
Over: Kloppenburg Loses to Prosser (& Truman)(& Palin): LegalIns
Picking the wrong Batman villain: Lane
All in: House passes Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget, 235-193: Hot Air
Obama signs budget, says he will disregarding czar rider: RWN
RINO Huntsman's presidential campaign ends abruptly: GWP
Major Democrat signs up to repeal ‘Real Death Panel’: DC
As Prosser Wins, the Dems Get the Blame for Wisconsin: PJM
Trump: We Need A Health Care System Like What Canada Has: OTB
Goodbye, AmeriCorps. Hello, FoodStampCorps.: MalkinGM: the wheels are (literally) coming off: RWN
Unreal: Obama to tour country lecturing on deficit reduction: GWP
In Texas 70% of Illegal Aliens Receive Welfare: GWP
Shared Prosperity: Noisy Room
Automatic Tax Increase?: Power Line
The Toxic Influence of Progressives on K-12 Curricula: AT
BRICS Meet in China to Plan a New World Currency: WZ
Expert: U.S. should 'give up on the dollar': Fortune
Climate & Energy
The UN 'disappears' 50 million climate refugees, then botches the disappearing attempt: WUWTEPA Admits It Doesn’t Care About Jobs: Foundry
Your Automatic Ice Maker Is Bad For Globull Warming: RWN
Howler of the Day: Obama Accuses Republicans of Turning U.S. into Thirld World Nation: VRObama’s Approval Rating Hits All Time Low; Search for Cool Phone Intensifies: Malkin
Democrat New Tone: Penn. Pol. Asks if She Can Kill a Colleague, ‘Blow His Brains Out’: RWN
Obama Predicts: “American People Will Feel That I Deserve a Second Term”: WZ
Obama Announces Intent To Commit (Another) Impeachable Offense: RWR
White House: When Obama said Paul Ryan is 'not on the level,' he meant Ryan is 'absolutely sincere': York
Disturbing: The Ninth Circuit Arizona Immigration Law Decision: PJM
Tim Scott (R-SC) is right: even taxing those who make $100K+ at 100% wouldn't address this year’s deficit: BlogProf
Jail For Toys: GM's Place
Dreams from our President: MudvilleBomber Murders 25 Muslims at Prayer Today in Malaysia’s First Mosque Suicide Attack: GWP
Trust Fund Moonbats Lobby for Those Who Earned Their Wealth to Be Looted: RWN
Whitewashing the U.N.: Bayefsky
Report: Hundreds of Christian, Hindu Girls Victims of Forced Conversions to Islam in Pakistan: WZ
Egypt: Muslims protest appointment of Christian governor, threaten to bar him from entering province: JihadWatch
Missouri: ACLU promotes Islam, sharia at Muslim Capitol Day: Creeping
Immigrants Are Subject Of Tough Bill in Georgia: Dollard
Arizona Muslim Who Honor Killed Daughter Gets 34½ Years: WZ
Moonbat Tech: Tandem Urinal–Sink: MBTop-rated reviews of the week (photos): CNet
3 online poker houses face fraud charges in NYC: Yahoo!
Study: 25% Of Meat Sold In Groceries Contains Drug-Resistant Bacteria: Consumerist
J.D. Power: Porsche Best Car In The Industry But Not a Winner: Forbes
What Was Larry Page Thinking on Yesterday’s Earnings Call?: Forbes
New Not-So-Federal Holiday: ZillaRainbow Tush: iOTW (NSFW)
Arguing With a Liberal: MNB
Image: Sad Hill News
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: The Heritage Foundation Tax Day Infographic
Thanks for including me, Doug, and thank you for providing yet another awesome roundup!
Soon you won't have to worry about carring a large amount of cash. Just don't let anyone know you have some chopped meat or a can of beans under your coat.
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