Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Obama taking credit for the Bin Laden hit is like Nixon taking credit for the moon landing

Read, rinse, repeat and forward:

Imagine if President Nixon had decided to base his 1972 re-election campaign on the boast that he landed on the moon. His predecessors tried and failed for eight years. It wasn't an easy decision--what if something went wrong? But that's why you hire a president, to make those gutsy calls. Which path would George McGovern have taken?

That's analogous to President Obama's effort to campaign on the killing of Osama bin Laden. His absurd braggadocio is turning one of the few successes to occur under his leadership into a political liability.

I know this much. The SEALs have had enough.

Navy SEALs blasted Barack Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama Bin Ladent. One SEAL went as far as to say Obama did not even make the call.

‘In years to come there is going to be information that will come out that Obama was not the man who made the call. “

This was devastating. Leave it to the British press to get to the facts of the matter.

Mitt Romney had a good line when he stated that "even Jimmy Carter" would have ordered the UBL hit. Not only that, even Moonbeam Kucinich would have as well.

And then there's this:

Remember when Obama threatened to prosecute the CIA interrogators whose work led to the Bin Laden killing?

Remember when Obama put three (3) Navy SEALs on trial on the word of a murderous, scumbag al-Qaeda terrorist?

Remember when Obama installed a man who had defended Al Qaeda terrorists as #3 in the Justice Department, in charge of Gitmo terrorist trials?

And remember when Obama denounced the same enhanced interrogation techniques that led trackers to Bin Laden?

There's hypocrisy. There's Democrat hypocrisy. And then there's Obama.


carlito said...

What's with the photograph?

It's not Osama Bin Laden.

Anonymous said...

Who cares who made the call?? That scumbag is dead...