
Three Suspects Arrested in Connection with Boston Bombing: Sentinel
Timely: FBI Releases Images of Benghazi Suspects : Riehl
Accommodationism On Parade: Torch
We Can Win. But Only if We Fight to Win: Erickson
Fresh Idiocy From The ‘Get A Life’ Files: HayRide
The Camp Bastion Cover-Up: Malkin
“Progressive” Action List – Destroy the Military, Defeat the “Right”: Loudon
Gore: I Averted "A Violent Revolution": RCP
Fed: We Need To Keep Monetizing Debt Because It Isn’t Working: KruiserEmployee Benefits Fall As Firms Brace For ObamaCare: IBD
The “Most Overpriced, Oversupplied, Over-owned Market in History”: Yahoo!
Another Obamacare glitch: Landmark study proves Medicaid is useless: Peth
Train Wreck: ObamaCare Blocking Job Creation, Economic Growth: IBD
Fed's QE Exit Will More Than Quadruple Interest Costs For The US: ZH
Scandal Central
Docs Show Napolitano Thanked Missouri Governor For Breaking State Law : RSFDA Rules 15-Year Olds Can Buy Abortion Pills Over-the-Counter: Foundry
Tsarnaev Was Too Dangerous For Mecca, But Not Boston: IBD
Climate & Energy
Another Electric Car Maker Goes Up In Flames: ZHMedia
PROFILING: 30 of the 31 FBI Most Wanted Terrorists Are Muslims: Nice DebAP Edits ‘Muslim’ Out of Obama’s ‘Muslim Socialist’ WHCD Joke: RWN
Niall Ferguson to Paul Krugman: You’re Still Wrong About Government Spending: Yahoo!
Rush Limbaugh and the Need for Spine: Erickson
What Should States Do When the Federal Government Usurps Power? Advice From James Madison: Outpost
Harry Reid Says He “Agrees” Obamacare Could Be A “Train Wreck”: WZ
Think Progress award-winning blogger charged with faking her own Hate Crime: This Ain't Hell
The Dreaded Wyoming GOP Facebook ‘Hatef–-’ Rapist Has Been Apprehended: RSM
Krauthammer: Carney saying Benghazi happened a long time ago is “definition of chutzpah”: Scoop
Whistleblower: Obama Administration Refuses to Capture Terrorist Behind Benghazi 9-11: GWPIranian Officials: Iran Transferred Fajr-5 Missiles To Gaza, Which Were Fired At Israel: MEMRI
GREAT NEWS: Chicago: Muslim doctor opening surgery center he says will follow sharia law: Creeping
Sci-Tech (courtesy
Hands on: 18 hours with Google Glass: FoxWorld's Smallest Movie Is IBM's Science Blockbuster: TNW
Apple sells a record $17 billion in debt: CNet
Navy SEALs 'make James Bond look like a wimp': NBCOur precious Bunni has crossed the Rainbow Bridge: Adrienne
Top Obama Tech and Political Staffers Launch Consulting Firm: Mashable
Image: BarkingCrayon
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Dial (202) 224-5922 and thank Ted Cruz for standing up for us
QOTD: "The simple fact of the matter is the [GOP] establishment doesn’t want to fight. What exactly have House Republicans accomplished this year? They kicked off the new Congress with a massive tax hike, they adopted a $60 billion Sandy “emergency” appropriation that was loaded with unrelated spending, they passed a budget balanced on the back of higher Obamacare and fiscal cliff taxes, and they passed a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which violates states’ jurisdiction over criminal law.
But it’s far worse than that. John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy won’t even pretend to fight. Boehner basically plays a game of chicken by stepping aside and saying “you win.” And, he has publicly said he won’t shut the government down. The House “leadership” is running scared from the debt ceiling… and was dead set against Obamacare de-funding. Today, the House “leadership” is telling folks on the Hill it won’t fight the Farm bill. And on immigration – forget it… everyone is running around listening to consultants saying this is the way to win Hispanic votes.
The fact of the matters is that the gun bill would be law if Lee, Cruz and Paul had not made a fight out of the issue. It’s an invaluable lesson in what can happen when even just a few people with backbone stand up and do the right thing. The leadership had no plan and was hoping to win by offering a substitute. We needed time over recess to gain “no” votes. And absent forcing a tough 60 vote threshold vote on the motion to proceed to identify the 31 no votes – and thus, the 10 votes needed to block – we wouldn’t have been able to get there.
Rand, Mike and Ted have been changing the conversation – giving real hope to full repeal of Obamacare, standing up against the hawks and the establishment with the filibuster, and taking the fight to them on guns. We can turn back the tide of destruction in Washington, coming from both President Obama and some Republicans, but we need more of the likes of Cruz, Paul and Lee, not less. We need more Republicans willing to fight to hold the line…and we can’t be deceived by those who’ve moved left and proclaim themselves planted on solid ground." --Erick Erickson
15 years old and the "abortion" pill. In most states, it's rape to have sex with a 15 year old. Could the pill be considered destruction of rape evidence?
Load up your printers with ink and your printing tray with paper and labels. We can further soften these RINO's with a flood of demand action letters.
surfin' bird
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