Tuesday, May 08, 2012

White House: Please register your fetus at the door (partial birth abortions still okay, however)

These Democrats are so confusing:

The White House Visitors Office requires that an unborn child—still residing in utero—must be counted as a full human being when its parents register for a White House tour, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon... White House Visitors Office director Ellie Schafer sent an email to a Capitol Hill staffer Tuesday morning explaining the process for registering an unborn fetus for a White House tour:

I thought Democrats assert that fetuses aren't people?

And that the President and his wife believe that laws banning partial birth abortions are "clearly unconstitutional" and "flawed"?

I'm so freaking confused.


Anonymous said...

These people are complete and total lunatics and they are running the asylum. We live in the twilight zone...

Chunkdog said...

I read this and was also confused.

I guess the only criteria for defining a mass of cells versus a human baby is determined by whether or not that baby's mother is taking a White House Tour while pregnant.

What confuses me is if the Cellbaby takes a tour on Sunday, and is aborted on Monday, can the mother now be convicted of murder since the miraculous transformation of cells to human, that happened during the tour?

Or does the baby revert back to a cell mass when the tour is over?

I guess if you're planning on having an abortion make sure you get it before you take the tour, rather than after.

Just to be on the safe side.

Stephen G said...

What is the story here, other than the people who created this policy are smarter than you?

"White House: Please register your fetus at the door...."

....along with any born children, infants, etc that you don't want to be told to stand outside while you tour the WH because you didn't think ahead and register them.


Anonymous said...

Damn are you people laughably gullible. Go re-read the policy, lest you continue to expose yourself for the fool you are.

Let me sum it up for you: if you're gonna have a baby by the time your WH tour is scheduled to occur, then you should register that prospective BORN baby beforehand.

Has nothing to do with registering fetuses as people, half-wit.

Chunkdog said...

@Anonymous An unborn baby is, by definition, a fetus.

The WH requests that you register your unborn baby.
So, they are, in fact, requesting that you register your fetus.

By the WH requesting you register the "fetus", and only human beings are required to register(and NOT clumps of cells), they are admitting that the fetus that you are carrying is a human being.

Don't get so emotional next time you are wrong. Calm down and someone will explain it to you.