John McCain, God bless him, and others have said that what Trump did at that press conference is the worst interaction we've ever had with Russia, the worst diplomatic disaster ever. Forget about the media, I want you to know something:
In 1945, Franklin Roosevelt sold out half of Europe to Stalin. He repeatedly praised Stalin. Franklin Roosevelt is the hero of the Democrat party, he of Japanese internment camps, too. In Yalta he gave up half of Europe to the Soviet Union.
In 1961, JFK met with Nikita Khrushchev. JFK told a friend of his that he was rolled over, that he came across weak, that it was pretty disastrous. And a few weeks later, what did they do? The Soviets are shipping missiles to Cuba and they are building a wall in Berlin.
In 1975, Gerald Ford in Helsinki with Brezhnev, 35 other countries, recognized the territorial sovereignty of the Soviet Union which included the nations of Eastern Europe.
In 1979, Jimmy Carter placed a big wet kiss on Brezhnev's cheek in Vienna.
All of this hysteria about this press conference, and the President said 'I could have said it better', I should have said this and they act like it's the apocalypse. It's not.
The left in this country has defended the Rosenbergs, they defended Alger Hiss. They defended Ted Kennedy in 1983 and 1984 when he was colluding with the Kremlin to defeat Reagan. The left, the Democrats in the country opposed the Strategic Defense Initiative which had as its purpose to defend us against Russian nuclear missiles, they called it "Star Wars." To this day, the left won't fund it. To this day, the Democrat party opposes it. They oppose the Pershing II missiles, to modernize medium-range nuclear missiles which you eventually put in Europe, again to defeat the Soviet Union.
If, in fact, Donald Trump had turned to Vladimir Putin after a 2 hour private meeting, after setting up this summit and all of a sudden and all of the sudden turns to Putin and says look, you little bastard, we know you inteferred in our election --- they would be attacking Trump today. The way that Trump turned to the Germans and NATO, and said, hey, you're buying 70% of your natural gas from the Ruskis, you're funding their war machine and then you ask us to subsidize you?
The media and the Democrats and the same people went nuts. But some more facts. Obama as president, Obama did nothing effective at all to stop the Russians interfering in our election. He's the one who ought to be under investigation. No pushback for the invasion of Georgia. No pushback for the annexation of Crimea. No pushback for the invasion of eastern Ukraine. No pushback from Russia's criminal shootdown of flight MH-17. He capitulated to Russia in Syria, the redlines, his betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic by acceding to Russia's demand to remove U.S. missile defense systems there. He betrayed The Ukraine by refusing them with defensive weapons.
Now contrast that disaster, that utter appeasement to what Trump has done in the 18 months:
• He's expanded sanctions on Russian companies and apparatchiks, he's expanded and beefed up NATO.
• He's had a massive increase in U.S. defense spending no thanks to the liberals.
• He's restoring missile defenses to Poland and the Czech Republic.
• He's returning heavy armored divisions to Germany, prepositioning armored divisions in the Baltics.
• He's ending arms embargoes on The Ukraine and Georgia that Obama imposed on victims of Russian aggression.
• He's ending the ban of oil exports to try and compete with the Russians when it comes to their oil.
All of this hysteria, the fact of the matter is Trump hasn't done a thing to harm America with respect to Russia and Obama did nothing to protect America when it came to Russia.
The same attitude Obama had to the Chinese in the South China Sea, building their phony islands. The North Koreans as they are building their nukes, the Iranians -- he gave them $150 billion and a wet kiss on the lips.
So the attacks on Trump, this overwrought hysterical, insane attack by the media, the Democrats some in the Republican party and some phony conservatives -- you're allowed to question the president, just don't go nuts...
The bottom line is two entities interfered in our election -- the Russians and the Obama administration.
The Democrats defend the Obama administration and all of a sudden they don't like the Russians who they've been kowtowing to since 1917.
Read more at MarkLevinShow.com.
Very insightful, Mark! Have you seen this? The Russian perspective on the summit news conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=IUK5g6v5zrg
Everyone should review the latest research on the science of rights and one day the world may be a better place to live.
This so full of holes and skewed claims plus avoiding some well established facts. Sad.
You are returning and posting all that to which you refer, right?
Obama Admits He is from Kenya, “I’m the first US President from Kenya“
Everything Levin said is fact. He, as usual is on the right side of history .He doesnt tolerate ignorant liberal fools that emit baseless liberal talking points herding in aimless flocks like Starlings .Pest birds all, they wear out their welcome wherever they govern or speak or protest.
Still waiting on your list of holes and skewed claims. Hell, I'll settle for just one. How's that whole #Resist thing going?
Lies, lies, lies. The "arms embargo" on Ukraine is a blatant lie. Obama's exec orders were very well tailored and crafted to avoid escalation by outside parties and centered on "materiel and other support". https://www.state.gov/e/eb/tfs/spi/ukrainerussia/ - here is all you need. Mark Levin posted so many lies it's difficult to assess them all.
Much of NATO's "expansion" consisted of budget increases that were ratified by NATO members in 2015 and the increased spending is largely on US WEAPONS anyway as we are the world's largest exporter of weapons considering how much we love peace.
We are the world's 3rd largest producer of crude and have been oil exporters since under Obama for a few years now and we ARE competing with Russia with exports to China going through the roof. https://money.cnn.com/2016/01/29/investing/us-oil-exports-begin/
The "heavy armor return" is BS. There is a rotation of the 1st and 2nd Armored brigades which is designed as "a large-scale exercise meant to stress logistics skills" - I was stationed there for years and know the German civilians would love it if America had less of a presence there.
In FY 2015, Pentagon and related spending totaled $598 billion, about 54% of the fiscal year 2015 U.S. discretionary budget. For FY 2017, the proposed base budget of $523.9 billion, which includes an increase of $2.2 billion over the FY 2016 enacted budget of $521.7 billion. We need defense efficiency, not more defense spending. Existing levels of spending are just fine. We regularly destroy perfectly functioning equipment in order to justify spending on more...this I know for a first hand fact.
I would respect this Mark Levin character if he weren't such a lying troll.
You are the lying troll. Your post contained nothing but irrelevant chaff and utter nonsense. Moreover, you didn't refute even one of the Great One's facts. Go back and wallow in your fantasy world.
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