A post on The White House blog (via ABC News) late Wednesday evening announced that it was time for "bold action" to save teachers' jobs.Specifically, Arne Duncan, Obama's education secretary wrote the following to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid:
We applaud Chairmen Harkin, Miller and Obey for crafting legislation in direct response to these challenges. S. 3206, the Keep Our Educators Working Act, H.R. 2847, the Jobs for Main Street Act, and H.R. 4812, the Local Jobs for America Act, each call for $23 billion in emergency support to preserve education jobs modeled after the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) established in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This funding would keep teachers in the classroom while helping to sustain meaningful and necessary reforms in public education across the country.
We urge Congress to include this funding in the supplemental appropriations bills soon to be considered. We also urge Congress to include $2 billion in support to localities for police and firefighters to ensure that our communities remain safe, as well as $1 billion in funds for the Child Care and Development Block Grant to preserve early childhood education jobs and ensure that our youngest children do not lose the supports and services critical to their learning and overall well-being.
So this is another multi-billion dollar payoff to the NEA and the AFT, the hard-left partisans who control public school teachers, invariably support big government Democrats and continuously wage war against the taxpayer.
Gee, this seems so responsible, what with all of the spare money we've got.
Seriously, it's hard for me to conceive of a more partisan and dangerous government than our current set of leaders at the federal level.
Hat tip: Michelle Malkin and Doug Powers.
This past year my son's eighth grade social studies teacher taught her class that the Black Panthers were never a violent group, they were just for social change, and admitted that she was a socialist. This is in the red state of Georgia. Of course, this is going to be his last year in that (public) school.Nearly 50% of my income, counting state and local taxes, is taxed and pays for garbage like this.
Every public school class room should have a web cam. The public has a right to know what kind of propaganda is being taught with our tax dollars.
I can see November from my house...... these academic know-nothings are going to be thrown out of office. Barry bin Obama will get his walking papers in just 2 1/2 years.
Damn straight. This country will get back to economic growth, domestic energy production, a flat tax and lowered immigration.
Dare to doubt me?
Most of my co-workers who belong to the Union only do so for fear they will be sued and lose everything they have worked for. In my state you HAVE to belong to the National Union to belong to the State and Local..every year they try and get me to join again...every year a say NO! and why....ggrrrr!!! I oppose the NEA and their policies!!!
Via http://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com
IMMIGRATION DRIVING THE COST OF EDUCATION http://www.thesocialcontract.com/articles/plyler-v-doe.html
"The ultimate driver for new school construction is rising enrollment – and the ultimate driver for enrollment is immigration. In fact, without immigration school enrollment would have declined in recent years…
Bottom line: immigration (legal and illegal) accounted for all of the increase in K-12 enrollment between 1999 and 2007."
[Read it all.]
"Washington State is one of 35 states receiving a Refugee School Impact Grant from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Funds are awarded to Washington’s Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA), which contracts with School’s Out Washington to administer the grant. Through the Refugee School Impact Grant (RSIG) Project, School's Out Washington works hard to support local school systems impacted by significant numbers of refugee children and youth.
Nationally, the Refugee School Impact Grant includes these states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. You can read more about the Refugee School Impact Grant nationwide in the BRYCS Spring 2009 Spotlight.
You can find general refugee resettlement trends and data for both the United States and Washington State online. For national refugee arrival data updated every month, please visit the Refugee Processing Center. For data specific to Washington State, please visit the ORR’s State Profiles or the Refugee Arrival Data by state. For more information on Washington State’s ORIA, please contact Teresa Fiorini. Her phone number is 206.568.5763."
[Many of the states above are linkable as well as the agencies, plus affects on schools reports.]
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