren't the early stages of Atlas Shrugges - we are the early stages of a new rebellion.
Without Ron Paul - we are headed down the toilet.
C'mon guys...Al's just trying to make us all green...with envy. And to Saluki, whether it's his mansion or not, there's still this, from the left-leaning Snopes...
Au contraire. Not a single climate fanatic Ive ever heard of lives what they preach...probably bcs they know nothing they say is true, according to empirical scientific evidence. They all live like they are royalty and fly all over the earth in private jets to private resorts, using ungodly amounts of carbon fuels...bcs they can. There is no global warming. And fyi; for the entire 4 billion year history of earths existence, there has been climate change and climate "disruption", billions of years before man even appeared, much less began using carbon based fuels.
Buch of HATERS.. There is problems with what we have done to the climate.
Look at the Science not your head up your ASS.
Frank, Sorry, but it is ignorant Lieyers like you causing a declining level of respect of Attorneys. Using, "Tard" as a suffix to a word, or part of a word shows a level of ignorance nearing racism.
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