Thursday, October 27, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Yes, There is a Coup Underway in America; O'Keefe Releases Fourth Video, Follow The Money

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Yes, There is a Coup Underway in America: Peggy Ryan
James O'Keefe Releases Fourth Video, Follow The Money: Hannity
Hillary grips aide’s hand — to climb one step: Geordie Barrington

Corruption Recap: The First Half of WikiLeaks’ Podesta Emails: Michael Sainato
Rapper Invited To Meet With Obama Has Ankle Monitor Go Off During Meeting: WZ
The Most Damning Revelation from Wikileaks and O’Keefe: Indifference: DTG

Trump up 12 points with independents in D+7 Fox Poll: FAM
New 2016 Election Projection Map: Trump Leads in Electoral College: LibertyNews
Hillary wishes happy birthday to herself in bizarre and tacky tweet: DailyMail

Trump vs. Clinton: a Risk vs. a Disaster: Larry Elder
Cruz Hints a GOP Senate Will Block Any Clinton SCOTUS Nominee: Chris White
Could The Election Lead To Civil War?: William Teach


Obamacare Architect Laughs About Skyrocketing Premiums: Christian Datoc

Scandal Central

Clinton Transmitted Classified Information to Her Lawyers: Andrew C. McCarthy
Think The DOJ Was Corrupt With Hillary? Here's The Proof.: Aaron Bandler
Woman Tried to Vote Straight GOP Ticket, But Machine Showed Hillary Clinton: Rachel Stockman


As Hillary's Concerns Over Black Turnout Grow, Black Trump Official Stands Up to Media Bias: Tom Blumer
Meet Mike Cernovich, the meme mastermind of the alt-right.: Andrew Marantz, The New Yorker
Term Limits for the Media?: Roger L. Simon

‘That Is So Damning!’: O’Reilly Explodes at Comey Over New Emails: Josh Feldman
NBC, Chuck Todd Hide Wife's Kaine Donation, and Her Firm Getting Millions from Bernie Campaign: Tim Graham
Big 3 Morning Shows Silent on Destruction of Trump’s Walk of Fame Star: Sarah Stites


State Dept Says It Isn’t Changing Law on Cuba, Just Policy With U.N. Vote Abstention: Jack Heretik
Turkey: Emergency Decrees Facilitate Torture, Human rights watch reports: MFS-TON
Bummer: Support For Assault Weapons Ban Hits Record Low in U.S.: Federalist

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

How often do quantum systems violate the second law of thermodynamics?: Phys.Org
Sources: Clinton emails would have been 'whitelisted' for Obama BlackBerry: Fox
These Are the World's Most Innovative Architecture Firms: Lidija Grozdanic, ArchDaily


Hillary Clinton and the Chain of Command at Waco: David T. Hardy
Brunell Donald-Kyei appeared on WGN News and Hillary Clinton Wants this Video Scrapped: WGN
Busted! Bill Clinton Telling Alleged Mistress To Deny That He Got Her State Job!: RWN

Image: Clinton Transmitted Classified Information to Her Lawyers
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "I do want to increase people's wages by growing the economy and by my idea for a wage enhancement, which is better than a minimum wage increase, which, we have learned from minimum wage experts, could eliminate between 500 and 600 thousand jobs if we raise it to the level that you are talking about doing. You make people more expensive than machines, they will be replaced by machines. It's already happening. I promise you that in less than 5 years, the majority of these fast food, for example, restaurants won't even have people at that window, it will be a touchscreen. And so we do want to help workers with the skills that they need to find the better paying jobs of the 21st Century. " --Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)


angrymike said...

Good to see the Cernovich Interview, the guy is nuts, but he knows his stuff !
Keep your eye on him, he's a rising star..... 👍🇺🇸

Anonymous said...

Well, it's one way for Comey to polish an Agency's image, pestering Anjelina longer than he interviewed Hillary. Now he needs to get that pesky Rancher murder in Oregon out of the way then prep for another 8 years serving the girl he's tried so hard to make President.