Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Premature e-Daschle-ation

Larwyn just sent us a link to a Vanity Fair spread that insufficiently vetted its subjects. It seems the rocket scientists at the Fair forgot to check Tom Daschle's 1040DEM returns before snapping the erstwhile Health Czar.

If I may be so bold as to offer my Photoshopping skills to Graydon Carter (what ever does he do with his time now that Chimpy is out of office?), I hereby submit this freely available, modified version of the photo corrected for the Fair's understandable gaffe.

What?? You say Richardson had to withdraw too? For the love of... what kind of rinky-dink operation is the Chosen One running here?

Update: Two tax scofflaws withdrew their names from consideration today. Does that mean they'll continue to pay taxes now?

"The Ghosts of Cabinet Obama" (Some Ghosts Not Pictured)

Hat tip: Kathryn Jean Lopez..

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