Washington Post: Michelle Obama's dress -- and new state dinner hairstyle

Chicago Sun-Times: Obama splashy, elegant State Dinner honors Mexico

WaPo: White House State Dinner: Beyonce, the non-spouse dates, and other leftovers

ABC News: The Low-Down on the First Lady's State Dinner Gown

NPR: Obama's Second State Dinner Celebrates Mexico

CBS News: Michelle Obama's State Dinner Gown Made by Peter Soronen

CNN: Obama's second state dinner has Mexican flair

Chicagoist: Bayless, Beyoncé Highlight Obama's Second State Dinner

HuffPo: Michelle Obama & Margarita Zavala At State Dinner: Whose Dress Do You Like Best?

Just one question: During a time of severe economic dislocation, rampant unemployment, an oil spill in the gulf, an Iranian nuclear crisis and a Korean peninsula on the brink of war -- try to imagine a fawning media treating a Republican president's opulent, over-the-top party (hosted by Reagan or Bush, for example) like this.
I can't.
Images: Flickr and CBS News.
Besides Byron York there has been little negative commentary. I did a video using the same photos as yours as no videos were made public this time and there were only a select group of pixs.
Wagyu Beef for Them Ground Beef for You
You make it sound like there should be ONE set of rules that apply to everybody equally, no matter their credentials or station in life.
How silly; how bourgeois!!!
You've revealed yourself as a true member of the LumpenProletariat, you know...
Where's the monkey?
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