
Chris Christie on Disagreements: Patterico
The Mytho-Poetical Free Lunch: Cold Fury
Kagan's Contempt for the First Amendment: RWN
Will the Senate see Kagan's long paper trail?: York
Kagan taught courses on 'Presidential Lawmaking': VS
OK economy thrives after immigration crackdown: BlumerHighland Park, Ill Officials Hide and Lie Over AZ Decision: RWN
The Treasury-Financial Complex: WSJ
Why California (and our country) are almost bankrupt: Babalu
Governor Ganja: AT
First Fed Invoice For Bailing Out Europe: $9.2B: ZH
Climate & Energy
Of Course We Should Keep Drilling Offshore: RWNEPA Cracking Down on Evil U.S. Manufacturers: GWP
Sylvania takes on 60-watt bulb with LED light: CNet
The Washington Post's Sudden Concern For Bipartisanship: Wizbang'Six tea party protesters were led away from the Capitol in handcuffs by state police...': BlogProf
Rush Limbaugh Will Take $1 Million Less To Leave New York Forever: Insider
Kagan Is Anti-Military, Anti-Gun, Anti-Free Speech But Media Refuses to Label Her a Hardcore Lib: GWP
Obama Buyer's Remorse: AT
Civility? CIVILITY???: Cold Fury
Syria, Iran, and Turkey Openly Defy Obama, as Russia Regains Mideast Influence: PJMU.N. Human Rights Council Welcomes Some New Members: Corner
UN determined to destroy America's Second Amendment: PJM
Watch Eric Holder Squirm: Malkin
Bert Corona and the Communist Roots of the "Immigrants Right" Movement" : NewZeal
Euro collapse fears spark panic buying of gold: London Daily Mail
Boeing's unmanned Phantom Ray makes dramatic video debut, set to take off this December: EngadgetIndian outsourcing firm plans data processing centre in prison: VNUnet
HTC moves to block Apple iPhone, iPad imports: NewsFactor
Fart Blanket Hopes To Build Better Marriages: WCPORegulation of the Day 137: Brownie Recipes: OpenMarket
Culture of Stupid: News from Doswell
Image: Maktoob.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Gates of Vienna
QOTD: "The public disgust and anger is growing fast. The Tea Party movement has gained acceptance and vigor at the grassroots level. Some, like Bill Clinton, attempt to associate the Tea Party participants with terrorists, which is ludicrous. George Washington, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, and especially the outspoken Benjamin Franklin might be maligned if alive today, or at least harassed with tax audits" -- Jim Williee.
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