...Obama was asked if he would entertain some questions -- specifically about BP.
"Speaking of press freedoms," ventured Chip Reid of CBS News.
"You're certainly free to ask the question," Obama said. "I won't be answering, I'm not doing a press conference today, but we'll be seeing you in the course of the week."
Outstanding! President Obama celebrates press freedom by refusing to hear questions from the press! Somehow, with this administration, that offhanded act of disdain just seems, well, fitting.

Images: Getty Images.
I believe that watch is an Omega, the watch band may give it away. I had one and it was a pos, they traded me for a different one.
Remember (?), Barry told us he didn't need a watch because he went to and left meetings on an 'as need' basis.
The Indians call that Round Time.
Tag Heuer
Slingblade knows his tick tocks. This modle looks quite close:
Its a quartz chronograph from the "Secret Service" gift shop given to him by members of the Secret Service.
Scroll down on this page.
From a Distance it does kind of look like an Omega Speedmaster Professional but a lot of military/pilot watches have the same look.
That is the type of watch that divers use. From the dial settings I can tell that he has been in decomression for way too long. Possible brain damage from too much bottom time on mixed gas.
Maybe that explains why he just spent millions of taxpayer dollars developing a new biometric green card that he believes it is racist and unConstitutional to ask for.
But, that is just an observation:-)
Whatever it is, I'm sure it's something, uhmmm, "appropriate for a Nobel Peace Prize Winner".
"I'm not doing a press conference today, but we'll be seeing you in the course of the week."
Outstanding! President Obama celebrates press freedom by refusing to hear questions from the press! "
Should we give him a break in this instance? The irony is still there, but not necessarily hypocrisy.
Concerning the watch. Maybe it's not an Omega. Maybe it's an Alpha and Omega. That fits him, no?
He's too skinny for an Omega Speedmaster. I know because I had one and have a similar physique to Obama.
That watch is just too damn big for normal humans although it would fit on the outside of a wetsuit.
As to not answering questions, give him a break. While I would appreciate some hard press questions and his responses, he was not obligated to do so at this signing ceremony.
Doug, I think you should delete Catharine's irritating post.
(Then delete mine when you're done.)
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