The federal debt increased $54.1 billion in the eight days preceding the deal made by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) to cut $38.5 billion in federal spending for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which runs through September.
That's right: even crediting the $38 billion in cuts, the deficit increased more than $15 billion over the last eight days.

And what goodies did the Republicans get for their courageous bluster?
Democrats knocked off most of the controversial policy riders that House Republicans had included in H.R. 1, the package of spending cuts that passed in February, including one on funding Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services.
"We also prevented this important debate from being overtaken by politics and unrelated disagreements on social issues," the president said in his morning address.
Republicans, however, won the inclusion of a rider to expand the District of Columbia’s school voucher program and to authorize a Government Accountability Office study of a financial oversight board established by the Wall Street reform bill.
That's right: they didn't de-fund Obamacare. They didn't get a straight up vote on reducing the EPA's power. They didn't de-fund Planned Parenthood.

Oh: but they did get school vouchers in the District of Columbia.
Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
Precisely. :-(
Dems: Cash for Clunkers
GOP: Cash for Babies
Well it's nice that the GOP got vouchers back in DC (after Obama got rid of them) but don't be under any illusions that the parents of the kids that are now able to get out of some of the DC public school hellholes and have a chance in life will vote for the GOP in 2012 are pretty non-existent.
Wow, the Ross legacy takes as huge tumble with this offering.
Reminds one of the fashion following nonsense which advocated for a disaster in Delaware.
Or better yet, some of the others long ago who were obsessed about the tiny percentage of Pork Spending, when GW was trying to reform Social Security.
I am beginning to wonder if some of Our best bloggers simply are not thinking clearly anymore.
Seriously, the GOP won and are heading nicely in the right manner.
The fashion is a loser, and it grows more absurd everyday.
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