Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Democrats Think You're a Moron: The Evidence

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Democrats Think You're a Moron: The Evidence: Sooper
We Are Robbing Our Children: Brooks
Jimmy Fallon: "The President Booked Himself On Our Show": RCP

Oops: Labolt didn't get Booker memo: Beacon
Man, is there anywhere that Obama’s NOT failing?: Lane
Obama struggles in Kentucky, Arkansas: Poitico

Hawaii verifies Obama's birth records to Arizona: Townhall
Gov't Propaganda Comes to America: What Took So Long?: Cube
Obama Admin Signs $20M Contract for Obamacare P.R.: LN


Rendell: Hey, can you believe these Bain attacks from Obama?: Hot Air
Dem Clyburn Says Bain Was 'Raping Companies': Beacon
Obama Donor Tied to Bain Layoffs: ABC

Doctors Have Those Single Payer Blues: Smoke
Libs Cheer As Union Chief Smashes Female GOP PiƱata: Glob
Reid Blames Tea Party Extremism for Looming 'Taxmaggedon': Yahoo

Scandal Central

GOP closer to holding Eric Holder in contempt: Politico
Obama bundler’s husband has received more than a billion in DOE solar loans: Bundler of Sunshine
Harvard Law succeeds in taking down anti-Holder Fast and Furious protest website: LI

Climate & Energy

Flat Earthers Worried About Earth’s Water Cycle: Cove


Watch Jay Carney Squirm When Asked If Obama Supports Occupy: Glob
The Signs Are Popping Up All Over: LI
Confirmed: Superman Might Be Gay: Hot Air

Stacy McCain’s Wife Harassed – Family Fears For Safety: Camp o' the Saints
Kitty Genovese and the Conservative Media: Ace
Who Is Brett Kimberlin?: Jawa

7 Non-Political Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives: Hawkins
Are You Ready For “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day”, May 25?: Nice Deb
Latest media Romney “scoop”: His wife’s horse hobby is pretty expensive: Hot Air


Don't let him fool you: Obama allowed Israel to be excluded from the NATO summit to satisfy the Turks: Matzav
Surprise! Women Now Second-Class Citizens In Egypt: RWN
Israeli Everest climber saves Turkish ‘brother’: JPost


Facebook Bankers Secretly Cut Facebook’s Revenue Estimates In Middle Of IPO Roadshow: Yahoo!
How Facebook's IPO Got Hijacked by Computers: BuzzFeed
The Curious Timing of Mark Zuckerberg's Wedding: AtlWire


This Week in Automotivators, May 14-20: RWN
Kim Jong-il Owns Some Cool S*#t!: Ranker
Obama’s Rather Impressive List Of “Accomplishments”: Western Journalism

Image: Ace o' Spades
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: [On Elizabeth Warren's claims that she is 1/32nd American Indian and also published a crab with mayonaisse recipe in a Native American cookbook]

"She remembers sitting around the teepee listening to her great grandfather, Dances With Mayonaisse, tell exciting stories of the great crab herds.

"When the crab herds were spotted on the plains, all of the warriors would swing on to the backs of their ponies and chase the herd. They would fiercely grasp the ponies between their thighs so both hands could be free to shoot arrows into the running crabs." --Ace o' Spades commenter Walrus Rex

1 comment:

Bob Belvedere said...

Thank you for the linkage, and for the extensive coverage of le Affaire de Kimberlin.