Saturday, April 02, 2011

Judge Goldstone: Gee, In Retrospect, Having a Bloodthirsty Terrorist Group Investigate 'Israeli War Crimes' Might Have Been a Mistake

Schmuck says what?

Goldstone asserts, “We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding commission.” Poppycock! As Goldstone’s numerous critics pointed out as soon as the report was issued, its many vulnerabilities were known at that very moment.

...As Goldstone admits underhandedly, saying that his critics were correct,

Some have suggested that it was absurd to expect Hamas, an organization that has a policy to destroy the state of Israel, to investigate what we said were serious war crimes. It was my hope, even if unrealistic, that Hamas would do so, especially if Israel conducted its own investigations. At minimum I hoped that in the face of a clear finding that its members were committing serious war crimes, Hamas would curtail its attacks. Sadly, that has not been the case. Hundreds more rockets and mortar rounds have been directed at civilian targets in southern Israel. That comparatively few Israelis have been killed by the unlawful rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in no way minimizes the criminality. The U.N. Human Rights Council should condemn these heinous acts in the strongest terms.

...there has been no effort by Hamas in Gaza to investigate the allegations of its war crimes and possible crimes against humanity. ...In the end, asking Hamas to investigate may have been a mistaken enterprise.

No kidding. It seems it has just occurred to the judge that a terrorist organization committed to destroying Israel cannot, unlike democratic Israel, have any stake in investigating its own human rights violations. Did the judge really not comprehend this in 2009?

[But] whatever Judge Goldstone’s current obfuscations, and his intent to pass off his report’s failures as the fault of Israel’s non-cooperation rather than his own weaknesses and lack of impartiality, his current re-evaluation is more than welcome... So I, for one, thank Judge Richard Goldstone for his going public to help minimize the damage to Israel that he and his report have already produced.

Wow. So a bloodthirsty crew of barbarians who revel in the slaughter of women and children... who have genocide as their stated mission... who threw members of opposing terror groups off the roofs of buildings... can't be trusted?

What a surprise.

Hat tip: Memeorandum.


Joseph Brown said...

Hen house, meet Mr. Fox.

klubbar hårt på natten said...

Greece and Portugal got their credit ratings lowered. The recession isn't over by any means. No sir. y

Atlanta Roofing said...

Goldstone having a change of heart does not invalidate the goldstone report. Despite the name it was the work of more than one person, four principle authors in fact, and who knows how many support staff. The biggest extent of Goldstone's change of view should be a footnote and perhaps a renaming of the report since he clearly wishes to distance himself from it.