And how can [Bush] be so gutless as to not even make his announcement on camera? ...A president who lied us into a war and, in so doing, needlessly killed 3,584 of our family and friends and neighbors, a president whose administration initially tried to destroy the first man to nail that lie, a president whose henchmen then ruined the career of the intelligence asset that was his wife, when intelligence assets were never more essential to the viability of the Republic, a president like that has tonight freed from the prospect of prison the only man ever to come to trial for one of the component felonies in what may be the greatest crime of this young century... ...(David Shuster:) Vice President Cheney will also make sure that Scooter Libby is taken care of, essentially for the rest of his life... ...If the president did not break the law tonight, did he break the spirit of the law (sic)?... ...We seem to think sometimes that we have been able to estimate how deep [Bush's legal jeopardy] hole is, and that it could not get any further. It sometimes resembles the bottomless pit... ....Is there [a] chance that this president might be impeached grew tonight by virtue of his decision to commute this sentence?... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...there‘s nothing that this administration does that surprises us anymore. It‘s corrupt from top to bottom... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...we‘re outraged that the president of the United States would short-circuit the rule of law and the system of justice and really just repudiate everything that we stand for as Americans... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...And if he fails to [instruct the special counsel to release all the information he collected during the course of his investigation]—and I have no expectation that he will, because he is corrupt to the core—I believe that the Congress should begin to investigate this matter... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...There‘s a lot of questions about the underlying crime, et cetera, and a lot of this sort of sect of neoconservatives and their acolytes in the American political system who have sort of argued that Mr. Libby didn‘t really commit a crime... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...they see that an administration with impunity will betray its covert officers, will engage in treason... ...many watching this interview share your distress and your anger tonight... ...(Joe Wilson:) ...we have a system of justice that has been usurped in what I think is an arbitrary and capricious act by a chief executive who is corrupt to the core... ...If it was not before, then the White House is truly tonight in crisis... the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee now says he may seek a charge of criminal contempt of Congress against the administration.... ...(Dana Milbank:) ...The question assumes that there is a presidency left to damage... ...They could get Scooter on the table in the Rose Garden and then send him off to a petting zoo for a few years... ...(Dana Milbank:) ...Dennis Kucinich is already up to 10 or 11 House members in his Cheney impeachment petition... ...[Today‘s Worst Person in the World is] the 43rd president of the United States who has tonight commuted the sentence of one of the key members of his own administration and has done it gutlessly by press release, who has buried it on the Monday of the longest fourth of July weekend possible, and who has, in so doing, forfeited his claim to being president of anything larger than a small, privileged, elitist, undemocratic, anti-constitutional cabal... ...Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of god (sic), go. George Walker Bush, today‘s Worst Person in the World. As you may have suspected, tomorrow night here on COUNTDOWN, a special comment calling on this vice president and this president to resign. |
Interesting how Olbermann never seems to interview a conservative on his show. Hugh Hewitt, Mark Steyn, or Christopher Hitchens -- for example -- would be wonderful guests. There's definitely a gutless wonder here, but it's not the President of the United States, a man who once logged nearly a thousand hours flying one of the most dangerous jet fighters on the planet.
As an aside, I assume that Odormann thinks it's okay to pardon terrorists and coke dealers with financial ties to the Clinton family. It's reasonable to allow the sale of sensitive missile technology to Red China in exchange for campaign donations. It's entirely legitimate to destroy classified documents related to terrorist attacks just prior to the 9/11 Commmission's investigation. In Keith's book, all of those things -- the egregious behavior of the Clinton administration -- must be okey dokey!
Keith Olbermann: a perfect parody of a real newsman.
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