
Romancing the State: Doc Zero
Official: Black Panther case lacks proof: Times
Tim Burns takes narrow lead in race for Murtha's seat: GWP
Surrender the Supreme Court to the Left?: AmPower
Gingrich Attacks Kagan Nomination and 'Secular-Socialism': RWN
We are out of money: ReasonIllinois: one of worst legal climates in U.S.: RWN
I Don’t Want To Be 'Job Locked': GM's Place
Revenge of the Gold Bugs: Ace
Public employee unions: Enemies of the state: Hewitt
Surprise! DemCare Costs Spiraling Out of Control: McArdle
Climate & Energy
Geologist declares 'global warming is over': DepotObama's faith programs push climate change agenda: BigGovt
Climategate Taxpayer Fraud Investigation Draws Heat: AT
Is It His Katrina Yet?: LegalIns
Scientists Find Giant Oil Plumes in Gulf; Obama Shoots Hoops: GWP
2,000 US Actors, Prominent Liberals Accuse Obama of 'War Crimes... Worse Than Bush': Weasel ZippersSocialism In Extremis: Geek Economy, Newsweek Head for Hades: Langbert
First Amendment Under Progressive Siege: Times
No to Mohammad, but yes, yes, yes to anti-Semitism: Shayne
Lt. Col. Allen West: 'What's at Stake': Atlas
Brothers in Arms: Flopping Aces
Elena Kagan's grades and thesis online - Have we seen Obama's yet? : Ruby Slippers
“Perky” Michelle Obama a Big Downer at GW Graduation: GWP
Someone needs to help Charles Blow: Hindenblog
Who is Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?: MalkinThe U.S. Can — and Must — Learn From Israeli Counterterror: PJM
You've got to be kidding...: Corner
A Hidden History of Evil: Why doesn’t anyone care about the unread Soviet archives?: CityJournal
Thailand At Risk Of Long-Term Guerrilla-Style Civil War: Insider
Reawakening Germany’s Nationalism: What Could Go Wrong?: PJM
My Amazing Email Exchange With Steve Jobs: InsiderLegal experts: LimeWire likely doomed: CNet
Monday Morning Food Fight: MOTUSSummer Associate of the Day: Kaavya Viswanathan (Aka the Alleged Harvard Plagiarist) : AboveTheLaw
A prescient Nigel Farage warns of Euro meltdown (13-Jan-2009): Euro Parliament
Image: Sean Delonas, City Journal.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Michelle's Mirror (MOTUS)
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