
Not a Big Enough Fight: Bachmann
Thaddeus McCotter Gets the Led Out on House Floor: Malkin
Obama lectures Americans about 'living within our means': GWP
Louise Slaughter Escalates the Projection: MB
Dem Jim Moran tells Vet 'Sit Down or Leave!': Fox
Ryan Says Democrats Flee 'Adult Conversation' on Budget: MatteraToo many bureaucrats who are paid too much: Mish
Gov’t Union Chief Says Working for Gov’t is Like ‘Slavery’: RWN
Mexican Trucks Inch Closer to U.S. Highways: BMW
The Basic Truth Behind The Scenes On The Budget: RWN
NLRB rejects Hyatt's secret ballot challenge to union: Exam
Thank You Wisconsin Voters!: Bruce
Boehner Wins: Historic Spending Cuts, No Shutdown: Events
Would You Buy a New Car From This Man?: Taranto
Climate & Energy
Climate Morons Discuss Mounting Primary Challenges And Collecting Scalps: RWNThe Obama-Gaia Energy Partnership: PJM
Wind Power: It’s Even More Useless Than You Thought: RWN
War Is No Excuse For Forgetting One's Manners by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): IowaHawkEzra Klein: A dead child is a cheap child: LibertyP
The Detroit Free Press has a fever, and the only prescription is more mass transit!: BlogProf
The Descent of Evil Over America: NoisyRoom
Sen. Grassley: "A government . . . which acts above the law, undermines the rule of law." : Sipsey
'Islamophobia' hearings shaped by radical Palestinian: WND
I Choose Freedom: ZillaLosing in Libya?: RSM
Does the new DNC chair follow the J Street line? Um, no.: JRubin
The Limits of Forgiveness: JoshuaPundit
Dispatch: China's First Aircraft Carrier: Stratfor
Sen. Kirk questions Sec. of the Treasury Timothy Geithner: Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
Turkey plans to violate Israeli land, sea, airspace: Jawa
Newspaper yanks ad after Muslims complain about strapless women pictured with conquered site: Creeping
Muslim Father Slits Daughters Throat 28 Times To ‘Uphold Family Honor’: BigPeace
Here's an Tale: Gadhafi Does on the Internet: WSJFlash use dips at top Web sites since November: CNet
"Yes, Social Media Does Pay Off," A New Report Says: Insider
Google Registers A Bunch Of Music And Cloud Related Domain Names: Crunch
The History of Web Browsers Infographic: Minyanville
BlackBerry confusion surrounds looming shutdown: CNN
Doswell Family Chosen to be “Sad” Photo Prop for Government Shutdown : DoswellFortifying Yourself And Your Home Against Crime: Martenson
Shopping Helps Keep Old People Alive Longer: Study: Consumerist
Image: Last Kiss, Inc. via iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help MichelePAC Elect Conservatives to Congress
QOTD: "Clearly, [Mitt] Romney’s got to do something to shore up his support among segregationists, or this could spell serious trouble for him in the crucial Mississippi presidential primary." --Robert Stacy McCain
As always, a terrific roundup. Thank you for including my post today, Doug, it's a huge honor for me.
I used to love Ms. Bachmann, now I see her stuck on fashion - referencing the link to her.
This last round was a huge victory for Conservatives - Boehner did very well.
The Constitution is clear. I remember the Gipper making compromises to win the Cold War when Democrats controlled the House and Senate. We have control over the House, the Democrats control the Senate and Executive.
The fashionable nonsense is so weary. Some are foolishly screaming for Boehner to step down. They are lost - not practicing sound conservatism, but stuck on an emotive denial.
Democrats took another huge hit last evening. Slowly we turn the fiasco back to reality.
PS: Case in point, this 'Judson Philips' character is the kind of nonsensical emotive folly, which is entirely NOT conservative.
Doesn't even know the deal, and cries "selling us out". What nonsense. Same foolish sophistry which undermined this Nation's best interests after 2004 and pushed for the disaster of Delaware. There are some who simply are counter productive. Not ready for reality.
"There were only a few wayward critics in the wee hours of Saturday morning — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) criticized the deal, as well as Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who chairs the conservative Republican Study Committee. One tea party leader, Judson Phillips, the founder of Tea Party Nation, tweeted Friday that Boehner is “selling us out” and he threatened to put up a primary candidate against Boehner."
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