Monday, July 31, 2017
POLL CONFIRMS: Democrat Party Now Less Popular Than Lice, Staph Infections and Malaria
Key findings of the “White Working Class Voter Project”:
• By a staggering 35-point margin, Republicans are believed to be more likely to “help improve the economy and create jobs” than Democrats
• Democrats trail on the initial Congressional ballot by 10 points (43% - 33%)
• Republicans are doing better with those under the age of 60 (45 % - 32%) than those over the age of 60 (42% - 34%)
• A majority approve of the job President Trump is doing (52% - 44%)
RUSSIA? No, It was the Democrats and their Rogue IT Staffers Who Subverted Our Democracy
Democrats are the party that think the electoral college is undemocratic but that unelected super-delegates representing party bosses are just fine. They have already forgotten how former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz tipped the scales for Hillary Clinton over a surging Bernie Sanders. She interfered in the 2016 election in ways Vladimir Putin couldn’t even dream of and arguably changed at least the Democratic Party results and campaign timeline.
In all the discussions of the Russians or their operatives hacking into the DNC and exposing the emails documenting DNC corruption and collusion with a single candidate, Hillary Clinton, the content of those emails are shoved aside. The emails documenting subversion of our democracy by Democrats, revealed by Wikileaks, were written by Democrats, not Vladimir Putin:
Larwyn's Linx: A question Schumer and Pelosi should be made to answer right now
A question Schumer and Pelosi should be made to answer right now: Flopping AcesDNC Scandal Shows Just How Much Dirt Dems Wanted to Hide with Trump-Russia: PJM
Biden lobbied McCain on healthcare vote: report: Hill
IT hacker, Imran Awan, and his connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton: Alex Christoforou
El Paso Times Blames U.S. Government For Illegal Alien Deaths: RWN
Hot Take: Opposition To “Government Schools” Is Linked To Confederacy: RWN
Undocumented immigrant charged with illegal dentistry did procedures in NC: WNCN
Atlantic: Intelligence Can Lead to "Pattern Detection," Which Is Racist: Steve Sailer
President Trump didn't, but Obama did: Joe Kidd
Total Public Debt Outstanding Fell $100 Billion Under Trump Administration: PPDSanders: I'm 'absolutely' introducing single-payer healthcare bill: Hill
Venezuela on the Brink: Joseph Klein
Scandal Central
Via WikiLeaks: Pelosi May Have Known About Imran Awan: Joshua CaplanWatch: Trey Gowdy explodes at GOP for refusing to repeal Obamacare after 7 years of promises: Blaze
Sanctuary Madness: Illegal Alien Deported 20 Times Rapes and Beats Elderly Portland Woman: JWF
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Global Warming and Suckers: DeclinationMedia
Washington Post whitewashes California Imam’s “Annihilate the Jews” sermon: LIChris Wallace To Pelosi: You Keep Losing Elections, Do Dems Need New Leaders?: RightPundit
CNN’s Margaret Hoover: Trump Fighting MS-13 Gang to Appeal to ‘White Nationalists’: Tony Lee
John Bolton: Trump Wants to Kill Iran Deal: Lee SmithFormer Muslim Brotherhood Leader Reveals All: Elliot Friedland
The Islamization of History: Uzay Bulut
What Happens When an Imam Calls for Killing Jews: Daniel Greenfield
Marx and Mohammed in Manchester: Sultan Knish
US says time for talk on N. Korea ‘is over’ after second ICBM test: Times of Israel
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Forget Jeff Bezos, Putin Is World's Richest Man, Senate Told: Damien SharkovWhy 2017 is the year of data-driven AI: Matt Bencke
Costs of green electricity driving Aussies off the grid and into poverty: AT
The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 1: Kurt SchlichterBadass Woman Escapes Kidnappers Using A Manual Transmission And Nerves Of Steel: Tom McParland
Detroit 1967: Riot or rebellion?: John Ruberry
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Difference between being a Cubs fan and a socialist? A Cubs fan can point to a success every 108 years
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 31, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
[AT LEAST] 12 Questions for Democrats Behind the Awan Scandal
1. Who coordinated the hiring of the Awan brothers by dozens of Democratic Congressman?
2. Why were they so grossly overcompensated (millions of dollars) for no work?
TWIT: Court Declares Officials Can’t Block People On Social Media
Remember the whole issue about a few whiny unhinged tools attempting to sue because President Trump blocked them on Twitter? Well, there’s this, via Hot Air:
I first wrote about a lawsuit brought by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University a couple of months ago. As you may recall, it involves a group of people who had been blocked on Twitter by President Trump after some of their “constructive criticism” (read: trolling) apparently generated enough spam in his mentions column to be noticed. This was somehow interpreted as a First Amendment violation, leading to the pending lawsuit.
Larwyn's Linx: 'Collusion' Collapses: Dem Congressional Espionage Ring Takes Center Ring
'Collusion' Collapses: Democrat IT Espionage Ring Takes Center Ring: Clarice FeldmanThe Executive Orders That End Obamacare - Once and For All: Wayne Allyn Root
Why Was Wife of DWS’s Swindler Staffer Allowed to Leave the Country?: NRO
Wasserman Schultz ‘Negotiating’ With Police Over Access To Evidence: DC
Fox: Awans Aided Wasserman-Schultz With Voice Altered Phone Calls: ZH
Wasserman Schultz Planned To Pay Suspect Even While He Lived In Pakistan?: DC
How lucky! Wasserman Schultz’s brother will handle Awan case: Unyielding
Complete list of 30 Democrats who used Awan brothers: GWP
Muslim Imam in California: I Apologize for Calling for The Annihilation of all Jews: RWN
Trump To McConnell: Eight Senate Dems Are Making You “Look Like Fools”: Ed Morrissey
Murkowski, McCain Lied to Voters and Saved ObamaCare: IBD
Trump Threatens Congressional Health Insurance Benefits: Roll Call
The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Demagogic Bully: Mark Pulliam
Third suspect wanted in the robberies, kidnappings targeting white people: WIS-TV
Residents In Crime Plagued Cities Turn To Police-Strength Pepper Spray For Self-Defense: Breaking911
Total Government And Personal Debt In The U.S. Has Hit 41 Trillion Dollars: Michael SnyderEU explores account freezes to prevent runs at failing banks: Reuters
Obamacare is bankrupt: who is going to bail it out now?: Winter Solider
Scandal Central
How George Soros is helping Obama Democrats buy their way back to power: Gov. Greg AbbottNSA ‘Intercepts’ Are Undermining First Amendment Rights: Jeff Dunetz
Seth Rich Attended Party with Numerous DC IT Workers the Night He Was Murdered: GWP
Samantha Power Almost Confirmed As Being Behind All The Unmasking Last Year?: Jazz Shaw
Gowdy Backs 2nd Special Counsel to Probe Hillary, Obama, Comey, Rice, Lynch: Sara Noble
Illegal alien criminal deported 20 times, found home in sanctuary city, arrested for brutal rape of elderly woman: BPR
Climate, Energy & Regulations
NY Times: The Next Mass Extinction Is Coming From Carbon Pollution Or Something: RWNMedia
THIS IS CNN: MS-13 gang members attack Trump immigration policy: MirrorIf Kelly and Trump can become a real team, it will be a game changer: Newt Gingrich
CNN Learns They Have Lost The Meme War (Along With Their Raison d’être): WRSA
Vandenberg AFB to test launch ICBM early Wednesday: KSBYTensions flare up between Iranian Revolutionary Guards and US Navy: JPost
No, Islamofascists can't be gently talked out of it: AT
U.S. Warns the World about 19,000 ISIS Fighters on the Loose: Patrick Poole
All eyes on Venezuela as Maduro attempts to install a Cuba-style dictatorship: Babalu
Germany: Muslim “known to police” murders two, cops say “no indications” of terrorism: Robert Spencer
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Amazon under federal investigation over Iran-linked sales, including to person on terrorism list: Ethan BaronSecurity Expert Hacks ATM By Drilling A Hole: TechWorm
The Plot Thickens in the Gnarly Story of IQ and Genetics: Medium
Every TED Talk Ever: BattleSwarmPro-Trump Former Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders is Dumped by Democrat Husband: RWN
It’s the Weekend; Please Sunday Responsibly: MOTUS
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Is Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller going to recuse himself? It looks like he's been compromised. #Politicon2017 #RobertMueller #Uranium
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) July 30, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
TOTALITARIAN MEDIA: Destroying the First Amendment
Once upon a time there was a liberal media. Like most left-leaning institutions it worked hard to prove its progressive premises. Democrats were good and Republicans bad. The police and the military were bad. Social welfare spending and diplomacy were good. Israel was bad and the PLO was good.
This was the thing we used to nostalgically call media bias.
We aren’t dealing with a liberal media anymore, but an illiberal media. The liberal media was content to use its institutional power as a megaphone to broadcast its views. But you could debate those views. Actual conservatives were allowed to write columns, and not just as a strategic attack on some element of the GOP the way it is now, and appear on television to offer opinions, and not just as punching bags.
The liberal media was convinced it would win the argument because it was right.
Larwyn's Linx: Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Pakistani IT Scammers: Andrew C. McCarthyDNC Scandal: all the Dirt Dems Wanted to Hide With Fake Trump-Russia Tale: Tyler O'Neil
Who Paid for the ‘Trump Dossier’?: Kimberley A. Strassel
Where The Scandals Really Are: Scott McKay
Congress must censure Wasserman Schultz: Jennifer Kerns
Wasserman Schultz Avoiding Reporters Since Awan Arrest: Kerry Picket
Mark Levin blows up the Russian scandal: LevinTV
Trump forces out Reince Priebus, names Gen. John Kelly chief of staff: Post
Murkowski Refuses To Explain Why She Lied About Obamacare Repeal: Kerry Picket
California Imam Mahmoud Harmoush Prays for Allah to Destroy the Jews: MEMRI
MEMRI Responds Following Exposure Of Imam Shahin's Antisemitic Sermon: MEMRI
Illegal Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Two Women Had Detainer Ignored: RWN
Same Old “New” Democrats: Steven MalangaScandal Central
Congress Seeks Wasserman Schultz Testimony in IT Scandal Investigation: Adam KredoEvidence Wasserman Schultz Used Pakistani Imran Awan For Dirty Tricks Against Bernie Sanders: RCP
Corruption Scandals Are Piling Up for Democrats: Michael Sainato
Republicans want separate special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton and James Comey: Exam
The judicial war on God and the Declaration of Independence: Daniel Horowitz
Firm behind anti-Trump dossier also worked for Russia, Senate witness says: Brooke Singman
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Coal Is Number One: Stephen MooreA Sharknado Is More Likely Due To ‘Climate Change’ Or Something: RWN
Hill Reporter Lays Into Media on Wasserman Schultz Scandal Cover Up: Charles DorfeuilleRNC Chairwoman Waging One-Woman War Against DWS for Her IT Scammer: Benny Johnson
"The mayor walks around every day with armed security paid for by the taxpayers of Chicago.": Breitbart
How Planned Parenthood Goes After the Kids Who Survive Abortion: Dave Blount
Establishment Reporter Attempts to Claim Credit for Cernovich’s Priebus Scoop: BLP
J.K. Rowling’s lie about Trump and a boy in a wheelchair has 58K+ RTs, and counting: Instapundit
Russia Hits Back Over sanctions, Orders U.S. Diplomats to Leave: WFBIn Sudan, enslavement of non-Muslims is openly practiced, even today: BNI
Gang of Muslims Charged with Terrorizing Liverpool Citizens: LifeZette
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Silicon Valley Censorship: Sam WestropReleased Documents Show More Section 702 Violations By The NSA: Techdirt
Amazon Hosts Robotics Competition To Figure Out How To Replace 230,000 Warehouse Workers: ZH
College Offers Course on Being Transracial: Dave BlountLather, Reince, Repeat: MOTUS
Hillary makes it too easy: Sondrakistan
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "What if, all this time, Washington and the media have had the Russia collusion story backward? What if it wasn’t the Trump campaign playing footsie with the Vladimir Putin regime, but Democrats? The more we learn about Fusion, the more this seems a possibility...
...Mr. Grassley’s call for testimony has uncovered more such stories. Thor Halvorssen, a prominent human-rights activist, has submitted sworn testimony outlining a Fusion attempt to undercut his investigation of Venezuelan corruption. Mr. Halvorssen claims Fusion “devised smear campaigns, prepared dossiers containing false information,” and “carefully placed slanderous news items” to malign him and his activity.
William Browder, a banker who has worked to expose Mr. Putin’s crimes, testified to the Grassley committee on Thursday that he was the target of a similar campaign, saying that Fusion “spread false information” about him and his efforts. Fusion has admitted it was hired by a law firm representing a Russian company called Prevezon...
...If Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Democrats and the media really want answers about Russian meddling, this is a far deeper well than the so-far scant case against Mr. Trump. If they refuse to dive into the story, we’ll know that the truth about Russia and the election was never what they were after." --Kimberley A. Strassel
Friday, July 28, 2017
HOUSE INTEL CHAIR: Obama Staffers Issued HUNDREDS of Illegal Unmasking Requests
After being forced to recuse himself from his committee's investigation of the 'Russian meddling' controversy earlier this year (see: House Intel Committee Chair Nunes Recuses Himself From Russia Probe), Devin Nunes has thrust himself back into the national spotlight by drafting a letter to the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, saying he has evidence that several of Obama's top political aides made hundreds of unmasking requests in the waning days of Obama's administration even though they offered no legitimate reason to do so and some of them didn't even serve in an intelligence position.
FUSION GPS: The Democrat-Russian Assassination Lobby
Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Feinstein and members of the committee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify today on the Russian government’s attempts to repeal the Magnitsky Act in Washington in 2016, and the enablers who conducted this campaign in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, by not disclosing their roles as agents for foreign interests.
Before I get into the actions of the agents who conducted the anti-Magnitsky campaign in Washington for the benefit of the Russian state, let me share a bit of background about Sergei Magnitsky and myself.
I am the founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital Management. I grew up in Chicago, but for the last 28 years I’ve lived in Moscow and London, and am now a British citizen. From 1996 to 2005, my firm, Hermitage Capital, was one of the largest investment advisers in Russia with more than $4 billion invested in Russian stocks.
Larwyn's Linx: Dulles Does Debbie
Dulles Does Debbie: Mark SteynCracks developing in Awan Dam: Thomas Lifson
Imran Awan brothers met for several hours with Obama : Pacific
American Hammer and Sickle: Christian Mercenary
The Trumpening So Far: The Z Man
Bonfire for the Insanities: Matthew Continetti
ICE May Charge Sanctuary City Leaders With Smuggling Charges: RWN
Trump on failed 'skinny' repeal: 3 GOP, 48 Dems 'let American people down': Exam
We Already Know ‘What Happened,’ Hillary: David Harsanyi
Levin: GOP ‘Lied Way Into Office... Greatest Hoax in Modern Politics’: Michael Morris
McCain kills GOP's 'skinny' ObamaCare repeal plan: Alexander Bolton
Ex-Rep. Eric Cantor: Obamacare “Repeal” Was Tactic to Win Elections: Tammy Bruce
Transgender Surgeries Would Cost Pentagon $1.3 Billion: WFBGrifters Cash In on Subsidized Housing: Dave Blount
College Professor Argues in Favor of Murdering Newborns: Dave Blount
Scandal Central
ACLU Uncovers Memos Showing Obama Admin's Spying Violated Civil Liberties: John HaywardFusion GPS Ties To Russia Exposed: Mike Reed
Turkish Reporter Admits Fabricating Kushner Quote That Praised Erdogan: DC
William Browder: Democrat Group Fusion GPS Was Acting On Behalf Of Russia: RCP
Total $ breakdown of each Democrat House Member who had #AwanBrothers on payrol: Pacific
Democrat Bob Brady under federal investigation – media silent: Pacific
Legacy Media Refuse To Cover House IT Scandal Rocking Democrats: Peter HassonMSNBC Analyst Joan Walsh Calls ICE Director ‘Head of Violent Gang’: Alex Griswold
Surprise: National Anthem Protests Biggest Reason People Tuned Out NFL: RWN
Russia suspends use of US Embassy property in Moscow: Adam GarrieWhat Has Happened to Minneapolis?: Valerie Greenfeld
Hamas declares Temple Mount ‘victory,’ calls new 'day of rage': Times of Israel
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Google changes search results to conceal criticism of Islam and jihad: CreepingUS Navy railgun set for its first tests outside the lab: Daily Mail
Gamma ray burst captured in unprecedented detail: Daily Mail
Hillary makes it too easy: SondrakistanSecurity Guard Steals $100K on First Day at Work: Cops: NBC-NY
I Was Once Transgender. Why I Think Trump Made the Right Decision for the Military.: Walt Hheyer
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
How many "news outlets" in US base their "news" stories on info provided to them by Fusion GPS? h/t @AceofSpadesHQ
— Nick Short 🇺🇸 (@PoliticalShort) July 28, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
AND THE HITS JUST KEEP ON COMING: Arrested DNC IT Staffer Owed Money to... Hezbollah Terrorists
Congressional aides suspected of criminally misusing their access to House computer systems owed $100,000 to an Iraqi politician who is wanted by U.S. authorities and has been linked to Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Middle Eastern terrorist outfit.
Imran Awan and four of his relatives were employed as information technology (IT) aides by dozens of House Democrats, including members of the intelligence, foreign affairs and homeland security committees. The aides’ administrator-level IT access was terminated earlier this month amid a criminal probe by U.S. Capitol Police of a suspected security breach, including an off-site server housing congressional data.
The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has reported that while working for Congress, the Pakistani brothers controlled a limited liability corporation called Cars International A (CIA), a car dealership with odd finances, which took–and was unable to repay–a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar.
LEGION OF LIARS: Levin Flays "Republicans" Who Saved Obamacare
Republican senators who voted to block an Obamacare repeal are “hypocrites” and “liars” who ought to be defeated at the ballot box “at all costs,” Mark Levin said during his national radio show.
The Wednesday evening segment came just hours after a “clean repeal” of Obamacare – promoted by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. – was killed in the Senate by a small cadre of seven GOP lawmakers.
Of those, Levin went on to point out, all but Sen. Susan Collins voted for the same bill when it was expected to be vetoed by then-President Obama, but would not do so with a Republican president in the White House.
“The vote today demonstrates that the Republican Party is the party of a progressive movement,” Levin said of the outcome, and that the party of Presidents Ronald Reagan and Calvin Coolidge is gone.
Larwyn's Linx: Democrat IT Spy Tries To Run To Pakistan: We Connect Some Dots For You
Democrat IT Spy Tries To Run To Pakistan: We Connect Some Dots For You: George RasleyHouse Dem IT Scandal Shoes Finally Start Dropping: BattleSwarm
'Get Her iPad For Imran': Wikileaks Email Connects Nancy Pelosi to Imran Awan: InfLib
Will arrested Wasserman Schultz IT aide seek ‘Better Deal’ with prosecutors?: Doug Powers
The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction: Frank Miniter
The Bizarre Criminal Investigation of Schultz’s IT Aide: Jim Geraghty
This Wounded Warrior Just Explained Trump’s Transgender Ban: RS
Trump’s war on sanctuary cities has begun: Dara Lind
114 Arrested In New York ICE Operation: Breaking911
GOP Controlled Senate Looks Towards More “Modest” Overhaul Of Ocare: RWN
Gun Control for Thee, Not for Me: David Boaz
ISIS in Oakland: "Redefine Terror," Kill 10,000, "Whole Bay Area Up in Flames": TR
Sessions, Trump, and the ‘Counterintelligence’ Confusion: Andy McCarthy
Scaramucci On Broad Crackdown On Leaks, Warns He’s ‘Front-Stabbing Person’: Tammy Bruce
Sessions prepares to announce leaks investigation: Axios
Police union president faces death threats after criticizing ‘Black Lives Matter’: Victor Skinner
Polls Don’t Tell the Tale—Trump’s Support is Deep. Here’s Why…: Rabbi Dov Fischer
Killing Words and the First Amendment: Thomas Ascik
Time To Die, Americans: Market-TickerEvergreen State’s Bret Weinstein Sues for Millions Over Hostile Work Environment: Dave Blount
No Legal Standing for Hoplophobic Professors: Dave Blount
Scandal Central
Democratic IT Aide Allegedly Stole House Democrats' Laptops; Wasserman Schultz Fights The Police: DailyWireNSA Whistleblower Thinks He Has Proof DNC Hack Was a “Leak” Not a “Hack”: Sara Noble
Shock Claim: Florida County Has 'Thousands' of Voters Over Age 100: LifeZette
'Fact checking' website Snopes on verge of collapse after founder is accused of fraud, lies: DailyMailVenezuela Descends Into Dictatorship, But Networks Can’t Be Bothered: Mike Ciandella
Twitter Suspends Ricky Vaughn Again After CEO Jack Dorsey Personally Intervenes: Ethan Ralph
The 'Amazon Washington Post,' and Why It Needs to Be Destroyed: Michael Walsh
Cable Networks Black Out Coverage on Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal: WFB
This Is CNN: Wolf Attacks GOP Rep Over Transgender Ban; Gives Softball Interview to Democrat: NB
Always Do More of What the Media Forbids: George Neumayr
Today in Conservative Media: Who Needs a “Better Deal” When Trump’s Given Us the Best?: Osita Nwanevu
Pretty White Australian Girls Lives Matter: Ann Coulter
General: North Korean ICBM Test Was ‘Game Changer’: Bill GertzDo Walls Work? EU Study Suggests... Yes: Rick Moran
The Imminent Death of Venezuelan Democracy: Brian Tomlinson
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
FCC Chair Can't Come Up With a Single Plausible Reason Not to Screw Up the Entire US Internet: Tom McKayMedium snaps up Talkshow and its public chat app: Jon Fingas
As Much as Half of the Milky Way Likely Came From Distant Galaxies: Seeker
Cleveland Tourism Video: BishopVidsThe Boobs and Lipstick Brigade: MOTUS
Horror at the Ohio State Fair: One dead and seven hurt as thrill ride called 'The Fireball' breaks apart: DailyMail
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Thank you Foxconn, for investing $10 BILLION DOLLARS with the potential for up to 13K new jobs in Wisconsin! MadeInTheUSA🇺🇸
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
PHOTOS: Ohio State Fair Tragedy as Ride Malfunctions, Kills One, Wounds Seven
He points us to a fascinating article by the Wall Street Journal's Josh Sandbulte, who notes that taxpayers are subsiding Amazon with a $1.46 payment for each box it delivers.
GO FIGURE: Busted Pakistani IT Staffer for the DNC Lawyers Up With... Clinton Cronies

To recap, a trio of Pakistani brothers (Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan) who managed IT for key Democrats including the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have been accused of improperly accessing data, bank fraud, stealing computers, not showing up for their jobs, and various other crimes.
Former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has played a key role in covering up for the Awan family, refusing to fire Awan for months even after he was the target of multiple investigations, preventing the FBI from accessing hard-drives, and going so far as to threaten police for seizing Democrats' computers as evidence.
And earlier today, Jordan Schachtel of Conservative Review reports that the Clinton syndicate is now involved with defending the (ahem, alleged) primary perp, Imran Awan:
Larwyn's Linx: DNC IT Aide Arrested At Airport After Wiring $300k To Pakistan From House Office
DNC IT Aide Arrested At Airport After Wiring $300k To Pakistan From House Office: DNCMark Levin rips apart Chuck Schumer’s ‘better deal’ bullcrap: Chris Pandolfo
Policing for Profit: Jeff Sessions & Co.’s Thinly Veiled Plot to Rob Us Blind: Whitehead
Capitol Hill Republicans — Starting With Paul Ryan — Need a Backbone: Jeffrey Lord
A Busy House: Jim Geraghty
Jeff Sessions Is Indeed on the Way Out: Arnold Steinberg
If You Doubt That Western Values Are Superior, Think Again: WFP
California: Imam Prays Muslims Can ‘Play a Part’ in Annihilation of Jews: Creeping
The President’s Pardon Power Is Absolute : Michael Stokes Paulsen
9 Senate Republicans vote against latest repeal, replace ObamaCare proposal: Fox
Senate blocks proposal to repeal and replace ObamaCare: Fox
Republicans Are Squandering An Opportunity They Never Thought They’d Get: EIB
Banks Are Scheming to Dominate a Future Cashless Society: AntimediaScandal Central
Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying: John SolomonReport: Obama Holdovers Slow-Roll Release of Clinton Emails: Kristina Wong
Wasserman-Schultz IT Staffer Imran Awan Arrested at Airport While Trying to Flee U.S.: GWP
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Al Gore Unable To Answer When Asked About Bogus 2006 Claims On ‘Climate Change’: RWNMedia
Networks Cover Up Wasserman Schultz’s Shady IT Staffer Being Arrested, Fired: Curtis HouckSearch results ‘NBC News’ for Imran Awan: Pacific
Imran Awan is also a writer for CNN!: Pacific
The Decline and Fall of The Economist: Conrad Black
Tucker Responds to Maxine Waters Calling 'TCT' Racist: FNI
Classic Children’s Book Rewritten to Comply With Current Liberal Ideology: Dave Blount
US Navy ship fires warning shots at Iranian naval vessel: DailyMailTrump warns ’emboldened’ Iran to comply with nuclear deal: Foreign Desk
In surprise move, EU court says Hamas to stay on list of terror groups: Times of Israel
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
US Navy reveals the latest test of electromagnetic railgun: DailyMail10 Exoskeletons to Make You Superhuman : Seeker
China builds one of the world's largest 'hack-proof' quantum computer networks: DailyMail
Bernie Sanders Accused of Routinely Stealing Neighbor’s Paper: Dave BlountMichelle Malkin Launches New Political Committee: ‘Conservatives For Maxine Waters For President’: RWN
47 Years of Racial Healing: MOTUS
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
QOTD: "What Trump is talking about here is: Why aren’t these Republican committees, why aren’t these Republican investigators — why isn’t my attorney general — looking into Hillary Clinton’s crimes? If you’re gonna investigate what-all went on with Russia, how in the world do you leave the Democrats out of it? How do you leave Hillary Clinton out of it? The Republicans run the show! It’s time for the Republicans to start acting like it." --Rush Limbaugh
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP: Try This One Simple Trick to Focus Congress on Killing Obamacare
It might concentrate the minds of reluctant Republicans wonderfully, and perhaps some Democrats as well, if they were subject to the rules and regulations of the rotting dead fish known as ObamaCare. Then they might see the pitfalls and hardships of their constituents who lost their doctors, lost their plans, have premiums larger than mortgage payments, and deductibles so high their insurance cards are worthless.
As Heather R. Higgins, CEO of Independent Women’s Voice and head of the Repeal and Reform coalition, notes:
If President Trump is serious about repealing ObamaCare—about delivering a better policy with more choice and lower costs—there’s a simple move he could make that wouldn’t require congressional approval. It would align the interests of lawmakers and their staffers with the interests of voters.
ALT-LEFT MEDIA HARDEST HIT: Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Apprehended Trying to Flee Country
Feds/USCP bust Hse IT staffer Imran Awan & charge him with multiple counts of bank fraud as part of Hse IT procurement scandal
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 25, 2017
Larwyn's Linx: Trump Needs To Be Smart About How He Fires Mueller
Trump Needs To Be Smart About How He Fires Mueller: Kurt SchlichterEnemy Within: Paul Ryan Defends Mueller: He's 'Anything But' Dem Partisan: GWP
Judge allows Trump commission’s voter data request to proceed: Spencer S. Hsu
Statism’s Violent Wages: Angelo M. Codevilla
Transgender Toolkit Available for Minnesota Public Schools: RWN
Chuck Schumer's Shot At Hillary Clinton: WaPo
Trump: Sessions ‘Very Weak’ on Investigating Clinton, Intelligence Leakers: David Rutz
Forget Russia. I'd fire Jeff Sessions over civil forfeiture.: Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Exclusive: Trump ponders Rudy Giuliani for attorney general: Mike Allen
Democrats Desperately Attempt To Regain Relevance With Midwest Voters: ZH
Michigan Takes Female Genital Mutilators to Court: Lloyd Billingsley
Trayvon Martin Being Awarded Posthumous Degree: RWN
Colleges Stop Exorbitant Price Increases After Congress Caps Student Loans: Eric OwensTo Eliminate Obamacare Stress the Three Cs: Choice, Competition, and Cost Reduction: Stephen Moore
The last bastion of the department store has fallen: Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz
Scandal Central
Fmr CIA Director John Brennan Calls For Coup If Trump Fires Robert Mueller: InfLibVerizon Throttles Netflix Subscribers In 'Test' It Doesn't Inform Customers About: Karl Bode
Berkeley Radio Station Cancels Richard Dawkins Event Over His Criticism Of Islam: John Sexton
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Another paper confirms “the pause” in global warming : WUWTMedia
Levin: We'll Lose The Country If We Don't Have A Reawakening Of Americanism: Aaron BandlerHannity Urges Viewers to Troll ‘Fake News’ Tapper and ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Stelter on Twitter: Justin Baragona
White House: Schiff Has Done 14 Hours of TV Interviews Since Trump Took Office: David Rutz
Bombshell: Vox Geniuses Figure Out Calling People Racist Isn’t Working: JWF
Black NY Times Reporter Denounces White Women: RWN
Reporter mocks Dems’ latest slogan: Kyle Olson
Trump son-in-law details contacts with Russians, denies collusion: FoxBizWhy Intellectuals Hate Capitalism: Elephant
Something Odd Noticed in Story of Texas Illegal Migrants Killed in Semi: Treehouse
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Robotic Systems Disruption in Practice: Global GuerillasThe Rise and Fall of Ruby on Rails: Kristoffer Frisch-Ekenes
Robots Learn to Speak Body Language: IEEE Spectrum
Mike Tyson Says Conor McGregor Will 'Get Killed' in Floyd Mayweather Fight: Timothy RappMichael Phelps Disappoints America, Does Not Get Eaten By a Shark on TV: Kevin Fallon
John McAfee reportedly lands in hospital after attack: Charlie Osborne
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund
Same folks who mocked govt death panels kind of quiet about Charlie Gard.
— Razor (@hale_razor) July 24, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
SNOPES TAKEN HOSTAGE: Left-wing "fact-checker" reveals it has lost control of its website

Lacapria had earlier declared herself "openly left-leaning" and very liberal. She has tarred conservatives as "teahadists" who "fear female agency".
After joining Snopes, Lacapria quickly found herself and the site embroiled in controversy as her various posts read like Democrat op-eds and not any sort of fact-checking.
#FakeMedia Curiously Silent as FBI Seizes Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home
FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation.
Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to get the hard drives back, an individual whom FBI investigators interviewed in the case told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
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Everything begins to make sense when you learn CNN HQ was built on an abandoned psychedelic HR Pufnstuf theme park
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 23, 2017