Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Government Reports That Mullah Omar Was Captured

Big Government's Brad Thor is reporting that Mullah Omar was captured by Pakistani officials. In keeping with the tradition of the Obama administration, he was read his Miranda rights and taken to a jail in Yonkers. Okay, I made that last sentence up. But tell me you didn't buy into it.

Through key intelligence sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I have just learned that reclusive Taliban leader and top Osama bin Laden ally, Mullah Omar has been taken into custody...

At the end of March, US Military Intelligence was informed by US operatives working in the Af/Pak theater on behalf of the D.O.D. that Omar had been detained by Pakistani authorities. One would assume that this would be passed up the chain and that the Secretary of Defense would have been alerted immediately. From what I am hearing, that may not have been the case.

When this explosive information was quietly confirmed to United States Intelligence ten days ago by Pakistani authorities, it appeared to take the Defense Department by surprise. No one, though, is going to be more surprised than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It seems even with confirmation from the Pakistanis themselves, she was never brought up to speed.

It figures. It would be more of a surprise if the Pakistanis hadn't treated the administration like a bunch of clueless n00bz.


Anonymous said...

If the story is true it looks bad for the regime. The article says Pakistan has had him since March and neither State nor Defense knew it until about ten days ago. Even after State was informed they neglected to inform Hillary and she insulted the Pakis about their level of cooperation on 60 Minutes just yesterday.

usb flash drive

Anonymous said...

If this is true it make HOLDER look like a bumbling fool again.
Remember Holder said that Bin Laden wouldn't be taken alive so the Miranda reading was irrelevant.
Well at some point we get our hands on Omar. Does he get his rights? Does he go to NYC for trial.

student aid said...

This is great posting hat Bin Laden wouldn't be taken alive so the Miranda reading was irrelevant.
Well at some point we get our hands on Omar. The article says Pakistan has had him since March and neither State nor Defense knew it until about ten days ago. thanks