In related news, a self-described "Blue Ribbon Commission" consisting of David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick completed their investigation of the allegations that Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) had been offered a job in exchange for dropping out of the Senate race with Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA).
Gorelick stated that, "After a thorough and complete review, consisting of exhaustive interviews, research and Google searches, all of which consumed nearly 20 minutes, we have determined that the White House only offered Mr. Sestak a Pop Tart and a cup of coffee. Thanks to incredible cooperation by all levels of government, we've concluded that absolutely no improper activity took place, aside from Mr. Sestak taking a whiz off the Lincoln balcony."
I think this gets filed under "Laughing through Tears."
Though I'm running out of both laughter and tears, as far as this administration goes.
It is hard to write nonsense of that quality.
But maybe it is true. This is America 2010 and nothing is too preposterous to be true.
Or too innocently worded to be a lie.
when you run out of laughter and tears, it is time to make sure you don't run out of ammo.
This should probably be labeled as satire. The way this administration is going it sounds all too plausible.
Just another Obama buddy going to jail! Now just imagine if this was Romney’s friend, do you think it would make the news that would report and likely be right that it would sink his chances of winning the White House.
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