Health Care Bill

ObamaCare: Dithering While the Economy Burns: Patterico
It's About Sacrifice: DaleyGator
How a Life Ends: Fausta
Dems look to ditch Stupak Amendment: GOPleader
Tears, tempers fly in Nancy Pelosi's campaign: Politico
The President of Resentment: AT (Lewis)Police Report: Gladney Beating by SEIU Thugs: BigGov
Pfizer abandons infamous Kelo site: Examiner
Feds dropped investigation of Hasan because...: Ace
Ignoring Infiltration: AT
Perfect: Holder to speak at CAIR event: Riehl
Peters on Fatal Political Correctness: Aces
An Execution in Virginia: Grand Rants
The Market High: ATWho cares about consistency?: Gormogons
Will 'Strap-On Keith' Apologize for Smearing Fox's Peter Johnson, Jr?: Strap-On WatchCNN Struggles More But the Damned Facts Keep Coming Out: Ace
Leftists complain: Conservatives selling too many books: Surber
CNN Tries to Talk to Peaceful Moderate Muslims, Interviews AQ-Linked Leader of Muslim Jihad Camp Instead: TAB
Searching for the wrong Muslim backlash: CFB
Melanie Phillips: 'This is Marxist doctrine': RBO
Fond Remembrances of the Good Old Stasi: Anchoress
Climate & Energy
How to make young drivers better in MI? Why push global warming junk science in drivers ed of course!: BlogProfWorld
Scotland Yard, FBI stop attack on NYC subway: ATIranian Rockets Captured by Israel Identical to Rockets Fired At U.S. Bases in Iraq: PJM (Owens)
Figures: Obama Skips Anniversary of Wall, Sends Video, Talks About Himself: GWP
Paul Rahe: Obama's Gestures, Part IV: Power Line
Obama's Middle East Policy Falls Apart: AT
Indiana base hosts training exercise simulating nuclear attack on U.S. city: WISH-TV
Obama on Fall of Berlin Wall: No One Could Have Forseen on That Day That German Ally America Would Be Led By Man Like Me: Ace
'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism': PJM (Belmont)
DHS Warning: Muslim Americans At Risk: Atlas
What beautiful HTML looks like: CSS TricksCornucopia
Ultimate fighting championship of catfights: Viral FootageHeadline Wrapup: IowaHawk
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