A full review of Hillary Clinton’s personal emails released last Friday by the State Department finds Clinton’s senior aide, Huma Abedin, was exposed to highly-sensitive U.S. government information.
It was Abedin who forwarded to Clinton’s personal email address details about the initial establishment of the U.S. special mission in Benghazi, updates about security threats to both the mission and Ambassador Chris Stevens, intelligence on the growing terrorist threat in Libya and insider information on the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi.
Abedin was privy to emails that contained the exact movements of Stevens while he was stationed in arguably one of the most dangerous zones in the world for any American diplomat.
[Abedin has both] personal and family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other to Islamic supremacists.
The connections not only extend to her mother and father, who are both deeply tied to al-Qaida fronts, but to Abedin herself...
Sunday, May 31, 2015
GREAT NEWS: All of Hillary's Sensitive Emails Were Seen by Huma Abedin and Therefore the Muslim Brotherhood
The 5 Most Anticipated Boxing Matchups
HEAVYWEIGHT: WBA Champion Wladimir Klitschko (64-3-0, 53 KO) vs. WBC Champion Deontay Wilder (33-0-0, 32 KO).
LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT: WBA Champion Sergey Kovalev (27-0-1, 24 KO) vs. WBC Champion Adonis Stevenson (26-1-0, 21 KO).
SUPER MIDDLEWEIGHT: WBA Champion Andre Ward (27-0-0, 14 KO) vs. WBC Champion Badou Jack (19-1-1, 12 KO).
MIDDLEWEIGHT: WBA Champion Gennady Golovkin (33-0-0, 30 KO) vs. WBC Champion Miguel Cotto (39-4-0 32 KO).
SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT: WBA Champion Danny Garcia (30-0-0, 17 KO) vs. WBO Champion Terence Crawford (26-0-0, 18 KO).
Any one of these fights would be fantastic, but only a couple are likely to occur in a reasonable timeframe.
It's a shame boxing isn't managed by a unified structure akin to the UFC or MLB. The matchups would be better, audience share higher, and the payoffs for fighters therefore richer.
Hat tip: BadBlue Sports News.
So the GOP Must Embrace Evil to Survive? Really?
A black liberal columnist made the point in his article that the future of the GOP rests on it getting rid of its conservatives. Then, the GOP can modernize; attract more young voters of color by embracing open borders, amnesty, abortion and all the other filth coming out of the Democratic Party. Embracing this strategy is tantamount to embracing evil.
Many consultants and sadly, GOP politicians concur with the columnist's strategy. In essence, we are being told that the only way the GOP can win future elections is to embrace an anti-God and anti-righteous agenda. I can not and will not embrace this vile defeatist lie.Democrats with mainstream media support have successfully branded the GOP as the party of “mean”. The truth is for decades the Democratic Party leadership has been the greatest dispensers of evil in America; hating morality while trashing all things wholesome and good.
As a matter of fact, the only behavior Democrats believe to be immoral causing them to respond with visceral hate is conservative, Republican and/or Christian.
Larwyn's Linx: Cities On Fire: Phoenix
Cities On Fire: Phoenix: Noisy RoomGreenspan: U.S. ‘Way Underestimating’ the National Debt: Nicholas Ballasy
Team Obama Readies More Gun Control Regulations: William Teach
#PHXmosque protests get loud, not violent: Amy Miller
Backup Plan: Martin O’Malley Enters Race for Democrat Nomination: Deanna Fisher
Stop Complaining. The GOP Primary Is Going To Be Awesome: David Harsanyi
Ted Cruz takes high road in laying out policies: Chris Cassidy
The comedy economics of U.S. senator Bernie Sanders: David Thompson
Open Carry Bill Approved in Texas – Gov Vows to Sign into Law: Michael Schaus
Rand Paul PAC runs birther ad attacking Ted Cruz: RS
Ron Paul Making Certain his Son Won’t Ever Become President: Andrew Benjamin
Matt Bevin officially declared winner of Kentucky GOP primary: FAM
The Economy Has No Clothes: Tom BlumerMinorities Following Opportunities, Fleeing Blue Cities: AmInt
McDonald’s & The Minimum Wage: ACC
Scandal Central
The Epidemic of Regulatory Insanity: Leslie EastmanJournalism’s Sorry State: Thomas Purcell
NYC set to hand over $1B in lawsuit payouts: Post
Who is the Islamophobe?: iOTWreport
Muslim Serial Sex Offender Arrested For 29th Time – Mother Claims He’s Just Wife Hunting: GWP
Welfare Jihad in Europe: Soeren Kern
Climate & Energy
Why is Obama blocking infrastructure projects?: Merrill MatthewsCommon Core nightmare in science: Climate change indoctrination hits 13 states: BPR
The Age Of Disinformation: James Spann
NY Times- Liars and Cowards: iOTWreportInevitable: Rand Paul group labels Ted Cruz “the capitulating Canadian”: Jazz Shaw
Christian Rap Group Endorses GOP Presidential Candidate Sen. Ted Cruz in New Song 'Set It on Fire': CP
The Dictatorship of Godless Perverts: R.S. McCain
Boy Meets Girl: Mark Steyn
Texas Passes Open Carry Law, Anti-Gun Zealots Hilariously Lose Their Minds: Shae Weatherall
Pat Dollard Gets Statement From Mosque Rally Organizer Ritzheimer Before He Goes into Hiding: Pat Dollard
Chicago Rapper Killed By Rival Gang After Posting Video Disrespecting Them: WZ
Guardian descends into bizarre anti-Israeli dreamland...literally: Commentator
Islam Driving the Social and Legal Agenda in the West: Daniel PipesUS-Trained Special Forces Chief Joins ISIS, Vows To Bring Jihad To Russia and America: ZH
ISIS Puts Captured Roman Amphitheatre Back Into Use as Venue for Execution as Entertainment: Breitbart
Iranian military commander killed fighting in Ramadi: LWJ
White House: United States Not ‘Responsible’ for Defending Iraq: Breitbart
Ted Cruz Calls for Financial Boycott of Universities Backing BDS Israel: Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
‘JV team is on a roll’: ISIS ‘rapidly expanding’ as Obama ramps up fight against climate change: Twitchy
Nothing To Do: Obama Plays 18 Holes, Then Decides To Play Another 9: WZ
Communist China is still Communist: RS
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
E-Cigarettes Can Save Lives, Taxpayer Dollars: Matthew GiansWoman tosses Apple computer that turns out to be worth $200K: AP
How Elon Musk's Growing Empire is Fueled By Government Subsidies: Slashdot
OSS: The Myth That Never Dies: XX CommitteeJohn Kerry breaks his leg in bike crash: Post
Brutal Civil War Rages on Island of Misfit Toys: Hideout
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site
QOTD: "Having done an impressive job of demolishing the basic societal building block of the family, the left has now advanced to demolishing the basic biological building block of the sexes. Taken in tandem with the ever greater dominance of women at America's least worst colleges and the dispiriting permanence of the "he-cession" down the other end in the dismal, pitiful redoubt of the "man cave", we're well on the path toward the de facto abolition of man, at least in the manly sense." --Mark Steyn
Saturday, May 30, 2015
The Truth Behind Hillary Clinton's Various Facades
Does it strike anyone as strange that the only candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination to be the next President of the United States is the wife of a former President? There is no historic precedent for this, no way to measure this against how Americans have selected Presidents in the past.
Like most Americans, I first took notice of her when Bill began his campaign to become President. I recall being struck by the fact that in 1969 as a student at Wellesley College, her 92-page senior thesis was devoted to the community organizer, Saul Alinsky’s book. The title of the thesis was “There is Only the Fight…”: An Analysis of the Alinski Model.” She would request Wellesley to deny access to it.
Alinsky was a Communist. His twelve rules for radicals, unlike the Ten Commandments, are devoid of a moral message. Instead, the message is “this is how you can win.” Hillary would do well to review Rule 7, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” She was already old news when she announced her candidacy and it is becoming older with every passing day as she fails to take questions from the media, participating in totally staged events to look like “one of the people.”
Neither She or Bill are "one of the people". They, like the Bushes, are political royalty. They have both been around a very, very long time.
Hillary, despite the millions of words that have been written about and by her, remains an enigma. Other than being farther to the Left than Bill, she is a woman whose “achievements” in life have largely been the result of having married Bill. She would spend eight years in the White House as the First Lady and, pursuing her college dreams of political power, they would move to New York State where she ran and won a Senatorial election.
There isn’t a single Senate bill that she introduced or that is credited to her. She is said to have worked hard and gotten along well with her colleagues, but her Senate years are a blur in her public life. Then she made a bid to be the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate in 2008 and along came Barack Hussein Obama with whom the voters fell in love. When he was elected, he asked her to become his Secretary of State.
The Left’s Reign of Terror Continues in Martin O’Malley’s Baltimore
As Maryland’s largest city grieves for a mother and her 7-year-old son found shot to death, it is becoming clear that criminals emboldened by left-wingers are terrorizing the people of Baltimore like never before.
The city’s radical, left-wing, thug-loving mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D), has emasculated the local police she despises and abandoned her constituents by giving criminals a green light to do as they please. Police officers have been ordered not to do their jobs which is just as well because many of them are quite justifiably terrified of doing their jobs in the current environment. Mobs of as many as 50 people now routinely assemble when police arrive at crime scenes. Are they serving as community watchdogs or are they there to intimidate cops? Maybe both.At this rate it won’t be long before Baltimore dethrones Detroit as the premier municipal showcase for left-wing urban policy failures. Ominously, this is America’s Mad Max-like future if it continues on the suicidal course set by President Obama, a man whose proudest accomplishment has been to serve as a rabble-rousing Marxist community organizer.
While the still-warm corpses of the city’s newest murder victims were being processed by authorities yesterday, panelists at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress in the nation’s capital laid the blame for the rising tide of violence in Baltimore on everyone except the perpetrators.
SICKENING: Afghan Interpreter Murdered by Taliban While Waiting for Visa as ICE Frees Thousands of Violent Illegals
An Afghan interpreter for the United States military who had been waiting for over four years on the U.S. visa list was tortured and killed by insurgents earlier this year, raising concerns that other translators could meet a similar fate as American forces withdraw from Afghanistan.
Sakhidad Afghan worked as a translator for the U.S. Marines and Air Force since around 2008. Four years ago, he applied for a U.S. visa under a program for at-risk military translators. He was still on the waiting list when the Taliban reportedly kidnapped him from a bazaar this spring and executed him in the back of a trailer truck.
Each year, thousands of Afghan interpreters under threat from anti-American militants sit in bureaucratic limbo, waiting for visas they were promised by the U.S. military.
Contrast the disgusting treatment of our allies with the administration's handling of violent illegal aliens.
Back in 2013, Immigration and Customs Enforcement got ripped by Congress for releasing 36,000 violent criminal illegal aliens onto American streets. Those criminals had convictions of homicide, rape, child molestation drunk driving and more.
...Now, the agency has done it again and released more than 30,000 of the same type of criminal alien onto American streets last year ... "ICE released 30,558 criminal aliens in fiscal year 2014, which is down from the 36,007 criminals released a year before ... ICE didn’t release a breakdown of criminal offenses of the new 30,000 on Wednesday, but among the 36,000 released in 2013 were 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions and 16,070 convictions for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol...
This kind of behavior is the entire Obama administration in microcosm.
Hat tip: BadBlue News.
Larwyn's Linx: Pro-Crime Policies Work!
Pro-Crime Policies Work!: Daniel GreenfieldExperts reverse-engineer Obama's speech-making template: Cube
Byron Wien: The Fed basically put $3 trillion into the stock market: Akin Oyedele
DC Suspends All Political Ads, Rather than Run Pam Geller's Mohammad Ad: Ace
Phoenix 'Draw Muhammad' Organizer: Family out of State for Safety: Breitbart
Islamists Promise 'Kuffar Blood' Will Spill at AZ 'Draw Muhammad' Contest: Breitbart
Absence Of A Smoking Gun Doesn’t Equate To Innocence: Jonah Goldberg
Is Obama Trade Deal Okay With Slavery? Really?: Mike Lux
Armed anti-Islam protesters and Muslims Clash in Phoenix: Scoop
The Left’s Dumb and Dumber Wars: Susan Brown
Comprehensive List of Martin O’Malley Tax Hikes: ATR
Phoenix Mayor stands up for free speech he doesn’t agree with: LI
IRS Admits Refunding Billions On Fake Tax Returns: Tyler DurdenYikes: GDP Shrank to .7 Percent For First Quarter of 2015: Katie Pavlich
Salary Database Shows The Highs And Lows Of Silicon Valley Pay: BuzzFeed
Scandal Central
Bill Clinton Heroically Raised Money for the Tsunami Vicitms, By First Securing a $500,000 Payment: AceBill Clinton Shakes Down Happy Hearts Charity: iOTWreport
Leak: Hastert Made Secret Payments to Pay Off Male Victim of Sexual Abuse: Ace
If Hillary becomes president, who will make her obey the law?: Byron York
IRS Hires $1,000-An-Hour Lawyers And It Might Have Violated Federal Law: Patrick Howley
‘The old Anthony Weiner excuse’: Twitchy
Mark Levin: "If We Can't Win This Time Around, I Don't Think We're Ever Going To Win": RCPPAMELA GELLER: Shuts Down Islamapologist Chris Cuomo And People Love It: Clash
Politico: "Phoenix Braces for Anti-Islam Rally": Ace
RNC Goes Populist: Hits Hillary's Financial 'Hypocrisy': Daniel Halper
John Podesta Comes Out as a Graftosexual: Ace
The Baltimore / Ferguson Bully Model: John Farnam
Does the Media Hold Anyone to a Lower Ethical Standard than the Clintons?: Jonah Goldberg
Charles Krauthammer BLASTS Rand Paul, His 'Ignorance Really Astonishes Me': Lid
Obama Hosts Q&A Session, Americans Ask Him Why He Sucks: InfoWars
Iranian Guard Commander says: “We will not rest until the U.S. is an Islamic Republic”: ShoebatKerry Attending Inauguration of Nigeria's New Muslim President, Who Advocated Shari'a Law: CNS
Jerusalem Post Editor Attacked by Arabs at ‘Coexistence’ ‘Hug’ Day: Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
The NSA reportedly tried -- but failed -- to use a Stuxnet variant against North Korea: Katherine NoyesReport: Comcast under investigation by FCC and DOJ around violating NBCU mandates: Daniel Frankel
Google and Levi’s are teaming up to make computerized pants: Kevin Roose
When Your Name Becomes a Verb, Time to Move On: MOTUSGuess Who?: The Burning Platform
What iPhone would have looked like back in 1984: Buster Hein
Image: The Hillary Clinton Paradox
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site
QOTD: "Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did. But you can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg – isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America." --The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof, offering a defense of the Clinton Foundation scandals
EXCLUSIVE: The Day-by-Day Clinton Scandal Tracker [Updated]
• Bill Clinton Heroically Raised Money for the Tsunami Vicitms, By First Securing a $500,000 Payment
• Does the Media Hold Anyone to a Lower Ethical Standard than the Clintons?
• Bill Clinton Pleads for Donations As Scandals Scare Donors Off
• Sachs: Clintons ‘In Utter Pursuit of Money All The Time’
• Lifestyles of the Rich and Mostly Useless
• 2 days after Hillary became Secretary of State, Bill formed shell corporation to accept payments
• Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit
• Clinton Foundation finds itself drawn into FIFA soccer corruption scandal
• Emails reveal Hillary cared so much about Benghazi she slept through intel briefing 4 days later
• The 15 Benghazi emails you need to read
Friday, May 29, 2015
BOOM: 2 days after Hillary became Secretary of State, Bill formed shell corporation to accept payments
There's a little story here at PJ Media: "I just thought I’d contribute a detail to the latest news about the Clintons’ byzantine financial arrangements, specifically the limited-liability company Bill Clinton used to channel his 'consulting' profits." This is something we learned yesterday, he's got a shell corporation, a pass-through, and he was using that to hide money. He was using that to shelter money. He started a consulting business, in addition to everything else, the Crime Family Foundation, the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor, the charitable foundation, all these things, and then he added a consultancy business to it, and the payments were funneled through the shell corporation.
The original Associated Press story said that WJC, LLC -- "William Jefferson Clinton "the 'shell company" in question -- was formed in Delaware in 2008. It’s more interesting when you find out the specific date." So PJ Media researched this. "I searched the database of the Delaware Department of State’s Division of Corporations. There is one listing for WJC, LLC." That's Clinton's. "According to the information on file, the company was formed December 3, 2008."So you're saying, okay, big deal, big whoop. Well, no. Because Obama confirmed Hillary as his choice for secretary of state just two days prior. Obama names her secretary of state on December 1st, 2008. Two days later, Clinton forms his shell corporation, his pass-through corporation to accept payments for his new consultancy group.
Saudis Being Drawn Into Obama’s War
Islamic State suicide bomber in women's garb kills three in Saudi Arabia
Maha El Dahan and Sami Aboudi, 29 May 2015
ABU DHABI/DUBAI (Reuters) - An Islamist militant suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up outside a Shi'ite mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia on Friday, killing himself and three other people, the second attack of its kind in the world's top oil exporter in one week.
The bombing, which was claimed by Islamic State, could further escalate sectarian strife in the kingdom, where anti-Shi'ite sentiment has been stoked by a military campaign against Iranian-allied Houthi militias in neighboring Yemen since March.
The Interior Ministry said a suicide bomber disguised in women's clothes blew himself up outside the al-Anoud mosque's entrance in the city of Dammam during noon prayers.
Witnesses said a suicide bomber, who wore an Abaya used by women in Saudi Arabia, blew himself up in the mosque's parking lot when guards searching worshippers became suspicious of him.
These kinds of attacks validate Foreign Policy's recent prediction that "...the Islamic State may be debuting a new strategy: lone-wolf attacks inside the kingdom."
Consider: under Obama, Hillary and Kerry, we have been left with an Iran ("Death to America!") on the brink of nuclear weapons, ISIS, an Al Qaeda-run Libya, a blood-soaked Syria, and a collapsing Iraq.
A nuclear Middle East is the Democrat Party's "legacy", starting with Jimmy Carter and extending all the way to Obama and Hillary.
Apocalypse now, indeed.
Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.
PASS THE POPCORN, NAHANNI: Nancy Pelosi says "The Clintons will have to answer for the Foundation"
Nancy Pelosi told MSNBC that "the Clintons will have to answer for the foundation."The comment came after Pelosi was asked about a story in the New York Times that states Bill Clinton accepted an award at a charity event only after that charity paid the Clinton Foundation $500,000.
"The former president of the United States agreed to accept a lifetime achievement award at the June 2014 event after Ms. Nemcova offered a $500,000 contribution to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The donation, made late last year after the foundation sent the charity an invoice, amounted to almost a quarter of the evening’s net proceeds — enough to build 10 preschools in Indonesia," the Times reported.
Frankly, the facial contortions Ms. Pelosi has tortured her face with look -- to me, at least -- somewhat painful.
One would think that after amassing well somewhere around $30 million as a "public servant", Pelosi would be ready to retire.
Although, like many members of the Senate, perhaps she's using the perqs of office as an assisted living center.
Hat tip: BadBlue News.
“What would life be like without the NRA?”
As NRA’s new president, I am grateful to serve with you to preserve America’s unique freedoms.
I first encountered the National Rifle Association as an 11-year-old growing up in Ohio. Mentored by the NRA in the 1950s by men who had a passion for owning firearms and shooting, I learned the true meaning of our Second Amendment.
Recently, an old friend and I were remembering those remarkably free times: when “gun control” was not even in the lexicon; when a kid could take a shotgun or rifle to school and stow it in the cloakroom for after-school target practice or hunting.
My friend asked rhetorically, “What would life be like without the NRA?”
I know the answer to that question because I lived it.
I was blessed to have been present—working as a staff attorney in Congress—at the beginning of all of the legislative battles that have been thrust upon us.In that fight—which brought us the 1968 Gun Control Act—there was no NRA as we know it today. We had no means to assemble our collective power as individuals to influence government. “Lobbying” was just not proper.
The sad truth is that the majority of the NRA’s Board of Directors at that time didn’t see disaster in the offing.
Then came the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy (an NRA Life member), and of Martin Luther King Jr., himself a believer in armed self-defense.
As a young attorney, I served as minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee. Universal, national gun control to most of us was a totally unacceptable, foreign concept.
Free to financially pillage and rape
It’s always interesting to see a long term chart that reflects your real life experiences. I bought my first home in 1990. It was a small townhouse and I paid $100k, put 10% down, and obtained a 9.875% mortgage. I was thrilled to get under 10%. Those were different times, when you bought a home as a place to live. We had our first kid in 1993 and started looking for a single family home. We stopped because our townhouse had declined in value to $85k, so I couldn’t afford to sell. In 1995 I convinced my employer to rent my townhouse, as they were already renting multiple townhouses for all the foreigners doing short term assignments in the U.S. We bought a single family home in 1995 with the sole purpose of having a decent place to raise a family that was within 20 minutes of my job.
Considering home prices on an inflation adjusted basis were lower than they were in 1980, I was certainly not looking at it as some sort of investment vehicle. But, as you can see from the chart, nationally prices soared by about 55% between 1995 and 2005. My home supposedly doubled in value over 10 years. I was ecstatic when I was eventually able to sell my townhouse in 2004 for $134k. I felt so smart, until I saw a notice in the paper one year later showing my old townhouse had been sold again for $176k. Who knew there were so many greater fools.This was utterly ridiculous, as home prices over the last 100 years have gone up at the rate of inflation. Robert Shiller and a few other rational thinking people called it a bubble. They were scorned and ridiculed by the whores at the NAR and the bimbo cheerleaders on CNBC. Something smelled rotten in the state of housing. We now know who was responsible. Greenspan and Bernanke were at least 75% responsible for the housing bubble and its eventual implosion, which essentially destroyed our economic system. They purposely kept interest rates at obscenely low levels, encouraging every Tom, Dick and Julio to buy a home with a negative amortization, no doc, nothing down, adjustable rate mortgage, so they could live the American dream of being in debt up to their eyeballs.
Greenspan and Bernanke were also responsible for regulating the Wall Street banks. They allowed them to leverage themselves 30 to 1. They allowed them to create fraudulent high risk mortgage products. They looked the other way as Wall Street sliced and diced these guaranteed to default mortgages into AAA rated derivatives that were then spread throughout the global financial system like ticking time bombs. As home prices rose three standard deviations above the long term average, these Ivy League educated geniuses cheered it all on. Bernanke saw no bubble, just as it was bursting. He saw no mal-investment or systematic risk from this orgy of greed and fraud. And then it all blew up in our faces, while the perpetrators walked away unscathed to pillage and rape once more.
GREAT NEWS: ICE Still Releasing Criminal Aliens Into U.S. Population at a Frightening Pace
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has published an investigative report on violent criminals released by ICE. Aptly titled "Convicted, but free to roam: Giving little notice, federal authorities have released thousands of detained undeportable immigrants — sometimes with grave results", the article tells the story of a rapist and a murderer turned loose by ICE. Such criminal alien releases are continuing at an alarming pace in 2015.
According to documents provided to the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing last month, ICE released 30,558 convicted criminal aliens in FY 2014. These individuals had been convicted of 79,059 crimes, including 175 homicides, 373 sexual assaults, 186 kidnappings, and 14,014 impaired driving offenses (see the listing of conviction categories here).As of the end of March, ICE had released another 10,246 criminal aliens. This pace of criminal releases is down from 2013 and 2014 — but only because ICE is arresting far fewer people to start with, not because there are fewer to arrest. ICE arrests of criminal aliens are down 32 percent since this time last year, according to ICE records. Arrests of the most serious offenders are down by 22 percent over last year.
Larwyn's Linx: Remember when the press would hound Bush to admit his mistakes?
Remember when the press would hound Bush to admit his mistakes?: Erick EricksonICE Still Releasing Criminal Aliens at a Rapid Pace: Jessica Vaughan
Communists Right: Poverty Too Serious To Be left To Government: John Ransom
'Insult to the Constitution': Judge presses Obama lawyer in Obamacare case: Exam
Cruz Attacks: Demands Answers On Obamacare Subsidies: CHQ
These 4 Graphics Tell the Story of School Choice: Kelsey Harris
Sachs: Clintons ‘In Utter Pursuit of Money All The Time’: WFB
New progressive mantra: Greed is good: Ed Morrissey
Teflon Tony Rodham, the Clintons’ Shady Id: Brendan Bordelon
Where It Counts: Huck, Cruz, Walker Lead: Dick Morris
The Circle of Jerks Turns From Scott Walker to Ted Cruz: Erick Erickson
Lifestyles of the Rich and Mostly Useless: MB
Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge?: Michelle MalkinUnion Threats and LowTactics Over Trade Deal ‘Not Appreciated’ By Democrats: LUR
The CDC is in bed with Big Pharma: Bob Livingston
Scandal Central
Justice as Collateral Damage: Bruce ThompsonLoretta Lynch has a Lois Lerner decision to make: Pete Kasperowicz
Complaint: Tea-Party-targeting DOJ attorneys now work for White House: Exam
MSM: Why, This Hillary Character Seems Evasive and Flawed: Guy BensonRubio Warns Mainstream Christianity is Being Labeled Hate Speech in America: DownTrend
WILD BILL FOR AMERICA: 21st Century Crusaders Urgently Needed Again To Defeat Islam: Shoebat
Mark Levin: ‘I Don’t Know How Hillary Hasn’t At Least Served Some Time In Prison’: DC
Megyn Kelly takes down Rand Paul on the Patriot Act: Power Line
Hillary Clinton Adopts Fake Southern Accent, Again: VictoryGirls
Nicholas Kristof tries the Otter Defense on behalf of the Clintons.: Moe Lane
Iran Arrests, Tortures Political Cartoonist - #freeatena: Clarion
Megyn Kelly attacks CNN Cuomo’s ignorance, comparison of ‘Draw Muhammad’ to ‘n-word’: BPR
China Warns that War is Inevitable: Daniel John SobieskiSecDef Carter Talks Tough on China: AmInt
Corrupt Clinton Foundation Paid Blumenthal $10K a Month to Provide Intel on Libya: JWF
Filling the Vacuum in Syria: Islamic State, Al-Nusra Front, and Hezbollah: Yaakov Lappin
Egypt's Blockade of Gaza: Khaled Abu Toameh
Iranian Negotiator: We Reached Solution with P5+1 on Site Inspection, But Khamenei Rejected It: MEMRI
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
John Nash's Game Theory and Greece: Mohamed A. El-ErianHubble in Pictures: Astronomers' Top Picks (Photos): Space.com
Australia confident Great Barrier Reef not 'in danger': Phys.org
Sen. Bernie Sanders' 1972 Essay: Women 'Fantasize About Being Raped': MRCFriday Photo Fun Match Game: TSG
What a Failed City Looks Like: Bob Owens
Image: Iran Arrests, Tortures Political Cartoonist - #freeatena
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site
QOTD: "Well, the guy who ran the table was the most conservative Republican nominated for president in modern American history. Maybe history period [Reagan]. That’s what we need to do ... I’m not happy with the [current GOP] candidates. There’s too damn many of them. But that said, I can’t control it, and neither can anybody else.”
But I do think we conservatives are going to have to rally behind one or two or three relatively quickly or the RINO’s are going to pick us off, as they did with McCain and Romney and hope to do with Jeb Bush, among others." --Mark Levin
Thursday, May 28, 2015
It Doesn't Get More American Than This
Some Americans know how to defend freedom of speech better than others. But be forewarned, the twisted sisters of legacy media want you to think it’s a bad thing.
foreignpolicy.com, 2015/05/28
Armed Bikers Plan to Draw Cartoons of Mohammed Outside a Mosque in Arizona
An armed biker gang. Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. A mosque in Arizona. What could possibly go wrong?
We’ll find out Friday, when two organizers — Jon Ritzheimer and Flash Nelson — host what’s being billed as a peaceful demonstration outside the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix. It’s the former site of worship for Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, who were killed after opening fire outside a May 3 contest featuring cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in suburban Dallas. Simpson had no direct link to the Islamic State but was sympathetic to its cause. Many Muslims consider depictions of Mohammed blasphemous.
Just like the cartoon contest outside Dallas, this event, scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Friday, appears to welcome controversy. In a Facebook invite, the planners urge attendees to take full advantage of their Second Amendment right to carry weapons. So far, 163 people have RSVP’d...
...[The organizer] Ritzheimer did not return a request for comment Thursday. He told localmedia in Arizona, “I’m a Marine, and I am far from politically correct.… I’m outspoken, and I’ve just had it.”
Either you believe in free political speech or you don't. And this is political speech we're talking about.
Larwyn's Linx: When They Come for The Smaller Groups
When They Come for The Smaller Groups: Axe to the RootDem Senators: Importing 65,000 Syrians a “Security Imperative”: Daniel Greenfield
Knocking On War’s Door: Victor Davis Hanson
White House Excuse for Ramadi Defeat: Lack of Diversity: Keith Koffler
Psaki: Obama's Strategy In Iraq, Which Is Perfect, May Need to be Adjusted: Ace
Pelosi: We’re Beating Isis – On Twitter: Tammy Bruce
Elizabeth Warren Bought Foreclosed Homes to Make a Quick Profit: NRO
As Other Dems Emerge, Hillary Will Crash: Dick Morris
Hillary Clinton’s Fake Southern Accent Is Baaaaaaack!: IJR
Rand Paul Reveals His True Colors and Destroys Himself: PJM
Why Rick Santorum Matters: Erick Erickson
Fiorina: Hillary's track record is Middle East collapse and Russian "reset": Breitbart
LA Unions Want an Exemption From Minimum Wage Law They Just Lobbied For: OTBNo Memorial Day For Inner-City Dead: Cal Thomas
Arizona border town 'like a war zone all the time,' protesting residents say: LAT
Scandal Central
Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit: ExamClinton Foundation finds itself drawn into FIFA soccer corruption scandal: Moe Lane
Cruz Threatens to Subpoena Treasury Officials to Testify About Obamacare Rules: Niels Lesniewski
Climate & Energy
Leaving the Church of Environmentalism: Alan CarubaThe Loch Ness Monster Of Energy Storage: SDA
Obama Claims ‘Dominion’ Over All U.S. Bodies of Water… Even Puddles: LibertyNews
Politico Smears Scott Walker With False Quote: Caleb HoweAudio: The Ted Cruz 2016 rap anthem: Hot Air
Ann Coulter Takes On Jorge Ramos–Watch the Video!: VDARE
Journalists: Do Your Job: Joe Cunningham
Limbaugh: American Left and Militant Islam Have 'Formed an Accord' to Target Christianity: Jeff Poor
The rape epidemic and Nicholas Kristof’s cognitive dissonance: RS
No One Likes the Nuclear Iran Deal Except Obama and Iran: TIPFive Taliban Swapped For Bergdahl Soon Free To Travel: S&L
Muslims on Egyptian TV Wonder If Obama Is Insane or on Drugs: Sara Noble
UJA-Federation Exposed: $6MM Sent to New Israel Fund Via Wholly-Owned Subsidiary: JCC Watch
China puts weapons on its new artificial islands: John Garnaut
China raises prospect of South China Sea air defence zone: Charles Clover
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Forget Pizza: In The Future, Drones May Deliver You: Richard ProcterYes, you can get a ticket for using Apple Watch while driving: Buster Hein
Lenovo's projector phone beams a touchscreen onto any surface: Richard Lai
Kate Upton Chugging Beer Out Of A Bag And Pitching A Fit Over Her Towed Car: DCIf Alcohol Ads Were Honest: BuzzFeed
AP’s Matt Lee Makes State Dept’s Jen Psaki Look Even Dumber Than Usual: Stephen Kruiser
Image: Lenovo's projector phone beams a touchscreen onto any surface
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site
QOTD: "Sen. Ted Cruz is warning he might seek to compel testimony from the Treasury Department about the Affordable Care Act... The Texas Republican presidential candidate, who has the gavel of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts, said his staff had been informed by the Obama administration that witnesses would not be available to testify about the rule-making process for providing subsidies under Obamacare because of ongoing litigation.
“For two main reasons, this excuse is entirely invalid,” Cruz wrote in a new letter to Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew. “First, Congress retains its right to conduct oversight of the executive branch at all times, regardless of any perceptions of poor timing by, or inconvenience to, the executive branch. The Senate Judiciary Committee has obligations to ensure the proper functioning of the federal government at all times, and not just during windows of convenience for political officials. Second, your Department’s pending litigation justification is without basis, particularly given how you have provided at least one Department witness for the exact same topic during the pendency of other litigation over the last few years.”
In the letter, Cruz said if three tax policy officials at the Treasury Department are not made available on a voluntary basis, he may pursue other methods to get them to appear. The subcommittee had been planning to hold the hearing on June 4...
“If you do not opt to assist Congress and make all three individuals available voluntarily, I may have no choice but to pursue other options, including compulsory process, to make them available for testimony,” Cruz wrote in the missive to Lew. “Please note, in the event we are compelled to use compulsory process to ensure the attendance of these witnesses, the two-week courtesy notice prior to testimony is no longer applicable, and these individuals can be summoned for testimony at any time deemed convenient for the Committee.”" --Niels Lesniewski
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
TWO CHARTS: "The stock market is as overvalued as it was in 1929, 2000, and 2007"
“Things always become obvious after the fact” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The S&P 500 currently stands at 2,126, fractionally below its all-time high. It is now 300% above the 2009 low and 34% above the 2008 and 2001 previous highs. Most people believe this is the new normal. They are comfortably numb in their ignorance of facts, reality, the truth, and the inevitability of a bleak future. When the herd is convinced progress and never ending gains are the norm, the apparent stability and normality always degenerates into instability and extreme anxiety. As many honest analysts have proven, with unequivocal facts and proven valuation measurements, the stock market is as overvalued as it was in 1929, 2000, and 2007.
WELL DONE: Texas Outlaws Any Application of Radical Islamic Sharia Law Within its Borders
Once again the nation looks to Texas for the way things ought to be. This time the Texas Legislature has passed a law permanently barring Muslims from trying to institute their own sharia-based savagery on their own communities in the Lone Star State.
Shoebat.com reports that the anti-sharia law was passed this week.
WOAI State Sen. Donna Campbell (R-New Braunfels) doesn’t mention Islamic Koranic law, or ‘Sharia Law’ in her bill. She simply says it guarantees that no laws fro ‘foreign courts’ will be adopted by Texas civil court judges.“It’s just to provide some belt and suspenders to make sure that, with judicial discretion, we don’t trump Texas law, American law, with a foreign law regarding family law,” Campbell said.
Muslim groups say the bill is a ‘solution looking for problem, and claim that the bill has its genesis in an anti Muslim demonstration on the steps of the Texas Capitol in January in which the proposal was cheered.
But these Muslim groups are lying.
Hillary Clinton, Lord of War
While presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was America’s top diplomat the Department of State that she oversaw approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments forked over millions of dollars to the now-embattled Clinton Foundation.
According to an International Business Times report by David Sirota and Andrew Perez, “at least seven foreign governments that received State Department clearance for American arms did donate to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary.” The article identified the seven nations as Algeria, Australia, Kuwait, Norway, Oman, Qatar, and Thailand.Mainstream media’s surprisingly probing coverage of the unfolding Clinton Foundation donations-for-favors scandal suggests that reporters have turned on the Clintons in the age of Obama.
And the fact that the IBT piece was co-authored by Marxist author and radio talk show host David Sirota adds to the growing pile of evidence that some of the more ideologically pure progressives in the Democratic Party are ganging up on Mrs. Clinton in order to help as yet undeclared presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).
Sirota, a former press aide to various left-wing lawmakers such as then-Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a self-described socialist who just launched his own quixotic presidential campaign, isn’t exactly an objective observer. A longtime left-wing activist who hurls invective at conservatives and Republicans, Sirota has slobbered over Warren, calling the anti-capitalism crusader “one of the most promising political leaders in a generation.”
Meanwhile, the $165 billion figure, “derived from the three full fiscal years of Clinton’s term as Secretary of State (from October 2010 to September 2012) — represented nearly double the value of American arms sales made to the those countries and approved by the State Department during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.”
While Hillary Clinton headed the State Department the agency also gave its blessing to “$151 billion of separate Pentagon-brokered deals for 16 of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation, resulting in a 143 percent increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration.”
Larwyn's Linx: Hillary Clinton, Lord of War
Hillary Clinton, Lord of War: Moe LaneAn Obama Crime Wave Spreads Across America: IBD
Terror-Tied CAIR Wants Us to Stop Honoring Soldiers on Memorial Day: Sara Noble
Obama, the Jews, the Muslims, and Us: Michael Ledeen
Mark Levin explains federal court smackdown of Obama’s illegal amnesty: Scoop
Osama and Obama: Dueling Perpetual Grad Students: Ed Driscoll
The Beginning of a New Trail for Reporters: Erick Erickson
Bernie Sanders’ Foul Socialist Odor: Michelle Malkin
Hillary Clinton, The Candidate Who Will Sell You Cheap Crap: Ace
Scott Walker suggests he might skip the Florida primary: The Week
In Baltimore, Social Justice = War: Steve Sailer
Mark Levin Responds to Bircher Nonsense around Article V Convention: Jen Kuznicki
Sunset the Tax Code: Colin HannaIs The 505 Trillion Dollar Interest Rate Derivatives Bubble About to Burst?: Michael Snyder
How study contradicts benefits of H-1B visas: Ishani Duttagupta
Scandal Central
Sure, why not: Hillary never disclosed secret shell company that funnels income to Bill Clinton: Hot AirClinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department: IBTimes
GOP Zeroes In On Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Over Email Controversy: Ela Dutt
Climate & Energy
The Green Behind California’s Greens: Steve MalangaFormer Senator Mary Landrieu is Washington’s newest oil lobbyist: ACC
Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat: Forbes
Al Jazeera Audience Supports ISIS 'Victories': Brian LilleyLiberals Respect Me: Walter Williams
Rep. Alan Grayson "Accidentally" Tweeted "F*ck The Police": Miami New Times
Ann Coulter’s War: Ben Shapiro
University Administration Bloat: The Tail the Size of the Dog: AmInt
Hollywood Liberal Posts Damning Quote Attributed to Ted Cruz — Except It’s Fake: Dave Urbanski
Obama, Anti-Semitism and Iran: Walter Russell MeadObama is Putting Our Nuclear Navy at Risk: RS
Seeking to Spark Sectarian War, ISIS Bombs Saudi Arabia: Ryan Mauro
A Genocide of Christians is Underway - and the West Sleeps: Giulio Meotti
'World encourages violence by condemning Israel constantly': Hayom
E-Bracelets for Pilgrims: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Cambiar
Eurozone debt crisis: A Spanish wake-up call for Europe: Desmond Lachman
Now convoy of Russian tanks arrive by rail at border with Ukraine: Daily Mail
U.S. pushback against Muslim refugees ‘growing’: Leo Hohmann
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
This Stealth Missile Will Use EMPs To Cripple Enemy Electronics: Tyler RogowaySelf-parking Volvo ploughs into journalists: Independent
World’s first robo chef unveiled at the CES in Shanghai: Raif Karerat
Michelle’s Advice To Graduates: Fraternize With the Enemy i.e. that’s us: MOTUSDo You Realize Mad Max: Fury Road Is A Miracle?: Rob Bricken
Easy Math: iOTWreport
Image: Hillary Clinton, The Candidate Who Will Sell You Cheap Crap
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Isn't it time for a real conservative? Ted Cruz 2016: Official Site
QOTD: "OK, it’s not just me, right? This looks bad on a basic level, yes? It is not ridiculous to be upset that the Secretary of State was taking millions of dollars from the countries that she was funneling billions of dollars’ worth of business – weapons business – to, correct? Because as the Hill did not particularly note – but the International Business Times (H/T: Hot Air) did – these weapons sales represent a significant increase (read: ‘doubling’) over arms sales as those made during a similar chronological point in the Bush administration. Simply put: the State Department turned on the arms spigot, and various foreign governments and companies started filling up the Clinton Foundation trough.
So what’s the point? The point, my friends, is that you may now tell your liberal friends and colleagues that Hillary Clinton, by the Left’s own rules, can be fairly called a bloody-handed Merchant of Death* who profited off of the American government’s lucrative arms business. Watching them process that should give you some amusement. Especially when you remind them that they’re voluntarily going to vote for a woman who made money from arming regimes that oppress and execute their own subjects.
*”Lady of War” is far too nice-sounding. I frankly wouldn’t trust her to run a paintball tournament, at this point." --Moe Lane
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
NOT THE ONION: "Marie Harf promoted to senior advisor, will focus on negotiations with Iran"
Gird your loins, my friends.@ZekeJMiller @HotlineJosh @marieharf WWIII, coming right up!
Jason Willoughby (@jpwilloughby) May 26, 2015
The last time we checked in with Marie Harf, she was explaining to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that Iraqi security forces “have held their lines on the outside of the city” — that city being Ramadi, which had just fallen to ISIS. We won’t be seeing as much of Harf on CNN or behind the podium beginning next week, and not for the reasons you’d suspect.
Instead, Harf is being promoted to senior advisor for strategic communications to Secretary of State John Kerry, where she will “continue her work leading on the Iran negotiations communications strategy.”
Yes, exactly like that, except dealing with nuclear weapons negotiations with a hostile nation. a new position? Political appointee? https://t.co/2KLaK2wInX
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) May 27, 2015
Valerie Jarrett and Marie Harf have our backs.
Hat tip: BadBlue News.