Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Janet Incompetano strikes again: New York City air traveler arrives in Egypt with guns, bullets and knives in baggage

I feel like I'm wrapped in a warm cocoon of safety knowing that Janet Napolitano is always on watch. Like a falcon. Or a crow. Or something scary.

Egyptian authorities detained a passenger arriving at Cairo airport from New York on Wednesday after finding guns, bullets and knives in his baggage, an airport official told AFP.

Mohamed Ibrahim Marei, a US university professor of Egyptian origin, had flown in on an Egyptair flight from New York's JFK airport.

Customs officials noticed the passenger looked nervous and decided to open his luggage. They found two handguns and 250 bullets hidden in metal boxes, the official said on condition of anonymity.

In a secret compartment in the bag, authorities also found two swords, five daggers and six knives, he added.

We're in the best of hands.

Update: Pamela Geller has more troubling information.


Phil said...

"Customs officials noticed the passenger looked nervous and decided to open his luggage."

That's what you call...
facial profiling!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anyone who honestly believes that the man on the Arsenal, the story to post. It is obvious that all the weapons he had checked into a suitcase, flying inaccessible to her. Although it is a legal way to ship weapons into the U.S., apparently it is not in Egypt, and that is why he is in trouble. (He probably already own two hands may be missing. ... Both your head) You see, Egypt, the "religion of peace in countries like thrall" to control violence in their country too are concerned about . Hack someone's head off if you're going, make sure it is a good reason, as "he saw a boy."
usb flash drive

Goji said...

This post contain honestly reference.
Customs officials noticed the passenger looked nervous and decided to open his luggage. They found two handguns and 250 bullets hidden in metal boxes, the official said on condition of anonymity.

portable media player said...

Although it is a legal way to send weapons to the United States apparently is in Egypt, which is why it is struggling. (Probably the head and two hands can be of two missing) See, Egypt, religion of peace in the country as a slave to control violence in their countries also are concerned.
portable media player